Interfaces | Description |
Initializing with a JSON String | |
Initializing with a Configuration File Path | |
Initializing with a Configuration Path and License Path (Private) | |
Initializing with a JSON String and License Path (Private) |
Interfaces | Description |
Registration Signaling Status Callback | |
Registration of video connection status callback | |
Registration of latency status callback | |
Registration of video media and network status callback | |
Registration of audio media and network status callback | |
Registration of external encoding suggestion callback (for external encoding) |
Interfaces | Description |
Starting the SDK | |
Stopping the SDK |
Interfaces | Description |
Inputting External Source Video Stream (Image Data) | |
Register Video Capture Data Callback Function | |
Inputting External Source Video Stream (Encoded Data) | |
Inputting External Audio Stream (PCM Data) |
Interfaces | Description |
Start Camera Capture | |
Stop camera capture
Interfaces | Description |
Send data to remote devices | |
Register callback for remote device control messages |
Interfaces | Description |
Register callback for remote device permission request notification | |
Set remote device operation permissions |
Interfaces | Description |
Reconfigure field device video stream, only supports reconfiguration of extended capture protocols such as normal/combine/rtsp_enc |
Interfaces | Description |
Mute Settings | |
Retrieve the Number of Audio Capture/Playback Devices | |
Retrieve the Name of Audio Capture/Playback Devices | |
Change the Current Audio Capture/Playback Device |
Interfaces | Description |
Register Log Callback Function | |
Register Error Event Callback | |
API for Retrieving Error Information Based on Error Code |
Interfaces | Description |
Start Recording | |
Sending Recording Data | |
Switching Recording File | |
End recording |
Interfaces | Description |
Testing if the network quality meets the requirements for video transmission, can be used to check the network at startup |
Interfaces | Description |
Get the software version number |
/** @name : TRRO_initGwJson* @brief : Initializing with a String* @input : json_str Configuration file JSON string* @input : mode 0 synchronous mode, always waiting* -1 asynchronous mode, notify TRRO_onSignalState after successful initialization* @return : 1 for success, other failed*/int TRRO_initGwJson(const char * json_str, int mode = 0);
Parameters | Meaning |
json_str | Configuration information JSON string |
mode | Return mode 0: Synchronous blocking mode 1: Asynchronous mode |
/** @name : TRRO_initGwPath* @brief : Initializing with a configuration file* @input : cfg_path JSON configuration file path, e.g. "./config.json"* @input : mode 0 synchronous mode, always waiting* -1 asynchronous mode, TRRO_onSignalState information after successful initialization* @return : 1 for success, other failed*/int TRRO_initGwPath(const char * cfg_path, int mode = 0);
Parameters | Meaning |
cfg_path | Configuration file path |
mode | Return mode 0: Synchronous blocking mode 1: Asynchronous mode |
/** @name : TRRO_initGwPathWithLicense* @brief : Initializing with a Configuration File and Local License* @input : cfg_path JSON configuration file path, e.g. "./config.json"* @input : license_path license file path, e.g. "./license.txt"* @input : mode 0 synchronous mode, always waiting* -1 asynchronous mode, notify TRRO_onSignalState after successful initialization* @return : 1 for success, other failed*/int TRRO_initGwPathWithLicense(const char * cfg_path, const char * license_path, int mode = 0);
Parameters | Meaning |
cfg_path | Configuration file name |
license_path | Local license file path |
mode | Return mode 0: Synchronous blocking mode 1: Asynchronous mode |
/** @name : TRRO_initGwJsonWithLicense* @brief : Initializing with a String and Local License* @input : json_str Configuration file JSON string* @input : license_path license file path, e.g. "./license.txt"* @input : mode initialization mode* 0 synchronous mode, always waiting* -1 asynchronous mode, notify TRRO_onSignalState after successful initialization* @return : 1 for success, other failed*/int TRRO_initGwJsonWithLicense(const char * json_str, const char * license_path, int mode = 0);
Parameters | Meaning |
json_str | Configuration file JSON string |
license_path | license path |
mode | Return mode 0: Synchronous blocking mode 1: Asynchronous mode |
/** @name : TRRO_registerSignalStateCallback* @brief : Register signaling service connection status callback* @input : context Context pointercallback Callback function* @return : 1 for success, other failed*/int TRRO_registerSignalStateCallback(void *context, TRRO_onSignalState *callback);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | target remote device id |
callback | the permission to be set |
Callback Definitionenum SignalState {kTrroReady = 0, /**< Connection established successfully */kTrroLost = 1, /**< Connection lost, automatic reconnection will be attempted internally */kTrroReup = 2, /**< Automatic reconnection successful */kTrroKickout = 3,kTrroAuthFailed = 4, /**< Incorrect username or password */};/** @name : TRRO_onSignalState* @brief : Signaling connection status callback* @input : context Context pointer* state kTrroReady Connection established successfully* kTrroLost Connection lost, automatic reconnection will be attempted internally* kTrroReup Automatic reconnection successful* @return : void*/typedef void TRRO_onSignalState(void *context, SignalState state);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | Callback context pointer, returns the context passed during registration |
state | Signaling connection status |
/*** @name TRRO_registerOnState* @brief Register video connection status callback function* @param[in] context Context pointer* @param[in] callback Callback function* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_registerOnState(void* context, TRRO_OnState * callback);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | Context pointer, returned during callback for positioning |
callback | the permission to be set |
Callback Function Definitionenum TrroState {kDisconnect = 0, /**< Disconnected */kConnecting = 1, /**< Connecting */kConnected = 2, /**< Connected */kDisconnecting = 3, /**< Disconnecting */};/*** @name TRRO_onState* @brief Video connection status callback* @param[in] context Context pointer* @param[in] stream_id video stream id* @param[in] state TrroState connection status* @return void*/typedef void TRRO_OnState(void* context, int stream_id, int state);
/*** @name TRRO_registerLatencyCallback* @brief Register latency callback function* @param[in] context Context pointer* @param[in] callback Callback function* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_registerLatencyCallback(void *context, TRRO_onLatencyReport *callback);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | target remote device id |
callback | the permission to be set |
/*** @name TRRO_onLatencyReport* @brief Delayed message callback* @param[in] context Context pointer* @param[in] stream_id Stream ID* @param[in] vcct Video control closed-loop delay, equal to video uplink delay (excluding capture) + control downlink delay* @return void*/typedef void TRRO_onLatencyReport(void *context, int stream_id, int vcct);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | target remote device id |
stream_id | Stream ID |
vcct | Video control closed-loop delay, equal to video uplink delay (excluding capture) + control downlink delay |
/*** @name TRRO_registerMediaState* @brief Register network status* @param[in] context Context pointer* @param[in] callback Callback function* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_registerMediaState(void* context, TRRO_onMediaState * callback);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | target remote device id |
callback | Media status callback function |
/*** @name TRRO_onMediaState* @brief Media transmission status callback* @param[in] context Callback context pointer* @param[in] stream_id Stream ID* @param[in] fps Frames per second* @param[in] bps Bits per second* @param[in] rtt Round-trip time* @param[in] lost Total packet loss* @param[in] packets_send Total number of packets sent* @param[in] stun NAT traversal mode 0: host, 1: srflx, 2: prflx, 3: relay* @return void*/typedef void TRRO_onMediaState(void* context, int stream_id, int fps, int bps, int rtt, long long lost, long long packets_send, int stun);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | target remote device id |
stream_id | Stream ID |
fps | Frames per second |
bps | Data per second |
rtt | Packet round-trip time |
lost | Total packet loss |
packets_send | Total sent count |
stun | NAT Traversal Mode 0:host 1:srflx 2:prflx 3:relay |
/*** @name TRRO_registerAudioMediaState* @brief Registering Audio Status Callback* @param[in] context Context pointer* @param[in] callback Callback function* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_registerAudioMediaState(void* context, TRRO_onMediaState * callback);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | target remote device id |
callback | Media status callback function |
/*** @name TRRO_registerEncodeFrameInfoCallback* @brief Registering Encoding Suggestion Callback Function* @param[in] context Context pointer* @param[in] callback Callback function* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_registerEncodeFrameInfoCallback(void *context, TRRO_onEncodeFrameInfo *callback);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | Context pointer, returned during callback for positioning |
callback | the permission to be set |
Callback Function Definition/*** @name TRRO_onEncodeFrameInfo* @brief Encoding suggestion callback, applicable to external input encoding frame scenarios* @param[in] context Context pointer* @param[in] stream_id Stream ID* @param[in] type Callback type, 0: Force keyframe request, 1: Bitrate update request* @param[in] bitrate Effective when type is 1, indicates the suggested input encoding data bitrate, in kbps* @return void*/typedef void TRRO_onEncodeFrameInfo(void *context, int stream_id, int type, int bitrate);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | Callback context pointer, returns the context passed during registration |
strem_id | Stream ID |
type | Callback Type 0: Force keyframe request 1: Bitrate update request |
bitrate | Effective when type is 1, indicates the suggested input encoding data bitrate, in kbps |
/*** @name TRRO_start* @brief Start the audio and video transmission service, to be called after successful initialization (synchronous mode init returns success or asynchronous mode initialization TRRO_onSignalState notifies the connection is Ready)* @param[in] void* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_start();
/*** @name TRRO_stop* @brief Destroy the SDK and release SDK resources* @param[in] void* @return void*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT void TRRO_stop();
/*** @name TRRO_externalVideoData* @brief External Image Input API* @param[in] stream_id Stream ID* @param[in] data Message body* @param[in] width Data source width* @param[in] height Data source height* @param[in] type Data source type, currently supports Trro_ColorYUVI420, Trro_ColorJPEG, Trro_ColorYUYV* @param[in] dataSize Data size, automatically calculated based on format if 0, must specify for data like JPEG with no specific size* @param[in] text String to overlay on image (experimental)* @param[in] point_x Starting x-coordinate for overlay text, 0 at the leftmost (experimental)* @param[in] point_y Starting y-coordinate for overlay text, 0 at the top (experimental)* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_externalVideoData(int stream_id, const char * data, int width, int height, int type, int dataSize = 0, const char* text = "", int point_x = 0, int point_y = 0);
Parameters | Meaning |
stream_id | Video stream ID, starting from 0, the second stream is 1, and so on |
data | Image data |
width | Image width |
height | Image height |
type | Image type 0:YUVI420 4:YUYV 5: JPEG, YUVI420 format recommended |
dataSize | Image data size, 0 for auto calculation, must specify for image formats like JPEG with no fixed size |
text | Reserved |
point_x | Reserved |
point_y | Reserved |
/*** @name TRRO_registerVideoCaptureCallback* @brief Register video capture data callback function* @param[in] context Context pointer* @param[in] callback Callback function* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_registerVideoCaptureCallback(void* context, TRRO_onVideoCaptureData * callback);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | target remote device id |
callback | the permission to be set |
/*** @name TRRO_onVideoCaptureData* @brief Video frame capture callback* @param[in] context Context pointer, returns the context passed in during registration* @param[in] data Video data* @param[in] width Width* @param[in] height Height* @param[in] type Video format, 0 YUV420, 4 YUYV* @param[in] stream_id Stream number* @return void*/typedef void TRRO_onVideoCaptureData(void *context, const char* data, int width, int height, int type, int stream_id);
Parameters | Meaning |
remote_devid | Set the target device ID for permissions |
data | Video Data |
width | Video data width |
height | Video data height |
type | Video format: 0 YUV420 4 YUYV |
stream_id | Stream number |
/*** @name TRRO_externalEncodeVideoData* @brief External encoded stream input, the encoded stream codec needs to be consistent with the configuration codec* @param[in] stream_id Stream ID* @param[in] data Message body* @param[in] width Data source width* @param[in] height Data source height* @param[in] size Data size* @param[in] type Data source type, refer to FrameType* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_externalEncodeVideoData(int stream_id, const char * data, int width, int height, int size, FrameType type);
Parameters | Meaning |
stream_id | Video stream ID, starting from 0, the second stream is 1, and so on |
data | Video stream data |
width | Video width |
height | Video height |
size | Video frame size |
type | Encoding type 0: P frame 1: I frame (must include SPS/PPS information) |
/*** @name TRRO_externAudioData(Experimental)* @brief External audio data input (PCM data), 16-bit audio sampling* @param[in] data Source data* @param[in] data_size Data size* @param[in] channel Number of audio channels* @param[in] sample_rate Audio sample rate* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_externAudioData(const char* data, int data_size, int channel, int sample_rate);
Parameters | Meaning |
data | Audio stream data |
data_size | Data size |
channel | Number of channels 1: Mono 2: Stereo |
sample_rate | Sampling frequency, supports 8k/16k/24k/32k/44.1k/48kHz, for example, 48k sampling rate input is 48000 |
/*** @name TRRO_sendControlData* @brief Send data to remote devices* @param[in] msg Message body* @param[in] len Message body length* @param[in] qos 0:unreliable 1:reliable* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_sendControlData(const char* msg, int len, int qos = 0);
Parameters | Meaning |
msg | Binary message content |
len | Message length |
qos | Send qos type 0: unreliable transmission 1: Reliable Transmission |
/*** @name TRRO_registerControlDataCallback* @brief Register Remote Device Message Callback Function* @param[in] context Context pointer, returns this context pointer during callback* @param[in] callback Callback function* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_registerControlDataCallback(void* context, TRRO_onControlData * callback);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | Context pointer, the context indicator will be returned upon callback for localization |
callback | the permission to be set |
Callback Function Definition/*** @name TRRO_onControlData* @brief Receive Remote Device Message Callback* @param[in] context Context pointer, returns the context passed in during registration* @param[in] controller_id Remote device ID* @param[in] msg Message body* @param[in] len Message body length* @param[in] qos Message qos type 0:unreliable, 1:reliable* @return void*/typedef void TRRO_onControlData(void *context, const char *controller_id, const char* msg, int len, int qos);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | Callback context, returns the context passed in during registration |
controller_id | Field Device ID |
msg | pointer to the data buffer |
len | String Length |
qos | Message qos type 0: ultra-low latency transmission, data lost is allowed 1: Reliable Transmission |
/*** @name TRRO_registerOperationPermissionRequest* @brief Register callback for remote device control permission request notification* @param[in] context Context pointer* @param[in] callback Callback function* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_registerOperationPermissionRequest(void *context, TRRO_onOperationPermissionRequest *callback);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | target remote device id |
callback | the permission to be set |
/*** @name TRRO_onOperationPermissionRequest* @brief Notification of remote device control permission request* @param[in] remote_devid Remote device ID requesting permission* @param[in] permission Requested permission, refer to TrroPermission, 0: guest (view only), 1: master (full control)* @return void*/typedef void TRRO_onOperationPermissionRequest(void* context, const char* remote_devid, int permission);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | target remote device id |
remote_devid | Remote device ID requesting permission |
permission | Requested permissions, see TrroPermission 0:guest (view-only permission) 1:master (full control permission) |
/*** @name TRRO_setOperationPermission* @brief Set remote device control permissions. Currently, only one remote device can have master permission at a time. If a remote device already has master permission, calling this API to set master permission will automatically revoke the previous device's master permission and set the new device.* @param[in] remote_devid Remote device ID to set permissions* @param[in] permission Refer to TrroPermission, 0 guest, view only, 1 master, full control* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_setOperationPermission(const char* remote_devid, int permission);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | target remote device id |
callback | the permission to be set |
/*** @name TRRO_reinitRtc(Experimental)* @brief Reconfiguration, currently only supports resetting extended capture protocols such as normal/combine/rtsp_enc* @param[in] config Reconfigure JSON Data*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_reinitRtc(const char * config);
Parameters | Meaning |
config | Reconfigure JSON Data |
/*** @name TRRO_audioMute(Experimental)* @brief Mute the audio of the remote deviceID* @param[in] userid Pullstream End ID* @param[in] mute Whether to mute* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_audioMute(const char* userid, bool mute);
Parameters | Meaning |
userid | remote deviceID |
mute | Whether to mute |
/*** MediaDeviceType device type enumeration*/enum MediaDeviceType {///Microphone type deviceMediaDeviceTypeMic = 0,///Speaker type deviceMediaDeviceTypeSpeaker = 1,};/*** @name TRRO_getDeviceCount(Experimental)* @brief Query the number of audio devices based on MediaDeviceType.* @param[in] type Audio device type* @return Number of devices*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_getDeviceCount(MediaDeviceType type);
Parameters | Meaning |
MediaDeviceType | Audio device types: Microphone (MediaDeviceTypeMic), Speaker (MediaDeviceTypeSpeaker) |
/*** @name TRRO_getDeviceName(Experimental)* @brief Query the device name based on MediaDeviceType and index.* @param[in] type Device type* @param[in] index Device index, value is [0, TRRO_getDeviceCount)* @return Device name, returns null on failure*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT const char* TRRO_getDeviceName(MediaDeviceType type, int index);
Parameters | Meaning |
MediaDeviceType | Audio device types: Microphone (MediaDeviceTypeMic), Speaker (MediaDeviceTypeSpeaker) |
index | Audio device index, value is [0, TRRO_getDeviceCount) |
/*** @name TRRO_setCurrentDevice(Experimental)* @brief Set the current capture or playback device based on MediaDeviceType and index.* @param[in] type Device type* @param[in] index Device index, value is [0, TRRO_getDeviceCount)* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_setCurrentDevice(MediaDeviceType type, int index);
Parameters | Meaning |
MediaDeviceType | Audio device types: Microphone (MediaDeviceTypeMic), Speaker (MediaDeviceTypeSpeaker) |
index | Audio device index, value is [0, TRRO_getDeviceCount) |
/*** @name TRRO_registerLogCallback* @brief Register log callback function* @param[in] context Context pointer* @param[in] callback Callback function* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_registerLogCallback(void *context, TRRO_OnLogData *callback);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | target remote device id |
callback | the permission to be set |
/*** @name TRRO_OnLogData* @brief Log callback* @param[in] context Context pointer* @param[in] msg Log content* @param[in] level Log level, refer to the enumeration TrroLogLevel* @return void*/typedef void TRRO_OnLogData(void *context, const char *msg, int level);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | target remote device id |
msg | Log content |
level | Log level, refer to the enumeration TrroLogLevel |
/*** @name TRRO_registerOnErrorEvent* @brief Register error event callback function* @param[in] context Context pointer* @param[in] callback Callback function* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_registerOnErrorEvent(void* context, TRRO_OnErrorEvent * callback);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | target remote device id |
callback | the permission to be set |
/*** @name TRRO_OnErrorEvent* @brief Error message callback* @param[in] context Context pointer* @param[in] error_code Error code, negative value* @param[in] error_msg Error message* @return void*/typedef void TRRO_OnErrorEvent(void* context, int error_code, const char* error_msg);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | target remote device id |
error_code | Error Code |
error_msg | Error Message |
/*** @name getErrorMsg* @brief Returns the error message based on the error code.* @param[in] errorCode Error code* @return errorMsg Troubleshooting help information*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT const char* getErrorMsg(int errorCode);
Parameters | Meaning |
errorCode | To query the error code, you can input either positive or negative error codes. |
errorMsg | Corresponding Error Message |
/*** @name TRRO_startRecorder(Experimental)* @brief Start Recording* @param[in] recorderID Recording ID (To record SDK collected streams, the ID should be set to the corresponding stream, and "record_on":1 should be added to stream_config in the config file)* @param[in] format Recording format: 0 : 264* @param[in] width Encoding width* @param[in] height Encoding height* @param[in] jump Recording frame skip count (record one frame every few frames)* @param[in] fps Encoding frame rate* @param[in] bps Bit rate* @param[in] filename File name* @param[in] config Recording options (reserved)* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_startRecorder(int recorderID, int format, int width, int heigh, int jump, int fps, int bps,const char* filename, const char* config);
Parameters | Meaning |
recorderID | Recording ID (To record SDK collected video streams, the ID should be set to the corresponding stream ID, and "record_on":1 should be added to the stream_config of the corresponding stream. The corresponding stream data will be automatically imported into the recorder with the matching ID.) |
format | Recording format: 0 : 264 |
width | Encoding width |
heigh | Encoding height |
jump | Recording frame skip count (record one frame every few frames) |
fps | Encoding frame rate |
bps | Bitrate |
filename | File Name |
config | Recording options (reserved) |
/*** @name TRRO_sendRecordVideoData(Experimental)* @brief Send recording data* @param[in] recorderID Recording ID* @param[in] data Recording data* @param[in] width Data source width* @param[in] height Data source height* @param[in] size Recording data size* @param[in] format Video source format 1 yuv420, 4 YUYV* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_sendRecordVideoData(int recorderID, const char* data, int width, int height, int format);
Parameters | Meaning |
recorderID | Recorder ID |
data | Recording data |
width | Encoding width |
heigh | Encoding height |
size | Recording data size |
format | Encoding frame rate |
bps | Video source format 1 yuv420, 4 YUYV |
/*** @name TRRO_switchRecorderFile(Experimental)* @brief Switch Recording File* @param[in] recorderID Recording ID* @param[in] filename File name* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_switchRecorderFile(int recorderID, const char* filename);
Parameters | Meaning |
recorderID | Recorder ID |
filename | Name of the recording file after switching |
/*** @name Trro_TRRO_OnStatestopRecorder(Experimental)* @brief Stop Recording* @param[in] recorderID Recording ID* @return 1 for success, other failed*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_stopRecorder(int recorderID);
Parameters | Meaning |
recorderID | Recorder ID |
/*** @name TRRO_onVideoCaptureFrame* @brief Data callback when TRRO_startVideoCapture is called externally* @param[in] context Context pointer* @param[in] capture_id Current source ID of the captured video* @param[in] data Captured video data* @param[in] length Length of the captured video data* @param[in] width Captured video width* @param[in] height Captured video height* @param[in] color_format Captured video format* @return void*/typedef void TRRO_onVideoCaptureFrame(void *context, unsigned long long capture_id, const char* data, int length, int width, int height, TrroColor color_format);/*** @name TRRO_startVideoCapture* @brief Start camera capture* @param[in] context Context* @param[in] url Capture path, /dev/video* for camera, rtsp address for rtsp* @param[in] protocol When equal to kV4L2_DMA or kV4L2_MMAP, for camera capture. When equal to kRTSP, for rtsp address* @param[in] TrroColor Captured video format* @param[in] width Captured video width* @param[in] height Captured video height* @param[in] fps Video capture frame rate* @param[in] callback Video capture callback* @param[in, out] capture_id Unique identifier for the capture stream (returns an error if duplicated), supports input and output (use input value only when (*capture_id) > 0, otherwise internally generate and modify this value)* @return Returns error code if capture start fails, returns 1 for success*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_startVideoCapture(void *context, const char* url, VideoCaptureProtocol protocol, TrroColor color_format, int width, int height, int fps, TRRO_onVideoCaptureFrame callback, unsigned long long* capture_id);
Parameters | Meaning |
context | Context pointer, used for callback positioning |
url | Capture path, /dev/video* for camera, rtsp address for rtsp |
protocol | kRTSP for network camera RTSP protocol capture, kV4L2_MMAP for USB/GMSL camera V4L2 protocol capture, kV4L2_DMA for NVIDIA Jetson platform V4L2 capture |
TrroColor | Captured video format, V4L2 protocol for camera image format, RTSP protocol capture for target callback format |
width | Captured video width |
height | Captured video height |
fps | Captured video frame rate |
callback | Video capture callback |
capture_id | Capture identifier, used to distinguish different captures, passed as a pointer, supports value specification or auto-generation (use specified input value when (*capture_id) > 0, use SDK auto-generated value when 0) |
/*** @name TRRO_stopVideoCapture* @brief Stop camera capture* @param[in] capture_id Capturing source ID (cannot be 0)* @return Returns error code if capture stop fails, returns 1 for success*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_stopVideoCapture(unsigned long long capture_id);
Parameters | Meaning |
capture_id | Capturing source ID (cannot be 0) |
/*** @name TRRO_testNetworkQuality* @brief Evaluate network status Note: This function is a blocking function* If the network connection is not successful, the timeout period is 10s plus the network detection time* @param[in] stream_ids Array of Stream IDs to be detected* @param[in] stream_size Size of the array of Stream IDs to be detected* @param[in] test_time Duration of the detection after a successful connection, minimum 2s, maximum 10s;** @return int Network assessment 0: Unable to assess network, 1: Good network, 2: Poor network, 3: Unavailable network*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT int TRRO_testNetworkQuality(int* stream_ids, int stream_size, int test_time);
Parameters | Meaning |
stream_ids | Array of video stream IDs for network assessment |
stream_size | Size of the video stream ID array |
test_time | Detection duration, minimum 2 seconds, maximum 10 seconds |
/*** @name getSdkVersion* @brief Get the SDK version information* @param[in] void* @return version number*/extern "C" TRRO_EXPORT const char* TRRO_getSdkVersion();