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Data Types
Last updated: 2025-02-17 15:36:52
Data Types
Last updated: 2025-02-17 15:36:52


Query the authorization binding status of user devices

Used by actions: GetDevices.

Name Type Description
DeviceId String Device id.
DeviceName String Device name.
LicenseCount Integer Number of bound licenses.
RemainDay Integer Remaining days: days.
ExpireTime String Expiration time: s.
Duration String Service duration: s.
LicenseIds Array of String List of bound license ids.
MonthlyRemainTime Integer Monthly license duration limit.
LimitedTime Integer Monthly maximum duration (minutes).


License list viewed by authorization

Used by actions: GetLicenses.

Name Type Description
Count Integer The number of licenses of this type.
Status Integer License status. 0: unbound; 1: bound; 2: service suspension; 3: refund.
ExpireTime String Expiration timestamp: s.
Duration String Service duration: s.
RemainDay Integer Remaining days: days.
LicenseIds Array of String The list of license ids of this type.


Project information.

Used by actions: DescribeProjectList.

Name Type Description
ProjectId String Project id.
ProjectName String Project name.
ProjectDescription String Project description.
PolicyMode String Project permission mode, black for blocklist, white for allowlist.
ModifyTime Timestamp ISO8601 Project information modification time.


Latest session information

Used by actions: DescribeRecentSessionList.

Name Type Description
SessionId String Session id.
RemoteDeviceId String Remote device id.
FieldDeviceId String On-Site device id.
Resolution String Target resolution.
StartTime Integer Session start time.
LatestUpdateTime Integer Last updated time.


Session information.

Used by actions: DescribeDeviceSessionList.

Name Type Description
SessionId String Session id.
RemoteDeviceId String Remote device id.
FieldDeviceId String On-Site device id.
Resolution String Target resolution.
StartTime Integer Session start time.
EndTime Integer Session end time.
Quality String Call quality: good|normal|bad.


Session statistics data in a unit time interval

Used by actions: DescribeSessionStatisticsByInterval.

Name Type Description
ActiveFieldDeviceNum Integer Number of active on-site devices.
ActiveRemoteDeviceNum Integer Number of active remote devices.
SessionNum Integer Number of sessions.
TotalDuration Integer Session age, unit: minutes.
StartTime Integer Timestamp in seconds.
EndTime Integer Timestamp in seconds.
NotBadSessionRatio Integer Proportion of excellent sessions, unit: %.
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