Module | Error Code | Hexadecimal | Decimal | Error Reson | | |
General module | TRRO_SUCCED | 0x00000001 | 1 | Executed successfully | | |
| TRRO_COMMON_ERROR | 0x00FFFFFF | 16777215 | General failure | | |
Configuration (Troubleshoot file configuration content) | TRRO_CONFIG_ERROR | 0x01FFFFFF | 33554431 | General failure of configuration module | | |
| TRRO_CONFIG_PARSE_FAILED | 0x01000002 | 16777218 | Joint node parsing error, check if the minimum startup node in the configuration file (Field Device Configuration Instructions) is complete | | |
| TRRO_CONFIG_ILLEGAL | 0x01000003 | 16777219 | Check if width, height, and protocol in the configuration file match the API input parameters | | |
| TRRO_CONFIG_UNEXIST | 0x01000004 | 16777220 | Configuration file does not exist or has a length of 0 | | |
| TRRO_CONFIG_CER_FAILED | 0x01000005 | 16777221 | Start using public cloud mode (cloud_mode node set to public), but the certificate file device.pem is missing or the certificate file verification failed. | | |
| TRRO_CONFIG_LIC_FAILED | 0x01000006 | 16777222 | Start using private mode (cloud_mode node set to private), but the license.txt file is missing. | | |
| TRRO_CONFIG_STREAMS_SIZE_ERROR | 0x01000007 | 16777223 | Exceeded the maximum supported stream count. | | |
| TRRO_CONIFG_PORT_RANGE_ILLEGAL | 0x01000008 | 16777224 | Illegal port range configuration. | | |
| TRRO_CONFIG_LOG_PERMISSON_DENIED | 0x01000009 | 16777225 | Insufficient permissions to open the log file. | | |
Initialize the module (Troubleshoot API call order and file configuration content) | TRRO_INIT_ERROR | 0x02FFFFFF | 50331647 | Initialization failed | | |
| TRRO_INIT_INPUT_ILLEGAL | 0x02000002 | 33554434 | Initialization failed or configured device ID, port range is illegal | | |
| TRRO_INIT_PARSE_FAILED | 0x02000003 | 33554435 | Initialization parsing configuration node abnormal | | |
| TRRO_INIT_CREAT_MEDIAMODE_FAILED | 0x02000004 | 33554436 | Media module creation failed | | |
| TRRO_INIT_PRM_ERROR | 0x02000005 | 33554437 | Parameter error | | |
| TRRO_INIT_INVALUDE_INPUT | 0x02000006 | 33554438 | Initialization parameter illegal | | |
| TRRO_INIT_REPEAT | 0x02000007 | 33554439 | Duplicate initialization | | |
TRRO_INIT_LICENSE_CHECK_FAILED | 0x02000010 | 33554448 | LICENSE verification failed | | | |
| TRRO_INIT_LICENSE_FILE_ERROR | 0x02000011 | 33554449 | LICENSE file error | | |
| TRRO_INIT_LICENSE_CHECK_TIME_FAILED | 0x02000012 | 33554450 | Authorization expired | | |
| TRRO_INIT_LICENSE_CHECK_DEVICE_FAILED | 0x02000013 | 33554451 | Hardware verification failed | | |
| TRRO_INIT_LICENSE_CHECK_STREM_FAILED | 0x02000014 | 33554452 | The number of authorized streams is less than the number of device configuration streams | | |
| TRRO_INIT_LICENSE_CHECK_ID_FAILED | 0x02000015 | 33554453 | Device ID verification failed | | |
| TRRO_INIT_PUBLIC_LICENSE_CHECK_TIMEOUT | 0x02000100 | 33554688 | Public cloud LICENSE verification timed out | | |
| TRRO_INIT_PUBLIC_LICENSE_CHECK_NOT_BIND | 0x02000101 | 33554689 | Public cloud device not bound to LICENSE | | |
| TRRO_INIT_PUBLIC_LICENSE_CHECK_NOT_ENOUGH | 0x02000102 | 33554690 | Insufficient public cloud LICENSE quantity | | |
| TRRO_INIT_PUBLIC_LICENSE_CHECK_OVERTIME | 0x02000103 | 33554691 | Public cloud LICENSE expired | | |
Signaling Server Module (Troubleshoot network and server status) | TRRO_SIGNAL_ERROR | 0x03FFFFFF | 67108863 | Signaling Module Exception | | |
| TRRO_SIGNAL_REGIST_FAILED | 0x03000002 | 50331650 | Failed to register MQTT signaling server | | |
| TRRO_SIGNAL_STATUS_ABNORMAL | 0x03000003 | 50331651 | MQTT signaling service connection exception | | |
| TRRO_SIGNAL_MESSAGE_FAILED | 0x03000004 | 50331652 | Failed to process signaling message | | |
| TRRO_SIGNAL_CONNECT_OUTTIME | 0x03000005 | 50331653 | Server connection timeout, this error code can be ignored if set to asynchronous startup. | | |
| TRRO_SIGNAL_DEVICEID_OR_PASSWORD_INCORRECT | 0x03000006 | 50331654 | Incorrect signaling server connection username or password. | | |
Stream collection module (Check whether the camera access and resolution configuration are correct.) | TRRO_CAPTURE_ERROR | 0x04FFFFFF | 83886079 | Collection module exception | | |
| TRRO_CAPTURE_OPENDEVICE_FAILED | 0x04000002 | 67108866 | Failed to open the device. Check if the camera is being used by another program | | |
| TRRO_CAPTURE_GETSOURCE_FAILED | 0x04000003 | 67108867 | Timeout failure in reading camera data | | |
| TRRO_CAPTURE_UNKNOWN_CAPTURETYPE | 0x04000004 | 67108868 | Unknown camera data source type | | |
Stream transmission module | TRRO_CONNECT_ERROR | 0x05FFFFFF | 100663295 | Connection abnormal | | |
| TRRO_CONNECT_OUTTIME | 0x05000002 | 83886082 | Timeout disconnection | | |
Message transmission module | TRRO_MESSAGE_ERROR | 0x06FFFFFF | 117440511 | Failed to send the message | | |
| TRRO_MESSAGE_CHANNEL | 0x06000002 | 100663298 | No available message sending channel | | |
| TRRO_MESSAGE_BYTE_EXCEED | 0x06000003 | 100663299 | Sending bytes exceeded the limit | | |
Storage module | TRRO_STOR_ERROR | 0x07FFFFFF | 134217727 | Storage exception, check API call order | | |
| TRRO_STOR_UNENABLE | 0x07000001 | 117440513 | Storage feature not enabled | | |
| TRRO_STOR_IDEXIST | 0x07000002 | 117440514 | Repeatedly enable storage | | |
| TRRO_STOR_ID_ILLEGAL | 0x07000003 | 117440515 | Storage ID is invalid | | |
| TRRO_STOR_PARAM_ILLEGAL | 0x07000004 | 117440516 | Storage data source input parameter is invalid | | |
| TRRO_STOR_UNSET_FILENAME | 0x07000005 | 117440517 | Storage file name is empty | | |
External collection module | TRRO_EXTERNAL_RESIZE | 0x08000001 | 134217729 | External acquisition mode error | | |
Extension module |
Camera asynchronous callback error
| | |
Microphone asynchronous callback error
| | |
Evaluated network bandwidth cannot meet the minimum bitrate requirement
| | |
Reserved | TRRO_UNSUPPORT | 0x0F000001 | 251658241 | This call or function feature is not supported currently | | |