Module | Error Code | Hexadecimal | Decimal | Error Reson |
Common | TRRO_SUCCED | 0x00000001 | 1 | Successful Return |
| TRRO_COMMON_ERROR | 0x00FFFFFF | 16777215 | Parameter Input or Initialization State Abnormal |
| TRRO_GWID_NOT_FOUND | 0x00000010 | 15728640 | Non-existent Gateway ID |
| TRRO_PARAM_INVALID | 0x00F00000 | 16777215 | Invalid Parameter |
Configuration | TRRO_CONFIG_ERROR | 0x01FFFFFF | 33554431 | General Configuration Error |
| TRRO_CONFIG_PARSE_FAILED | 0x01000002 | 16777218 | Format parsing exception in configuration file. It is recommended to use an online JSON validation tool for inspection. |
| TRRO_CONFIG_ILLEGAL | 0x01000003 | 16777219 | The parameters in the configuration file are invalid. It is recommended to check if the minimum nodes are covered. |
| TRRO_CONFIG_UNEXIST | 0x01000004 | 16777220 | Configuration file does not exist |
| TRRO_CONFIG_CER_FAILED | 0x01000005 | 16777221 | Certificate error in public cloud model |
Initialization | TRRO_INIT_ERROR | 0x02FFFFFF | 50331647 | General initialization failed for unknown reason |
| TRRO_INIT_INPUT_ILLEGAL | 0x02000002 | 33554434 | The input parameter is illegal, please check if the input is normal. |
| TRRO_INIT_PARSE_fAILED | 0x02000003 | 33554435 | Failed to parse initialization parameters; check if the minimum node in the configuration file is normal |
| TRRO_INIT_CREAT_MEDIAMODE_FAILED | 0x02000004 | 33554436 | Media module creation failed |
| TRRO_INIT_LICENSE_CHECK_FAILED | 0x02000005 | 33554437 | LICENSE verification failed |
| TRRO_INIT_INVALUDE_INPUT | 0x02000006 | 33554438 | API call input parameters are invalid |
| TRRO_INIT_MQTT_ABNORMAL | 0x02000007 | 33554439 | MQTT initialization exception |
| TRRO_INIT_REPEAT | 0x02000008 | 33554440 | Duplicate initialization |
Signaling | TRRO_SIGNAL_ERROR | 0x03FFFFFF | 67108863 | Signaling Module Exception |
| TRRO_SIGNAL_REGIST_FAILED | 0x03000002 | 50331650 | Signaling Registration Failed |
| TRRO_SIGNAL_STATUS_ABNORMAL | 0x03000003 | 50331651 | Connection to MQTT Signaling Service Exception |
| TRRO_SIGNAL_MESSAGE_FAILED | 0x03000004 | 50331652 | Failed to send the message |
| TRRO_SIGNAL_CONNECT_OUTTIME | 0x03000005 | 50331653 | Connection to MQTT service timed out |
Connection | TRRO_CONNECT_ERROR | 0x05FFFFFF | 100663295 | Connection abnormal |
| TRRO_CONNECT_OUTTIME | 0x05000002 | 83886082 |
Timed out and disconnected |
| TRRO_CONNECT_RESET | 0x05000003 | 83886083 | When connecting, if there are previous connections that have not been disconnected, a reset is required |
Diagnostics | TRRO_DIAG_STARTED | 0x06000000 | 100663296 | Diagnostics Tool is starting |
| TRRO_DIAG_TIMEOUT | 0x06000001 | 100663297 | Diagnostics Tool timed out in obtaining streaming information |
| TRRO_DIAG_FAILED | 0x06000002 | 100663298 | Diagnostics Tool failed in processing |
Permission | TRRO_UNAUTHORIZED | 0x07000000 | 117440512 | Gateway unauthorized, unable to send messages |
Message | TRRO_MESSAGE_BYTE_EXCEED | 0x08000002 | 134217730 | Sending bytes exceeded the limit |