tencent cloud


Cloud Workload Protection Platform

Quick Start

Last updated: 2024-08-13 15:56:40

Step 1: Installing CWPP

Log in to the CWPP Console, and go to the Overview page to check if CWPP is installed on CVM.
When purchasing Tencent CVM or CPM 1.0, you can select Security Reinforcement to install the CWPP client automatically.

a. CVM with CWPP installed and Pro or Ultimate edition enabled enjoys comprehensive, multi-dimensional system security protection provided by CWPP.
b. CVM with Basic edition of CWPP installed can upgrade the service to Pro or Ultimate edition by clicking Upgrade on the right side.
c. CVM without CWPP can click Install on the right side and following the instructions below:

Windows CVM Environment

Supported Versions

The following versions are supported for now:
Windows server 2008, 2012, 2016, 2019, and 2022 (32-bit or 64-bit).
Windows 10 and 11 (64-bit).

CWPP Installation

Server Type
Server Products
Server Architecture
Client Download and Installation
Tencent Cloud
CVMs, Lighthouses, CPMs, and Edge Computing Machines
VPC network
Open the cmd command line window, and paste and run the following installation command:
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -c "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://u.yd.tencentyun.com/ydeyes_win32.exe', $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath('.\\ydeyes_win32.exe'))"; "./ydeyes_win32.exe"
Tencent Cloud
Basic network
Open the cmd command line window, and paste and run the following installation command:
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -c "(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://u.yd.qcloud.com/ydeyes_win32.exe', $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath('.\\ydeyes_win32.exe'))"; "./ydeyes_win32.exe"
Non-Tencent Cloud
Public network and DC
Due to the restriction of the command validity period, please go to the Host List to view the installation instructions and download and install the client.

Installation Notes

Verification of successful Windows installation: Open Task Manager and check whether the YDService and YDLive processes are called. If yes, the installation is successful.

Linux CVM Environment

Supported Versions

The following versions (64-bit) are supported for now:
TencentOS Server
Tencent tlinux
CentOS 6 or later versions
Ubuntu 9.10 or later versions
Debian 6 or later versions
RHEL 6 or later versions
Rocky Linux
Red Hat 6 or later versions
Alibaba Cloud Linux
Amazon Linux

CWPP Installation

Server Type
Server Products
Server Architecture
Client Download and Installation
Tencent Cloud
CVMs, Lighthouses, CPMs, and Edge Computing Machines
VPC network
wget http://u.yd.tencentyun.com/ydeyes_linux64.tar.gz -O ydeyes_linux64.tar.gz && tar -zxvf ydeyes_linux64.tar.gz && ./self_cloud_install_linux64.sh
Tencent Cloud
Basic network
wget http://u.yd.qcloud.com/ydeyes_linux64.tar.gz -O ydeyes_linux64.tar.gz && tar -zxvf ydeyes_linux64.tar.gz && ./self_cloud_install_linux64.sh
Tencent Cloud
CVMs, Lighthouses, CPMs, and Edge Computing Machines
VPC network
wget http://u.yd.tencentyun.com/ydeyes_linux64_aarch64.tar.gz -O ydeyes_linux64_aarch64.tar.gz && tar -zxvf ydeyes_linux64_aarch64.tar.gz && ./self_cloud_install_linux64.sh
Tencent Cloud
Basic network
wget http://u.yd.qcloud.com/ydeyes_linux64_aarch64.tar.gz -O ydeyes_linux64_aarch64.tar.gz && tar -zxvf ydeyes_linux64_aarch64.tar.gz && ./self_cloud_install_linux64.sh
Non-Tencent Cloud
x86, ARM
Public network, DC
Due to the restriction of the command validity period, please go to the Host List to view the installation instructions and download and install the client.

Installation Notes

Run the command to check whether the YDService and YDLive processes are running. If yes, the installation is successful.
ps -ef | grep YD

Note: If the processes are not running, the program can be started by running the following command via a root user:

Step 2: Operating CWPP

CWPP can process and display the security information of a server in real time. It supports detecting and isolating Trojan files, detecting vulnerabilities, identifying suspicious log-in behaviors and adding them to allowlist, blocking password-cracking attempts, and setting alarms. For details, see Operation Guide.

Step 3: Troubleshooting

If the host is hacked, you can follow the intrusion troubleshooting guide to troubleshoot the problem and restore the normal running of the website or system. For details, see Intrusions on Linux or Intrusions on Windows.

Step 4: Uninstalling CWPP

If you no longer need CWPP protection, you can uninstall it. There are two ways to uninstall CWPP: via the console and via the system. Here is a detailed introduction:

Uninstalling via the Console

1. Log in to the CWPP Console. Select Assets > Server List in the left sidebar to check if CWPP is installed on your CVM.
2. In the Server List, select the server where you need to uninstall CWPP. Click Uninstall agent in the action bar on the right side.

Uninstalling via the System

Windows System: Follow the path C:\\Program Files\\QCloud\\YunJing\\uninst.exe to locate the uninst.exe file and double-click to uninstall.
Linux System: Enter the command if [ -w '/usr' ]; then /usr/local/qcloud/YunJing/uninst.sh ; else /var/lib/qcloud/YunJing/uninst.sh ; fi to uninstall.


How to Handle Firewall Interception During Installation?

It is recommended to allow access to the CWPP backend server addresses in firewall policies:
VPC Domain Names: s.yd.tencentyun.com, l.yd.tencentyun.com, u.yd.tencentyun.com
VPC Network IP:
Basic Network Domain Names:s.yd.qcloud.com, u.yd.qcloud.com, l.yd.qcloud.com
Basic Network IPs:,,,,,,
Non-Tencent Cloud Public Network Domain Names:sp.yd.qcloud.com, up.yd.qcloud.com, lp.yd.qcloud.com
Non-Tencent Cloud Public Network IPs:,,
Ports:5574, 8080, 80, 9080 (Public network also needs to allow port 443)

How to Configure if Not Using Default DNS?

If you are not using the default DNS, you need to forward all resolutions of the root domains tencentyun.com and yd.qcloud.com to the default DNS.
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