tencent cloud


Data Subscription SDK

Last updated: 2023-11-21 10:35:50
    The data subscription feature of the legacy version ‍has been deactivated. If you need to create a subscription task and consume data, use the data subscription feature (Kafka edition). For more information, see Data Subscription (Kafka Edition) and Data Subscription Guide (Kafka Edition).

    Downloading the Data Subscription SDK

    Download the data subscription SDK v2.9.1 here.

    How It Works


    Message pull and acknowledgment in the SDK are performed by two async threads simultaneously. Messages are pulled in sequence. The two threads are executed independently and strictly in order, but they are async.
    The registered notify function will be called for the pulled messages in sequence, and the SDK ensures that each message will be pushed once and only once. If the m.ackAsConsumed() function is not called, notify will still be called for messages, as pull and acknowledgment are async.

    Acknowledgment mechanism

    The SDK adopts the incremental acknowledgment mechanism, where all messages (including BEGIN and COMMIT messages) must be acknowledged but can be acknowledged repeatedly.
    For example, if the client receives 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 messages but calls the m.ackAsConsumed() function only for 1, 2, and 5, the SDK will acknowledge the consumption of 1 and 2 to the server. If the client fails at this point, the SDK will obtain messages starting from message 3. As message pull and acknowledgment are async, the SDK will keep pulling new messages and notifying the client even if some messages are not acknowledged. However, if the number of unacknowledged messages exceeds a threshold (currently 8,000), the SDK will stop pulling new messages.
    Each message has a unique record_id and checkpoint, and the SDK actually acknowledges a message by acknowledging its checkpoint.

    Runtime Environment Requirements

    Java environment: JRE 1.6 or later.
    The SDK needs to run on a CVM instance in the same VPC in the same region as the subscribed instance; otherwise, interconnection should be configured.
    To access the SDK over the public network, the CVM instance can be used for port forwarding, but the bandwidth and performance cannot be guaranteed due to heavy dependence on the public network bandwidth.

    Sample Code

    We recommend that you call the SDK by using the sub-account key and environment variables to improve the SDK security. For more information, see Access Key. When authorizing sub-accounts, follow the principle of least permission to prevent the leakage of resources beyond the destination storage bucket or objects.
    If you must use a permanent key, we recommend that you follow the principle of least permission to limit the permission scope of the permanent key.
    Below is the sample code for Tencent Cloud binlog subscription:
    package com.qcloud.biz;
    import com.qcloud.dts.context.NetworkEnv;
    import com.qcloud.dts.context.SubscribeContext;
    import com.qcloud.dts.message.ClusterMessage;
    import com.qcloud.dts.message.DataMessage;
    import com.qcloud.dts.subscribe.ClusterListener;
    import com.qcloud.dts.subscribe.DefaultSubscribeClient;
    import com.qcloud.dts.subscribe.SubscribeClient;
    import java.util.List;
    public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Create a context
    SubscribeContext context=new SubscribeContext();
    // User `secretId` and `secretKey`. We recommend that you use a sub-account key and follow the principle of minimum permission to reduce risks. For information on how to obtain a sub-account key, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/598/32675.
    // Specify the channel region, which is required for SDKs on version 2.8.0 or later.
    // For more information on region values, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/236/15833?from_cn_redirect=1#.E5.9C.B0.E5.9F.9F.E5.88.97.E8.A1.A8.
    // Subscribed `serviceIp` and `servicePort`
    // Note that the `IP` and `Port` parameters are required for SDKs on versions earlier than 2.8.0 and can be ignored for those on later versions if `region` is set.
    // context.setServiceIp("10.xx.xx.24");
    // context.setServicePort(50120);
    // Set the network environment to private network if the CVM instance where the SDK is running cannot be accessed over the public network. Public network access is used by default.
    // Create a client
    SubscribeClient client=new DefaultSubscribeClient(context);
    // Create a subscription listener
    ClusterListener listener= new ClusterListener() {
    public void notify(List<ClusterMessage> messages) throws Exception {
    // Consume the subscribed data
    for(ClusterMessage m:messages){
    for(DataMessage.Record.Field f:m.getRecord().getFieldList()){
    if (f.getType().equals(DataMessage.Record.Field.Type.BLOB)){
    System.out.println("["+f.getType()+"]["+f.getFieldname()+"] the original value:");
    byte[] theRawBytesValue = f.getValueAsBytes();
    // If this value is null, `f.getValueAsInteger()` will return null.
    // JSON data can be returned only if the source instance is MySQL 5.7.
    // If this value is null, `f.getValueAsString()` will return null.
    // The original encoding of the field
    // The `f.getValue()` method will be disused soon.
    String value = f.getValue() == null ? "Null": f.getValue();
    String msg = "["+f.getType()+"]"+f.getFieldname()+"[encoding:"+f.getFieldEnc()+"]"+"[value:"+value+"]";
    // Acknowledge the consumption
    public void onException(Exception e){
    System.out.println("listen exception"+e);
    // Add a listener
    // Configure the requested subscription channel
    // Start the client
    The entire process is an intuitive, typical producer-consumer pattern. As a consumer, the SDK constantly pulls the subscribed binlog data from the server, consumes the data, and then acknowledges data consumption.
    1. Configure parameters and create a consumer client SubscribeClient.
    2. Create a listener ClusterListener, consume the received binlog data, and return an acknowledgment after consumption.
    3. Start the client to start the process. The ClusterListener listener allows you to manipulate the received binlog data as needed and filter it by type; for example, you can filter out all drop statements.
    In the sample code, you need to provide five parameters.
    secretId and secretKey are values of keys associated with your Tencent Cloud account, which can be viewed in Access Key> API Key Management in the CAM console. The SDK uses these two parameters to authenticate your operations.
    The data subscription SDK has been connected to CAM. By default, a root account has all permissions, and you can use its TencentCloud API key to access the SDK. A sub-account has no permission, and it must be granted access to the name/dts:AuthenticateSubscribeSDK operation or all DTS operations through the QcloudDTSFullAccess policy by the root account.
    serviceIp, servicePort, and channelId parameters are related to binlog subscription and can be viewed on the Data Subscription page in the DTS console after the subscription is configured in the TencentDB for MySQL console.
    serviceIp is the IP in the service address, servicePort is the port number in the service address, and channelId is the channel ID in the DTS console.

    SDK Description

    SubscribeContext class

    Class description

    This class is used to set your SDK configuration information, including security credentials (secretId and secretKey) and the IP address and port of the subscription service.

    Construction method

    public SubscribeContext()

    Class method

    Setting the security credential secretId
    Function prototype public void setSecretId(String secretId)
    Input parameters
    Security credential secretId, which can be viewed in Access Key > API Key Management in the CAM console.
    Returned result N/A
    Reported exception N/A
    Setting the security credential secretKey
    Function prototype public void setSecretKey(String secretKey)
    Input parameters
    Security credential secretKey, which can be viewed in Access Key > API Key Management in the CAM console.
    Returned result N/A
    Reported exception N/A
    Setting the subscription service IP address
    Function prototype public void setServiceIp(String serviceIp)
    Input parameters
    Subscription service IP address, which can be viewed on the subscription channel configuration page in the console.
    Returned result N/A
    Reported exception N/A
    Setting the subscription service port
    Function prototype public void setServicePort(String servicePort)
    Input parameters
    The port number of the subscription service, which can be viewed on the subscription channel configuration page in the console.
    Returned result N/A
    Reported exception N/A

    SubscribeClient and DefaultSubscribeClient APIs

    Class description

    The DefaultSubscribeClient class implements the SubscribeClient API. This class is used to construct the subscription SDK client, that is, the consumer of binlog messages.
    DefaultSubscribeClient provides sync and async acknowledgment implementations for different user needs. In sync mode, an acknowledgment is synchronously returned each time the client consumes a binlog message, ensuring that message consumption acknowledgments can be received by the server as soon as possible. However, the overall SDK performance is not as good as in async mode. In async mode, the consumer acknowledges messages asynchronously, that is, messages are pulled and acknowledged asynchronously. You can select either mode as needed.

    Construction method

    Constructing DefaultSubscribeClient
    Function prototype public DefaultSubscribeClient(SubscribeContext context, boolean isSync) throws Exception
    Input parameters
    Your SDK configuration information
    Whether the sync consumption mode is used for the SDK
    Returned result DefaultSubscribeClient instance.
    Reported exception
    llegalArgumentException: This exception will be reported if any parameter is invalid in the parameter context you submitted, such as missing or incorrectly formatted security credentials, service IP, or port.
    Exception: This exception will be reported in case of an internal error during SDK initialization.
    Constructing DefaultSubscribeClient
    Function prototype public DefaultSubscribeClient(SubscribeContext context) throws Exception
    Input parameters
    Your SDK configuration information
    Returned result DefaultSubscribeClient instance, which uses the async message acknowledgment mode by default.
    Reported exception
    llegalArgumentException: This exception will be reported if any parameter is invalid in the parameter context you submitted, such as missing or incorrectly formatted security credentials, service IP, or port.
    Exception: This exception will be reported in case of an internal error during SDK initialization.

    Class method

    Adding a listener to the SDK consumer client
    Function description This function is used to add the ClusterListener listener to SubscribeClient to subscribe to the incremental data in the channel.
    Function prototype public void addClusterListener(ClusterListener listener) throws Exception
    Input parameters
    The listener used for the consumer client. The main process for binlog data consumption should be implemented in ClusterListener.
    Returned result N/A
    Reported exception
    IllegalArgumentException: This exception will be reported if the submitted listener parameter is empty.
    Exception: This exception will be reported if more than one listeners are added to the SDK.
    Requesting the incremental data in a subscription channel
    Function prototype public void askForGUID(String channelId)
    Input parameters
    Subscription channel ID, which can be viewed on the subscription channel configuration page in the console.
    Returned result N/A
    Reported exception N/A
    Starting the SDK client
    Function prototype public void start() throws Exception
    Input parameters N/A
    Returned result N/A
    Reported exception Exception: This exception will be reported in case of an internal error during SDK startup.
    Stopping the SDK client
    Function prototype public void stop(int waitSeconds) throws Exception public void stop() throws Exception
    Input parameters
    Wait time in seconds before the SDK is forced to stop.
    Here, the stop function without the timeout parameter will wait until the thread stops, which may take a long time subject to system scheduling; therefore, we recommend that you use the stop function with the timeout parameter in scenarios where the specific restart time is required.
    Returned result N/A
    Reported exception Exception: This exception will be reported in case of an internal error during SDK stop.

    ClusterListener API

    API description

    This is a callback API. You need to implement the notify function of this API to consume the subscribed data and implement the onException function to handle any possible exceptions during consumption.

    API function

    Notifying the SDK ‍of consuming messages subscribed by the client

    Function description This function is used to consume incremental data. However, the SDK will notify the ClusterListener of data consumption via the notify function when the data is received. Function prototype public abstract void notify(List<ClusterMessage> messages) throws Exception
    Input parameters
    Subscribed data array. For more information on ClusterMessage implementation, see its definition.
    Returned result N/A
    Reported exception Any exception during the consumption of the subscribed data will be reported to the implemented onException function for custom handling as needed.

    Handling exceptions while consuming the subscribed data

    Function description This function is used to handle exceptions during subscribed data consumption. You can implement your safe exit policy in onException.
    Function prototype public abstract void onException(Exception exception)
    Input parameters
    Exception class in the Java standard library
    Returned result N/A
    Reported exception N/A

    ClusterMessage class

    Class description

    The ClusterMessage class delivers the consumed data through the notify function. Each ClusterMessage saves the data records of a transaction in TencentDB for MySQL, and each record in the transaction is saved via Record.

    Class method

    Obtaining records from ClusterMessage
    Function prototype public Record getRecord()
    Input parameters N/A
    Returned result
    Change record, which corresponds to a specific record in a transaction, such as begin, commit, update, and insert.
    Reported exception N/A
    Acknowledging consumed data
    Function description
    This function is used to send an acknowledgment to the subscription server about the consumed data synchronously or asynchronously based on the value set in SubscribeClient. This function must be called after consumption; otherwise, the SDK will receive duplicate data due to incorrect logic.
    The SDK must call ackAsConsumed for all received messages, including those the business logic may not care about; otherwise, the SDK will stop pulling new data after a certain number of messages remain unacknowledged.
    Function prototype public void ackAsConsumed() throws Exception
    Input parameters N/A
    Returned result N/A
    Reported exception Exception: This exception will be reported in case of an internal error during acknowledgment.

    Record class

    Class description

    It indicates a certain record in the subscribed binlog data, which is usually a member of a transaction's ClusterMessage. A record can be a begin, commit, update, or .

    Class method

    Obtaining the attribute value of a record
    Function prototype public String getAttribute(String key)
    Input parameters
    Attribute value name
    Below are possible attribute key values:
    Attribute Key Value
    Record ID, which is an auto-increment string in a channel but is not necessarily continuous.
    The engine type of the database instance of the record, which is mysql currently.
    Record type, which is full_recorded currently.
    The time when the record is stored into binlog, which is also the time when the SQL statement is executed in TencentDB.
    The offset of the binlog file of the record in the format of file_offset@file_name, where file_name is the numeric suffix of the binlog file.
    The operation type of the record, mainly including insert, update, delete, replace, ddl, begin, commit, and heartbeat.
    The database name of the record update table, which is empty for a DDL record.
    The name of the record update table, which is empty for a DDL record.
    Record encoding
    The name of the primary key column of the record update table
    The encoding of each field value of the record, which is empty if the type is not character. Multiple fields are separated by comma.
    The GTID of the transaction of the record
    Returned result
    Attribute value
    Reported exception N/A
    Obtaining the change type of a record
    Function prototype public DataMessage.Record.Type getOpt()
    Input parameters N/A
    Returned result
    Record type, which can be insert, delete, update, replace, ddl, begin, commit, or heartbeat. heartbeat is the heartbeat table internally defined by DTS to check whether the subscription channel is healthy. In theory, a heartbeat is generated per second.
    Reported exception N/A
    Obtaining the checkpoint recorded in the binlog
    Function prototype public String getCheckpoint()
    Input parameters N/A
    Returned result
    The checkpoint of a record in the binlog in the format of binlog_offset@binlog_fid. Here, binlog_offset is the change record offset in the binlog file, and binlog_fid is the binlog filename.
    Reported exception N/A
    Obtaining the timestamp of a record in the binlog
    Function prototype public String getTimestamp()
    Input parameters N/A
    Returned result
    Timestamp string
    Reported exception N/A
    Obtaining the database name of a record
    Function prototype public String getDbname()
    Input parameters N/A
    Returned result
    Database name string
    Reported exception N/A
    Obtaining the data table name of a record
    Function prototype public String getTableName()
    Input parameters N/A
    Returned result
    Data table name string
    Reported exception N/A
    Obtaining the primary key column name of a record
    Function prototype public String getPrimaryKeys()
    Input parameters N/A
    Returned result
    Primary key column name. Separate multiple names by semicolon for composite primary keys.
    Reported exception N/A
    Obtaining the database type of a subscribed instance
    Function prototype public DBType getDbType()
    Input parameters N/A
    Returned result
    Currently, DTS only supports DBType.MYSQL, that is, TencentDB for MySQL.
    Reported exception N/A
    Obtaining the number of fields in a record
    Function prototype public int getFieldCount()
    Input parameters N/A
    Returned result
    The number of fields in the record, which is the same as or twice (for update record) that of columns in the corresponding table.
    Reported exception N/A
    Checking whether a record is the first record in the transaction
    Function prototype public Boolean isFirstInLogevent()
    Input parameters N/A
    Returned result
    If it is the first record in the transaction, True is returned; otherwise, False is returned.
    Reported exception N/A
    Obtaining the field definition list in the table of a record
    Function prototype public List<Field> getFieldList()
    Input parameters N/A
    Returned result
    Field array. For more information, see the definition of the Field class.
    For INSERT records, the Field values in List follow the sequence defined by the subscribed table. Values of records in Field are inserted values, that is, post-images.
    For DELETE records, the Field values in List follow the sequence defined by the subscribed table. Values of records in Field are values before deletion, that is, pre-images.
    For UPDATE records, List contains values before and after modification, that is, pre-images and post-images. Pre-images (values before modification) are in even positions in the List, while post-images are in odd positions. The list of pre-images and post-images also follows the sequence defined by the subscribed table. Therefore, the number of Field values in List is twice that of columns in the corresponding subscribed table.
    Reported exception N/A

    Field class

    Class description

    The Field class defines the attributes of a field such as encoding, type, name, value, and primary key status.

    Class method

    Obtaining the encoding format of a field
    Function prototype public String getFieldEnc()
    Input parameters N/A
    Returned result
    Field encoding, which is a string.
    Reported exception N/A
    Obtaining the field name
    Function prototype public String getFieldname()
    Input parameters N/A
    Returned result
    Field name, which is a string.
    Reported exception N/A
    Obtaining the data type of a field
    Function prototype public Field.Type getType()
    Input parameters N/A
    Returned result
    Field.Type is an enumeration type corresponding to the data types supported by MySQL, including INT8, INT16, INT24, INT32, INT64, DECIMAL, FLOAT, DOUBLE, NULL, TIMESTAMP, DATE, TIME, DATETIME, YEAR, BIT, ENUM, SET, BLOB, GEOMETRY, STRING, and UNKNOWN.
    Reported exception N/A
    Obtaining the field value
    Function prototype public ByteString getFieldname()
    Input parameters N/A
    Returned result
    Field value, which is NULL if empty.
    Reported exception N/A
    Checking whether a field is a primary key
    Function prototype public Boolean isPrimary()
    Input parameters N/A
    Returned result
    If the field is a primary key, True is returned; otherwise, False is returned.
    Reported exception N/A
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