tencent cloud


Difference Between Data Sync to Kafka and Data Subscription

Last updated: 2023-12-11 11:31:25
Sync to Kafka is similar to data subscription because both features can be used to obtain real-time data changes in the source database, and therefore can be applied in data archiving, data analysis, and other scenarios.
If you have a CKafka instance, or if you need to sync the full + incremental data of the source database, we recommend that you select the sync to Kafka feature.
If you don't have a CKafka instance, and you only need to obtain the incremental database/table data changes of the source database, we recommend that you select data subscription (Kafka edition).
If both features can meet your business needs, we recommend that you select the most cost-effective solution by referring to their billing details in Billing Overview.

Comparison between the two features is as detailed below:
Sync to Kafka
Data Subscription
Supported links
Sync from MySQL/MariaDB/Percona/TDSQL-C for MySQL/TDSQL for MySQL to Ckafka
The data source is MySQL/MariaDB/Percona/TDSQL-C for MySQL/TDSQL for MySQL/TDSQL for PostgreSQL/MongoDB
Data format
Target Kafka
Your own Kafka (currently, only CKafka is supported). Topic names can be customized.
Built-in Kafka of DTS data subscription. Topic names cannot be customized.
Data type
Full + incremental data
Incremental data
Sync object
Databases, tables, views, functions, and procedures
Databases and tables
SQL filtering
SQL filtering and filtering by WHERE condition are supported. You can filter INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and DDL statements.
SQL filtering is not supported. You can only select structure update or data update.

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