tencent cloud


Source Instance Type (Master or Replica)

Last updated: 2024-07-08 20:28:47

    Check Details

    The source database must be a replica node; otherwise, an alarm will be triggered. The alarm will not stop the task and can be ignored, but you should assess the impact of ignoring it.
    During migration, DTS will perform a BGSAVE operation on the source database, which will use the database memory and resources. If the source database is a master node, business writes will be greatly affected.
    If the source database is a TencentDB for Redis database, a replica node will be used for migration by default.
    If the source database is a local self-built Redis database, the master node may be used for migration. If an alarm is triggered during the check, we recommend that you change the source database to a replica node.


    Reconfigure the migration task by changing the parameters of the source database to the information of a replica node.
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