tencent cloud


Complete Task

Last updated: 2024-07-08 20:31:47


    During the full + incremental data migration, once the full migration is completed, the task will automatically start the incremental migration, which will not stop on its own and must be ended manually.
    For a pay-as-you-go migration task, the billing stops only after you click Complete. Therefore, we recommend that you click Complete promptly after the data migration is completed to avoid unnecessary costs.


    The data migration type is full + incremental migration.


    1. Log in to the DTS console, select Data Migration on the left sidebar, and select the specified migration task.
    2. When the task enters the incremental stage, the grayed out Complete button will turn blue. Click Complete to stop the migration task at an appropriate time.
    We recommend that you check the task status and ensure the following conditions are met before stopping the task to avoid data inconsistency due to a large data gap or database time lag.
    The source-target database data gap is 0 MB.
    The source-target database time lag is 0s.
    3. In the pop-up window, confirm that everything is correct and click OK.
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