tencent cloud


JSON Demo Description

Last updated: 2024-07-08 19:02:56
    The demo for each programming language uses JSON for serialization and contains a Record definition file. In the demo for Java, the path of the definition file is consumerDemo-json-java\\src\\main\\java\\json\\FlatRecord.java.

    ‍Type of Field in Record

    Field Name in Record
    The globally incremental ID.
    The protocol version, which is v1 currently.
    The message type. Enumerated values: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, DDL, BEGIN, COMMIT, HEARTBEAT, CHECKPOINT.
    The name of the binlog file where the current record is located.
    The end offset of the current record in the binlog in the format of End_log_pos@binlog file number. For example, if the current record is in file mysql-bin.000004 and the end offset is 2196, then the value of this parameter will be 2196@4.
    The start offset of the current transaction in the binlog, which is in the same format as described above.
    The time when the data was written to the binlog, which is a UNIX timestamp in seconds.
    The current GTID, such as c7c98333-6006-11ed-bfc9-b8cef6e1a231:9.
    The transaction ID, which is generated only for COMMIT events.
    The server ID of the source database, which can be viewed by running SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'server_id'.
    The ID of the session that committed the current transaction, which can be viewed by running SHOW processlist;.
    The source database type, which currently can only be MySQL.
    The source database version, which can be viewed by running: select version();.
    Database name.
    Table name.
    Format: Database name.table name.
    The definitions of columns in the table.
    The data of the row before DML execution. If the message is an INSERT message, the array will be null.
    The data of the row after DML execution. If the message is a DELETE message, the array will be null.
    The DDL SQL statement.
    The DDL execution duration in seconds.
    The timestamp of the heartbeat message in seconds. This field is present only for heartbeat messages.
    The collection of GTIDs parsed by DTS in the format of c7c98333-6006-11ed-bfc9-b8cef6e1a231:1-13.
    Whether the current GTID is forged. If gtid_mode is not enabled, DTS will forge a GTID.
    If the table in the source database has a primary key, this parameter will be carried in the DML message; otherwise, it will not be carried.
    The time when DTS processed the current data record, which is a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.
    The status_vars in QueryEvent. For more information, see QueryEvent.
    The total number of message segments if the message is segmented. This field is invalid on the current version (version=1) and is reserved for extension.
    The index of a message segment if the message is segmented. This field is invalid on the current version (version=1) and is reserved for extension.

    MySQL Column Attribute in Record

    name: The column name.
    dataTypeNumber: The type of the data recorded in the binlog. For values, see MySQL source code documentation.
    isKey: Whether the current key is the primary key.
    originalType: The type defined in DDL.

    MySQL Data Type Conversion Logic

    In the JSON protocol, all MySQL data types are converted to strings.
    String types such as varchar are all converted to UTF-8 encoding.
    Numeric types are all converted to strings equal to the value, such as "3.0".
    Time types are output in the format of yyyy-dd-mm hh:MM:ss.milli.
    Timestamp types are output as the number of milliseconds.
    Binary types such as binary and blob are output as strings equal to their hex values, such as "0xfff".
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