tencent cloud


Resuming Task

Last updated: 2024-07-08 19:09:49


    This document describes how to resume a paused sync task.

    Application Scope

    Data sync links among MySQL, TDSQL-C for MySQL, MariaDB, and Percona.


    After a task is paused, DTS will continue to pull the source database data but will not write data to the target database. After the task is resumed, DTS will continue the task.
    In the full export stage, after a task is resumed, the checkpoint restart is not supported, and DTS needs to export all the source database data again.
    In the full import and incremental sync stages, after a task is resumed, DTS will continue with the data transfer based on the offset of the binlog synced before the task is paused.
    During sync, binlog records are retained for up to seven days. If the pause lasts longer than seven days, the task will fail and cannot be restarted. We recommend that you keep the pause period below three days.
    Billable links will still be billed when the sync task is paused.


    1. Log in to the DTS console, select Data Sync on the left sidebar, select the target sync task, and click Resume in the Operation column.
    2. In the pop-up window, confirm that everything is correct and click OK.
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