tencent cloud


Supported Events

Last updated: 2024-07-08 15:56:51


    DTS can monitor events and metrics during data migration, sync, and subscription tasks and set alarm rules. It will send notifications to the specified recipients as soon as an event is triggered or a metric value reaches the set threshold so that they can take corresponding measures.
    Currently, event alarming is supported for the migration, sync, and subscription links of MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, TDSQL-C for MySQL, and TDSQL for TDStore.
    Currently, metric alarming is supported for the migration, sync, and subscription links of MySQL, MariaDB, Percona, TDSQL-C for MySQL, TDSQL for MySQL, and TDSQL for TDStore.

    Supported Events

    Event Name
    Data migration task interruption
    An alarm will be triggered when a data migration task is abnormally interrupted (excluding manual interruptions).
    Data sync task interruption
    ‌An alarm will be triggered when a data sync task is abnormally interrupted (excluding manual interruptions).
    Data subscription task interruption
    ‌An alarm will be triggered when a data sync task is abnormally interrupted (excluding manual interruptions).
    DTS service maintenance to be started
    An alarm will be triggered 24 hours before the specified maintenance time to inform the specified notification recipients of the DTS service maintenance and upgrade.
    DTS task has been interrupted for too long
    An alarm will be triggered if a DTS task has been interrupted for 1 (exclusive) to 14 (exclusive) days.
    DTS task status becomes "Stopped"
    An alarm will be triggered when a task is interrupted for 14 days to inform the specified notification recipients that the task has failed and will be in the "Stopped" status.
    TencentCloud API operation (CloudAudit)
    An alarm will be triggered when a ‌TencentCloud API operation is abnormally interrupted.
    Console operation (CloudAudit)
    An alarm will be triggered when a console operation is abnormally interrupted.
    Mini program operation (CloudAudit)
    An alarm will be triggered when a mini program operation is abnormally interrupted.

    Supported Metrics

    For alarm metrics supported by DTS, see Viewing Monitoring Metric. You can monitor key metrics. DTS will send notifications to the specified recipients as soon as a metric value reaches the set threshold so that they can take corresponding measures.
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