tencent cloud



Last updated: 2019-08-08 11:11:21


    Thank you for using Tencent Cloud Game Multimedia Engine (GME) SDK. This document describes how to compile GME's Authbuffer to make it easy for developers to debug and access the APIs of GME.

    Detailed Steps for Compilation

    Click here to download the file related to GME Authbuffer.

    2. Send the file to Linux

    The downloaded file is in .zip format and must be sent to Linux.

    3. Decompress the file

    Decompress the downloaded zip file.

    4. Enter project directory

    For relevant code, see cd authbuffer/build/linux/.

    5. Execute make

    Execute make to generate a dynamic library.
    Path: [personal folder]/authbuffer/build/linux

    6. Run executable file

    The path of the executable file is: [personal folder]/authbuffer/bin/linux/libAuthbuffer.so
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