and Poll
will be returned with the value being 0.Poll
API should be called periodically for GME to trigger event callbacks.Class | Description |
ITMGContext | Key APIs |
ITMGPTT | Voice messaging and speech-to-text APIs |
API | Description |
Init | Initializes GME |
Poll | Triggers event callback |
Pause | Pauses the system |
Resume | Resumes the system |
Uninit | Uninitializes GME |
#include "auth_buffer.h"#include "tmg_sdk.h"#include "AdvanceHeaders/tmg_sdk_adv.h"#include <vector>
// When initializing the SDKm_pTmgContext = ITMGContextGetInstance();m_pTmgContext->SetTMGDelegate(this);// In the destructorCTMGSDK_For_AudioDlg::~CTMGSDK_For_AudioDlg(){ITMGContextGetInstance()->SetTMGDelegate(NULL);}
method to send callback notifications to the application. ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE
indicates the message type. The data on Windows is in json string format. For the key-value pairs, please see the relevant documentation.// Declaration in the header filevirtual void OnEvent(ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE eventType,const char* data);// Sample codevoid CTMGSDK_For_AudioDlg::OnEvent(ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE eventType, const char* data){switch(eventType){case ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_XXXX_XXXX:{// Process the callback}break;}}
, and callbacks are passed to the application through ITMGDelegate
, which should be configured first.ITMGContext* m_pTmgContext;m_pTmgContext->Init(AppID, OpenID);
API before you can use the real-time voice, voice message, and speech-to-text services. The Init
API must be called in the same thread as other APIs. We recommend you call all APIs in the main thread.ITMGContext virtual int Init(const char* sdkAppId, const char* openId)
Parameter | Type | Description |
sdkAppId | const char* | |
openID | const char* | openID can only be in Int64 type, which is passed in after being converted to a const char* . You can customize its rules, and it must be unique in the application. To pass in openID as a string, submit a ticket for application. |
Returned Value | Description |
AV_OK = 0 | Initialized SDK successfully. |
AV_ERR_SDK_NOT_FULL_UPDATE=7015 | Checks whether the SDK file is complete. It is recommended to delete it and then import the SDK again. |
is only a reminder but will not cause an initialization failure.#define SDKAPPID3RD "14000xxxxxx"cosnt char* openId="10001";ITMGContext* context = ITMGContextGetInstance();context->Init(SDKAPPID3RD, openId);
API in update
. Poll
is the message pump of GME, and the Poll
API should be called periodically for GME to trigger event callbacks; otherwise, the entire SDK service will run exceptionally.
You can refer to the EnginePollHelper.cpp
file in the demo.Poll
API must be called periodically and in the main thread to avoid abnormal API callbacks.class ITMGContext {protected:virtual ~ITMGContext() {}public:virtual void Poll()= 0;}
void TMGTestScene::update(float delta){ITMGContextGetInstance()->Poll();}
event occurs in the system, the engine should also be notified for pause. If you do not need the background to play back the audio in the room, please call Pause
API to pause the GME service.ITMGContext int Pause()
event occurs in the system, the engine should also be notified for resumption. The Resume
API only supports resuming voice chat.ITMGContext int Resume()
, switching game account requires uninitializing GME and then using the new openid
to initialize again.ITMGContext int Uninit()
API to set it after initialization.API | Description |
GenAuthBuffer | Generates the local authentication key |
ApplyPTTAuthbuffer | Initializes authentication |
SetMaxMessageLength | Specifies the maximum length of voice message |
for encryption and authentication of relevant features. For release in the production environment, please use the backend deployment key as detailed in Authentication Key. int QAVSDK_AuthBuffer_GenAuthBuffer(unsigned int dwSdkAppID, const char* strRoomID, const char* strOpenID,const char* strKey, unsigned char* strAuthBuffer, unsigned int bufferLength);
Parameter | Type | Description |
dwSdkAppID | int | AppId from the Tencent Cloud console. |
strRoomID | const char* | Enter null or an empty string |
strOpenID | const char* | User ID, which is the same as openID during initialization. |
strKey | const char* | |
strAuthBuffer | const char* | Returned authbuff . |
bufferLength | int | Length of the authbuff passed in. 500 is recommended. |
ITMGPTT virtual int ApplyPTTAuthbuffer(const char* authBuffer, int authBufferLen)
Parameter | Type | Description |
authBuffer | const char* | Authentication |
authBufferLen | int | Authentication length |
ITMGPTT virtual int SetMaxMessageLength(int msTime)
Parameter | Type | Description |
msTime | int | Audio duration in ms. Value range: 1000 < msTime <= 58000 |
int msTime = 10000;ITMGContextGetInstance()->GetPTT()->SetMaxMessageLength(msTime);
API | Description |
StartRecordingWithStreamingRecognition | Starts streaming recording |
StopRecording | Stops recording |
ITMGPTT virtual int StartRecordingWithStreamingRecognition(const char* filePath)ITMGPTT virtual int StartRecordingWithStreamingRecognition(const char* filePath,const char* translateLanguage,const char* translateLanguage)
Parameter | Type | Description |
filePath | const char* | Path of stored audio file |
speechLanguage | const char* | The language in which the audio file is to be converted to text. For parameters, see Language Parameter Reference List. |
translateLanguage | const char* | The language in which the audio file is to be translated to text. For parameters, see Language Parameter Reference List. |
returns text after the recording is stopped and the recognition is completed, which is equivalent to returning the recognized text after a paragraph of speech.ITMG_MAIN_EVNET_TYPE_PTT_STREAMINGRECOGNITION_IS_RUNNING
returns the recognized text in real-time during the recording, which is equivalent to returning the recognized text while speaking.OnEvent
notification based on the actual needs. The passed parameters include the following four messages.Message Name | Description |
result | Return code indicating whether streaming speech recognition is successful |
text | Text converted from speech |
file_path | Local path of stored recording file |
file_id | Backend URL address of recording file, which will be retained for 90 days |
Error Code | Description | Suggested Solution |
32775 | Streaming speech-to-text conversion failed, but recording succeeded. | Call the UploadRecordedFile API to upload the recording file and then call the SpeechToText API to perform speech-to-text conversion. |
32777 | Streaming speech-to-text conversion failed, but recording and upload succeeded. | The message returned contains a backend URL after successful upload. Call the SpeechToText API to perform speech-to-text conversion. |
32786 | Streaming speech-to-text conversion failed. | During streaming recording, wait for the execution result of the streaming recording API to return. |
32787 | Speech-to-text conversion succeeded, but the text translation service was not activated. | Activate the text translation service in the console. |
32788 | Speech-to-text conversion succeeded, but the language parameter of the text translation service was invalid. | Check the parameter passed in. |
void TMGTestScene::OnEvent(ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE eventType,const char* data){switch (eventType) {case ITMG_MAIN_EVNET_TYPE_PTT_STREAMINGRECOGNITION_COMPLETE:{HandleSTREAM2TEXTComplete(data,true);break;} ITMG_MAIN_EVNET_TYPE_PTT_STREAMINGRECOGNITION_IS_RUNNING:{HandleSTREAM2TEXTComplete(data, false);break;}}}void CTMGSDK_For_AudioDlg::HandleSTREAM2TEXTComplete(const char* data, bool isComplete){std::string strText = "STREAM2TEXT: ret=";strText += data;m_EditMonitor.SetWindowText(MByteToWChar(strText).c_str());Json::Reader reader;Json::Value root;bool parseRet = reader.parse(data, root);if (!parseRet) {::SetWindowText(m_EditInfo.GetSafeHwnd(),MByteToWChar(std::string("parse result Json error")).c_str());}else{if (isComplete) {::SetWindowText(m_EditUpload.GetSafeHwnd(), MByteToWChar(root["file_id"].asString()).c_str());}else {std::string isruning = "STREAMINGRECOGNITION_IS_RUNNING";::SetWindowText(m_EditUpload.GetSafeHwnd(), MByteToWChar(isruning).c_str());}}}
API | Description |
StartRecording | Starts recording |
PauseRecording | Pauses recording |
ResumeRecording | Resumes recording |
StopRecording | Stops recording |
CancelRecording | Cancels recording |
ITMGPTT virtual int StartRecording(const char* fileDir)
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileDir | const char* | Path of stored audio file |
char buffer[256]={0};snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%sunreal_ptt_local.file", getFilePath().c_str());ITMGContextGetInstance()->GetPTT()->StartRecording(buffer);
ITMGPTT virtual int StopRecording()
. The callback for recording start will be returned after the recording is stopped.Parameter | Type | Description |
result | int32 | 0: recording is completed |
filepath | FString | Path of stored recording file, which must be accessible and cannot be the fileid |
Error Code Value | Cause | Suggested Solution |
4097 | Parameter is empty. | Check whether the API parameters in the code are correct. |
4098 | Initialization error. | Check whether the device is being used, whether the permissions are normal, and whether the initialization is normal. |
4099 | Recording is in progress. | Ensure that the SDK recording feature is used at the right time. |
4100 | Audio data is not captured. | Check whether the mic is working properly. |
4101 | An error occurred while accessing the file during recording. | Ensure the existence of the file and the validity of the file path. |
4102 | The mic is not authorized. | Mic permission is required for using the SDK. To add the permission, please see the SDK project configuration document for the corresponding engine or platform. |
4103 | The recording duration is too short. | The recording duration should be in ms and longer than 1,000 ms. |
4104 | No recording operation is started. | Check whether the recording starting API has been called. |
void TMGTestScene::OnEvent(ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE eventType,const char* data){switch (eventType) {case ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_ENTER_ROOM:{// Processbreak;} ITMG_MAIN_EVNET_TYPE_PTT_RECORD_COMPLETE:{// Processbreak;}}}
API.ITMGPTT virtual int PauseRecording()
ITMGPTT virtual int ResumeRecording()
ITMGPTT virtual int CancelRecording()
API | Description |
UploadRecordedFile | Uploads the audio file |
DownloadRecordedFile | Downloads the audio file |
PlayRecordedFile | Plays back the audio file |
StopPlayFile | Stops playing back the audio file |
GetFileSize | Gets audio file size |
GetVoiceFileDuration | Gets the audio file duration |
ITMGPTT virtual int UploadRecordedFile(const char* filePath)
Parameter | Type | Description |
filePath | const char* | Path of uploaded audio file, which is a local path |
will be returned, which will be identified in the OnEvent
The passed parameters include result
, file_path
, and file_id
.Parameter | Type | Description |
result | int32 | 0: recording is completed |
filepath | FString | Path of stored recording file |
fileid | FString | File URL path |
Error Code Value | Cause | Suggested Solution |
8193 | An error occurred while accessing the file during upload. | Ensure the existence of the file and the validity of the file path. |
8194 | Signature verification failed. | Check whether the authentication key is correct and whether the voice message and speech-to-text feature is initialized. |
8195 | A network error occurred. | Check whether the device can access the internet. |
8196 | The network failed while getting the upload parameters. | Check whether the authentication is correct and whether the device can access the internet. |
8197 | The packet returned during the process of getting the upload parameters is empty. | Check whether the authentication is correct and whether the device network can normally access the internet. |
8198 | Failed to decode the packet returned during the process of getting the upload parameters. | Check whether the authentication is correct and whether the device can access the internet. |
8200 | No appinfo is set. | Check whether the apply API is called or whether the input parameters are empty. |
void TMGTestScene::OnEvent(ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE eventType,const char* data){switch (eventType) {case ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_ENTER_ROOM:{// Processbreak;} ITMG_MAIN_EVNET_TYPE_PTT_UPLOAD_COMPLETE:{// Processbreak;}}}
ITMGPTT virtual int DownloadRecordedFile(const char* fileId, const char* filePath)
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileId | const char* | URL path of file |
filePath | const char* | Local path of saved file |
will be returned, which will be identified in the OnEvent
The passed parameters include result
, file_path
, and file_id
.Parameter | Type | Description |
result | int32 | 0: recording is completed |
filepath | FString | Path of stored recording file |
fileid | FString | URL path of file, which will be retained on the server for 90 days |
Error Code Value | Cause | Suggested Solution |
12289 | An error occurred while accessing the file during download. | Check whether the file path is valid. |
12290 | Signature verification failed. | Check whether the authentication key is correct and whether the voice message and speech-to-text feature is initialized. |
12291 | Network storage system exception. | The server failed to get the audio file. Check whether the API parameter fileid is correct, whether the network is normal, and whether the file exists in COS. |
12292 | Server file system error. | Check whether the device can access the internet and whether the file exists on the server. |
12293 | The HTTP network failed during the process of getting the download parameters. | Check whether the device can access the internet. |
12294 | The packet returned during the process of getting the download parameters is empty. | Check whether the device can access the internet. |
12295 | Failed to decode the packet returned during the process of getting the download parameters. | Check whether the device can access the internet. |
12297 | No appinfo is set. | Check whether the authentication key is correct and whether the voice message and speech-to-text feature is initialized. |
void TMGTestScene::OnEvent(ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE eventType,const char* data){switch (eventType) {case ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_ENTER_ROOM:{// Processbreak;}
ITMGPTT virtual int PlayRecordedFile(const char* filePath)ITMGPTT virtual int PlayRecordedFile(const char* filePath, nt voiceType)
Parameter | Type | Description |
filePath | const char* | Local audio file path |
voicetype | int |
Error Code Value | Cause | Suggested Solution |
20485 | Playback is not started. | Ensure the existence of the file and the validity of the file path. |
will be returned, which will be identified in the OnEvent
The passed parameter includes result
and file_path
.Parameter | Type | Description |
code | int | 0: playback is completed |
filepath | FString | Path of stored recording file |
Error Code Value | Cause | Suggested Solution |
20481 | Initialization error. | Check whether the device is being used, whether the permissions are normal, and whether the initialization is normal. |
20482 | During playback, the client tried to interrupt and play back the next one but failed (which should succeed normally). | Check whether the code logic is correct. |
20483 | Parameter is empty. | Check whether the API parameters in the code are correct. |
20484 | Internal error. | An error occurred while initializing the player. This error code is generally caused by failure in decoding, and the error should be located with the aid of logs. |
void TMGTestScene::OnEvent(ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE eventType,const char* data){switch (eventType) {...else if (eventType == ITMG_MAIN_EVNET_TYPE_PTT_PLAY_COMPLETE) {int32 result = JsonObject->GetIntegerField(TEXT("result"));FString filepath = JsonObject->GetStringField(TEXT("file_path"));onPttPlayFileCompleted(result, filepath);}}}
ITMGPTT virtual int StopPlayFile()
ITMGPTT virtual int GetFileSize(const char* filePath)
Parameter | Type | Description |
filePath | const char* | Path of audio file, which is a local path |
ITMGPTT virtual int GetVoiceFileDuration(const char* filePath)
Parameter | Type | Description |
filePath | const char* | Path of audio file, which is a local path |
API | Description |
SpeechToText | Converts speech to text |
ITMGPTT virtual void SpeechToText(const char* fileID)
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileID | const char* | Audio file URL |
ITMGPTT virtual int SpeechToText(const char* fileID,const char* speechLanguage)ITMGPTT virtual int SpeechToText(const char* fileID,const char* speechLanguage,const char* translateLanguage)
Parameter | Type | Description |
fileID | const char* | The URL of the audio file, which will be retained on the server for 90 days. |
speechLanguage | const char* | The language in which the audio file is to be converted to text. For parameters, see Language Parameter Reference List. |
translatelanguage | const char* | The language in which the audio file is to be translated to text. For parameters, see Language Parameter Reference List. |
The passed parameters include result
, file_path
and text
(recognized text).Parameter | Type | Description |
result | int32 | 0: recording is completed |
fileid | FString | URL of recording file, which will be retained on the server for 90 days |
text | FString | Converted text |
Error Code Value | Cause | Suggested Solution |
32769 | An internal error occurred. | Analyze logs, get the actual error code returned from the backend to the client, and ask backend personnel for assistance. |
32770 | Network failed. | Check whether the device can access the internet. |
32772 | Failed to decode the returned packet. | Analyze logs, get the actual error code returned from the backend to the client, and ask backend personnel for assistance. |
32774 | No appinfo is set. | Check whether the authentication key is correct and whether the voice messaging and speech-to-text feature is initialized. |
32776 | authbuffer check failed. | Check whether authbuffer is correct. |
32784 | Incorrect speech-to-text conversion parameter. | Check whether the API parameter fileid in the code is empty. |
32785 | Speech-to-text translation returned an error. | Error with the backend of voice messaging and speech-to-text feature. Analyze logs, get the actual error code returned from the backend to the client, and ask backend personnel for assistance. |
32787 | Speech-to-text conversion succeeded, but the text translation service was not activated. | Activate the text translation service in the console. |
32788 | Speech-to-text conversion succeeded, but the language parameter of the text translation service was invalid. | Check the parameter passed in. |
void TMGTestScene::OnEvent(ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE eventType,const char* data){switch (eventType) {case ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_ENTER_ROOM:{// Processbreak;} ITMG_MAIN_EVNET_TYPE_PTT_SPEECH2TEXT_COMPLETE:{// Processbreak;}}}
API | Description |
GetMicLevel | Gets real-time mic volume level |
SetMicVolume | Sets recording volume level |
GetMicVolume | Gets recording volume level |
GetSpeakerLevel | Gets real-time speaker volume |
SetSpeakerVolume | Sets playback volume level |
GetSpeakerVolume | Gets playback volume level |
ITMGPTT virtual int GetMicLevel()
ITMGPTT virtual int SetMicVolume(int vol)
ITMGPTT virtual int GetMicVolume()
ITMGPTT virtual int GetSpeakerLevel()
ITMGPTT virtual int SetSpeakerVolume(int vol)
ITMGPTT virtual int GetSpeakerVolume()
ITMGContext virtual const char* GetSDKVersion()
ITMGContext int SetLogLevel(ITMG_LOG_LEVEL levelWrite, ITMG_LOG_LEVEL levelPrint)
Parameter | Type | Description |
levelWrite | ITMG_LOG_LEVEL | Sets the level of logs to be written. TMG_LOG_LEVEL_NONE indicates not to write. Default value: TMG_LOG_LEVEL_INFO |
levelPrint | ITMG_LOG_LEVEL | Sets the level of logs to be printed. TMG_LOG_LEVEL_NONE indicates not to print. Default value: TMG_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR |
description:ITMG_LOG_LEVEL | Description |
TMG_LOG_LEVEL_NONE | Does not print logs |
TMG_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR | Prints error logs (default) |
TMG_LOG_LEVEL_INFO | Prints info logs |
TMG_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG | Prints debug logs |
TMG_LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE | Prints verbose logs |
OS | Path |
Windows | %appdata%\\Tencent\\GME\\ProcessName |
iOS | Application/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/Documents |
Android | /sdcard/Android/data/ |
Mac | /Users/username/Library/Containers/ |
ITMGContext virtual int SetLogPath(const char* logDir)
Parameter | Type | Description |
logDir | const char* | Path |
cosnt char* logDir = ""// Set a path by yourselfITMGContext* context = ITMGContextGetInstance();context->SetLogPath(logDir);
Message | Description | Parameter | Sample |
ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_ENTER_ROOM | A member entered the audio room | result; error_info | {"error_info":"","result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_EXIT_ROOM | A member exited the audio room | result; error_info | {"error_info":"","result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_ROOM_DISCONNECT | The room was disconnected for network or other reasons | result; error_info | {"error_info":"waiting timeout, please check your network","result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVNET_TYPE_USER_UPDATE | Room members were updated | user_list; event_id | {"event_id":1,"user_list":["0"]} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_RECONNECT_START | The reconnection to the room started | result; error_info | {"error_info":"","result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_RECONNECT_SUCCESS | The reconnection to the room succeeded | result; error_info | {"error_info":"","result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_SWITCH_ROOM | The room was quickly switched | result; error_info | {"error_info":"","result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_CHANGE_ROOM_TYPE | The room status was changed | result; error_info; sub_event_type; new_room_type | {"error_info":"","new_room_type":0,"result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_ROOM_SHARING_START | Cross-room mic connect started | result; | {"result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_ROOM_SHARING_STOP | Cross-room mic connect stopped | result; | {"result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_SPEAKER_DEFAULT_DEVICE_CHANGED | The default speaker device was changed | result; error_info | {"deviceID":"{}.{a4f1e8be-49fa-43e2-b8cf-dd00542b47ae}","deviceName":"Speaker (Realtek High Definition Audio)","error_info":"","isNewDevice":true,"isUsedDevice":false,"result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_SPEAKER_NEW_DEVICE | A new speaker device was added | result; error_info | {"deviceID":"{}.{a4f1e8be-49fa-43e2-b8cf-dd00542b47ae}","deviceName":"Speaker (Realtek High Definition Audio)","error_info":"","isNewDevice":true,"isUsedDevice":false,"result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_SPEAKER_LOST_DEVICE | A speaker device was lost | result; error_info | {"deviceID":"{}.{a4f1e8be-49fa-43e2-b8cf-dd00542b47ae}","deviceName":"Speaker (Realtek High Definition Audio)","error_info":"","isNewDevice":false,"isUsedDevice":false,"result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_MIC_NEW_DEVICE | A new mic device was added | result; error_info | {"deviceID":"{}.{5fdf1a5b-f42d-4ab2-890a-7e454093f229}","deviceName":"Mic (Realtek High Definition Audio)","error_info":"","isNewDevice":true,"isUsedDevice":true,"result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_MIC_LOST_DEVICE | A mic device was lost | result; error_info | {"deviceID":"{}.{5fdf1a5b-f42d-4ab2-890a-7e454093f229}","deviceName":"Mic (Realtek High Definition Audio)","error_info":"","isNewDevice":false,"isUsedDevice":true,"result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_MIC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_CHANGED | The default mic device was changed | result; error_info | {"deviceID":"{}.{5fdf1a5b-f42d-4ab2-890a-7e454093f229}","deviceName":"Mic (Realtek High Definition Audio)","error_info":"","isNewDevice":false,"isUsedDevice":true,"result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVENT_TYPE_CHANGE_ROOM_QUALITY | The room quality changed | weight; loss; delay | {"weight":5,"loss":0.1,"delay":1} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVNET_TYPE_PTT_RECORD_COMPLETE | Voice message recording was completed | result; file_path | {"file_path":"","result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVNET_TYPE_PTT_UPLOAD_COMPLETE | Voice message upload was completed | result; file_path;file_id | {"file_id":"","file_path":"","result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVNET_TYPE_PTT_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE | Voice message download was completed | result; file_path;file_id | {"file_id":"","file_path":"","result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVNET_TYPE_PTT_PLAY_COMPLETE | Voice message playback was completed | result; file_path | {"file_path":"","result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVNET_TYPE_PTT_SPEECH2TEXT_COMPLETE | Fast speech-to-text conversion was completed | result; text;file_id | {"file_id":"","text":"","result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVNET_TYPE_PTT_STREAMINGRECOGNITION_COMPLETE | Streaming speech-to-text conversion was completed | result; file_path; text;file_id | {"file_id":"","file_path":","text":"","result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVNET_TYPE_PTT_STREAMINGRECOGNITION_IS_RUNNING | Streaming speech-to-text conversion is in progress | result; file_path; text;file_id | {"file_id":"","file_path":","text":"","result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVNET_TYPE_PTT_TEXT2SPEECH_COMPLETE | Text-to-speech conversion was completed | result; text;file_id | {"file_id":"","text":"","result":0} |
ITMG_MAIN_EVNET_TYPE_PTT_TRANSLATE_TEXT_COMPLETE | Text translation was completed | result; text;file_id | {"file_id":"","text":"","result":0} |