tencent cloud


Supported Regions

Last updated: 2024-11-22 15:16:13
You can select a WAF type and region according to the deployment method and region of your business. WAF currently supports service in the following regions:
Product Type
Supported Region
Chinese mainland
South China: Guangzhou
East China: Shanghai
North China: Beijing
Southwest China: Chengdu
Outside Chinese mainland
Hong Kong/Macao/Taiwan (China): Hong Kong (China)
Southeast Asia: Singapore, Bangkok, and Jakarta
Northeast Asia: Seoul and Tokyo
South Asia: Mumbai
West US: Silicon Valley
North America: Toronto
Europe: Frankfurt
East US: Virginia
South America: Sao Paulo
Chinese mainland
South China: Guangzhou and Shenzhen Finance
East China: Shanghai, Nanjing, and Shanghai Finance
North China: Beijing and Beijing Finance
Southwest China: Chengdu and Chongqing
Outside Chinese mainland
Hong Kong/Macao/Taiwan (China): Hong Kong (China)
Southeast Asia: Singapore, Bangkok, and Jakarta
South Asia: Mumbai
Northeast Asia: Seoul and Tokyo
West US: Silicon Valley
East US: Virginia
North America: Toronto
Europe: Frankfurt

We recommend you place your SaaS WAF instance and web real server in the same region to reduce business latency.
CLB WAF supports binding IPv6 CLB instances to protect IPv6 websites. If you want to use IPv6 web protection, make sure that the selected region supports IPv6 CLB instances and IPv6 web deployment has been completed.
IPv6 CLB instances currently support main regions. The supported regions are subject to the ones on the CLB purchase page. For more information on IPv6 CLB, see Getting Started with IPv6 CLB.
If you have never added a protected domain name in WAF, you can contact us to change the region. Otherwise, you cannot change the region.
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