tencent cloud


API Traffic Analysis

Last updated: 2024-09-05 11:26:05


    The API traffic analysis feature supports the summary and analysis of several dimensions of APIs including the asset status, activity, sensitivity, and risk events, providing an intuitive understanding of trends across various dimensions of the current APIs.


    1. Log in to the Web Application Firewall Console, and choose API traffic analysis in the left sidebar.
    2. On the API traffic analysis page, click the All domains dropdown in the top left corner, and select the domain name you want to view, and whether API security is enabled for the current domain name is displayed on the right side.
    If API security switch is enabled, you can start using the related features.
    If API security switch is not enabled, you need to go to the Access Management page, filter the domain name under the instances that have purchased API security and need to enable API security switch, and click
    to enable the switch.
    3. On the API traffic analysis page, API assets and API security risks are at the top.
    Field Name
    Total APIs
    The total number of API assets under the current domain name.
    Discovered APIs
    The total number of API assets under the current domain name with the status Newly Discovered.
    Active APIs in the past 7 days
    The total number of API assets accessed in the past 7 days under the current domain name.
    7-day inactive APIs
    The total number of API assets not accessed in the past 7 days under the current domain name.
    Unsafe APIs
    The total number of API assets under the current domain name with risk levels classified as low-risk, medium-risk, or high-risk.
    Sensitive APIs
    The total number of API assets under the current domain name involved in the transmission of sensitive data.
    Security events
    The total number of API risk events under the current domain name.
    4. On the API traffic analysis page, retrieve API-related statistics within a specified time range.
    5. In the API Activity Analysis category, there are two modules: Top 5 active APIs and Active/Inactive API trends.
    Top 5 active APIs: View the Top 5 active API assets in the selected domain name's API traffic within the selected time range.
    API Asset Management: Click to navigate to the API asset management page.
    See more: View the Top 10/50/100 active API assets in the selected domain name's API traffic within the selected time range.
    Active/Inactive API trends: View the trends of active/inactive API assets in the selected domain name's API traffic within the selected time range.
    6. In the Sensitive Analysis Classification category, there are three modules: Sensitive APIs by sensitivity, Top 5 sensitive APIs, and Types of sensitive data.
    Sensitive APIs by sensitivity: View the number of API assets with different risk levels in the selected domain name's API traffic within the selected time range.
    Top 5 sensitive APIs: View the Top 5 ranked API assets by the number of sensitive data entries in the selected domain name's API traffic within the selected time range.
    Types of sensitive data: View the proportion of sensitive data types in the selected domain name's API traffic within the selected time range.
    View all sensitive APIs: Click to navigate to the API asset management page and filter the list of all sensitive API assets within the selected time range.
    7. In the API Event Analysis category, there are three modules: discovered API security events by severity, Top 5 API security events, and event types proportion.
    Discovered API security events by severity: View the risk level classification of discovered events in the selected domain name's API traffic within the selected time range.
    Top 5 API security events: View the ranking of the number of API-related events in the selected domain name's API traffic within the selected time range.
    Event types: View the proportion of event types in the selected domain name's API traffic within the selected time range.
    View all events: Click to go to the event management page and filter the list of all event types within the selected time range.
    8. In the API Event Trend Analysis category, view the total number of events and the number of processed events in the selected domain name's API traffic within the selected time range.
    View all events: Click to go to the event management page and filter the list of all event types within the selected time range.
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