tencent cloud



最終更新日:2023-06-25 16:11:56

    1. API Description

    Domain name for API request: ocr.tencentcloudapi.com.

    This API is used to recognize various types of invoices or tickets in an image or PDF file. You can also specify a type. 14 types of standard expense reimbursement invoices are supported, including value-added tax (VAT) invoice (special, general, roll, blockchain, and toll), fully digitalized electronic invoice (special and general), non-tax revenue invoice (general receipt and general payment voucher), quota invoice, general machine-printed invoice, car sales invoice (motor vehicle sales invoice and used car invoice), train ticket, taxi receipt, itinerary/receipt of e-ticket for air transportation, bus ticket, ship ticket, toll receipt, and medical invoice (inpatient and outpatient). This API can also be used for intelligent recognition of other types of invoices. To try now, click here.

    A maximum of 5 requests can be initiated per second for this API.

    The invoice/ticket subtype (SubType), subtype description (TypeDescription), and parent type (Type) can be returned, as described below:

    SubType TypeDescription Type
    VatSpecialInvoice Special VAT invoice 3
    VatCommonInvoice General VAT invoice 3
    VatElectronicCommonInvoice Electronic general VAT invoice 3
    VatElectronicSpecialInvoice Electronic special VAT invoice 3
    VatElectronicInvoiceBlockchain Blockchain electronic invoice 3
    VatElectronicInvoiceToll Electronic general VAT invoice (toll) 3
    VatElectronicSpecialInvoiceFull Electronic invoice (special) 16
    VatElectronicInvoiceFull Electronic invoice (general) 16
    MotorVehicleSaleInvoice Motor vehicle sales invoice 12
    UsedCarPurchaseInvoice Used car invoice 12
    VatInvoiceRoll General VAT invoice (roll) 11
    TaxiTicket Taxi receipt 0
    QuotaInvoice Quota invoice 1
    TrainTicket Train ticket 2
    AirTransport Itinerary/Receipt of e-ticket for air transportation 5
    MachinePrintedInvoice General machine-printed invoice 8
    BusInvoice Bus ticket 9
    ShippingInvoice Ship ticket 10
    NonTaxIncomeGeneralBill General receipt for non-tax revenue 15
    NonTaxIncomeElectronicBill General payment voucher for non-tax revenue (electronic) 15
    TollInvoice Toll receipt 13
    OtherInvoice Other -1
    We recommend you to use API Explorer
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    2. Input Parameters

    The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.

    Parameter Name Required Type Description
    Action Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: RecognizeGeneralInvoice.
    Version Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: 2018-11-19.
    Region No String Common Params. This parameter is not required for this API.
    ImageBase64 No String The Base64-encoded value of the image.
    Supported image formats: PNG, JPG, JPEG, and PDF. GIF is currently not supported.
    Supported image size: The downloaded image after Base64 encoding can be up to 7 MB. The download time of the image cannot exceed 3s.
    Supported image pixels: 20 to 10,000
    Either ImageUrl or ImageBase64 of the image must be provided. If both are provided, only ImageUrl is used.
    ImageUrl No String The URL of the image.
    Supported image formats: PNG, JPG, JPEG, and PDF. GIF is currently not supported.
    Supported image size: The downloaded image after Base64 encoding can be up to 7 MB. The download time of the image cannot exceed 3s.
    Supported image pixels: 20 to 10,000
    We recommend that you store the image in Tencent Cloud for higher download speed and stability.
    The download speed and stability of non-Tencent Cloud URLs may be low.
    Types.N No Array of Integer The list of the types of invoices to be recognized. If this parameter is left empty, all types of invoices are recognized.
    0: Taxi receipt
    1: Quota invoice
    2: Train ticket
    3: VAT invoice
    5: Itinerary/Receipt of e-ticket for air transport
    8: General machine-printed invoice
    9: Bus ticket
    10: Ship ticket
    11: VAT invoice (roll)
    12: Car sales inovice
    13: Toll receipt
    15: Non-tax revenue invoice
    16: Fully digitalized electronic invoice
    -1: Other

    By default, this parameter is left empty, which means to recognize all types of invoices.
    When a single type is passed in, the image is recognized based on this type.
    You can only specify a singe type or all types, but not some types.
    EnableOther No Boolean Whether to enable recognition of other invoices. If you enable this feature, other invoices can be recognized. Default value: true.
    EnablePdf No Boolean Whether to enable PDF recognition. If you enable this feature, both images and PDF files can be recognized. Default value: true.
    PdfPageNumber No Integer The number of the PDF page that needs to be recognized. Only one single PDF page can be recognized. This parameter is valid if the uploaded file is a PDF and the value of EnablePdf is true. Default value: 1.
    EnableMultiplePage No Boolean Whether to enable multi-page PDF recognition. If you enable this feature, multiple pages of a PDF file can be recognized, and the recognition results of a maximum of the first 30 pages can be returned. After you enable this feature, input parameters EnablePdf and PdfPageNumber are invalid. Default value: false.
    EnableCutImage No Boolean Whether to return the Base64-encoded value of the cropped image. Default value: false.

    3. Output Parameters

    Parameter Name Type Description
    MixedInvoiceItems Array of InvoiceItem Mixed invoice/ticket recognition result. Please click the link on the left for details.
    TotalPDFCount Integer Total number of pages in the PDF file.
    RequestId String The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.

    4. Example

    Example1 Recognizing a general invoice or ticket (advanced)

    This example shows you how to recognize a general invoice or ticket (advanced).

    Input Example

    POST / HTTP/1.1
    Host: ocr.tencentcloudapi.com
    Content-Type: application/json
    X-TC-Action: RecognizeGeneralInvoice
    <Common request parameters>
        "ImageUrl": "abc",
        "EnableMultiplePage": true

    Output Example

        "Response": {
            "MixedInvoiceItems": [
                    "Code": "OK",
                    "Type": 3,
                    "SubType": "VatSpecialInvoice",
                    "TypeDescription": "",
                    "SubTypeDescription": "",
                    "Polygon": {
                        "LeftBottom": {
                            "X": -18,
                            "Y": 880
                        "LeftTop": {
                            "X": -18,
                            "Y": 34
                        "RightBottom": {
                            "X": 1381,
                            "Y": 880
                        "RightTop": {
                            "X": 1381,
                            "Y": 34
                    "Angle": 270.2,
                    "SingleInvoiceInfos": {
                        "AirTransport": null,
                        "BusInvoice": null,
                        "MachinePrintedInvoice": null,
                        "MotorVehicleSaleInvoice": null,
                        "NonTaxIncomeElectronicBill": null,
                        "NonTaxIncomeGeneralBill": null,
                        "OtherInvoice": null,
                        "QuotaInvoice": null,
                        "ShippingInvoice": null,
                        "TaxiTicket": null,
                        "TollInvoice": null,
                        "TrainTicket": null,
                        "UsedCarPurchaseInvoice": null,
                        "VatCommonInvoice": null,
                        "VatElectronicCommonInvoice": null,
                        "VatElectronicInvoiceBlockchain": null,
                        "VatElectronicInvoiceFull": null,
                        "VatElectronicInvoiceToll": null,
                        "VatElectronicSpecialInvoice": null,
                        "VatElectronicSpecialInvoiceFull": null,
                        "VatInvoiceRoll": null,
                        "VatSpecialInvoice": {
                            "AgentMark": 0,
                            "Buyer": "",
                            "BuyerAddrTel": "",
                            "BuyerBankAccount": "",
                            "BuyerTaxID": "440300708461136",
                            "CheckCode": "",
                            "Ciphertext": "*7-0<84019---5+68315-99->/51,>814<1/7922/<-23/908+>7474+3,78312-072<3<729-+4<6*315-094,->/5>18493/1-60*6-43/90<--78",
                            "City": "",
                            "Code": "4403152130",
                            "CodeConfirm": "4403152130",
                            "CompanySealContent": "",
                            "CompanySealMark": 1,
                            "Date": "",
                            "FormType": "",
                            "Issuer": "",
                            "Kind": "",
                            "MachineCode": "",
                            "Number": "14998456",
                            "NumberConfirm": "14998456",
                            "OilMark": 0,
                            "PretaxAmount": "778.44",
                            "Province": "",
                            "QRCodeMark": 0,
                            "Receiptor": "",
                            "Remark": "",
                            "Reviewer": "",
                            "Seller": "",
                            "SellerAddrTel": "",
                            "SellerBankAccount": "",
                            "SellerTaxID": "440300094040109",
                            "ServiceName": "",
                            "Tax": "46.71",
                            "TaxSealContent": "",
                            "Title": "",
                            "Total": "825.15",
                            "TotalCn": "",
                            "TransitMark": 0,
                            "TravelTax": "",
                            "VatInvoiceItemInfos": [
                                    "DateEnd": "",
                                    "DateStart": "",
                                    "LicensePlate": "",
                                    "Name": "",
                                    "Price": "",
                                    "Quantity": "",
                                    "Specification": "",
                                    "Tax": "",
                                    "TaxRate": "6%",
                                    "Total": "778.44",
                                    "Unit": "",
                                    "VehicleType": ""
                    "Page": 1,
                    "CutImage": ""
                    "Code": "OK",
                    "Type": 13,
                    "SubType": "TollInvoice",
                    "TypeDescription": "",
                    "SubTypeDescription": "",
                    "Polygon": {
                        "LeftBottom": {
                            "X": 30,
                            "Y": 1478
                        "LeftTop": {
                            "X": 30,
                            "Y": 886
                        "RightBottom": {
                            "X": 496,
                            "Y": 1478
                        "RightTop": {
                            "X": 496,
                            "Y": 886
                    "Angle": 0.11452838033437729,
                    "SingleInvoiceInfos": {
                        "AirTransport": null,
                        "BusInvoice": null,
                        "MachinePrintedInvoice": null,
                        "MotorVehicleSaleInvoice": null,
                        "NonTaxIncomeElectronicBill": null,
                        "NonTaxIncomeGeneralBill": null,
                        "OtherInvoice": null,
                        "QuotaInvoice": null,
                        "ShippingInvoice": null,
                        "TaxiTicket": null,
                        "TollInvoice": {
                            "Code": "144031700221",
                            "Date": "",
                            "Entrance": "",
                            "Exit": "",
                            "HighwayMark": 1,
                            "Kind": "",
                            "Number": "27357827",
                            "QRCodeMark": 0,
                            "Time": "06:14:03",
                            "Title": "",
                            "Total": "5.00"
                        "TrainTicket": null,
                        "UsedCarPurchaseInvoice": null,
                        "VatCommonInvoice": null,
                        "VatElectronicCommonInvoice": null,
                        "VatElectronicInvoiceBlockchain": null,
                        "VatElectronicInvoiceFull": null,
                        "VatElectronicInvoiceToll": null,
                        "VatElectronicSpecialInvoice": null,
                        "VatElectronicSpecialInvoiceFull": null,
                        "VatInvoiceRoll": null,
                        "VatSpecialInvoice": null
                    "Page": 1,
                    "CutImage": ""
                    "Code": "OK",
                    "Type": 2,
                    "SubType": "TrainTicket",
                    "TypeDescription": "",
                    "SubTypeDescription": "",
                    "Polygon": {
                        "LeftBottom": {
                            "X": 517,
                            "Y": 1229
                        "LeftTop": {
                            "X": 517,
                            "Y": 950
                        "RightBottom": {
                            "X": 963,
                            "Y": 1229
                        "RightTop": {
                            "X": 963,
                            "Y": 950
                    "Angle": 0.04854407534003258,
                    "SingleInvoiceInfos": {
                        "AirTransport": null,
                        "BusInvoice": null,
                        "MachinePrintedInvoice": null,
                        "MotorVehicleSaleInvoice": null,
                        "NonTaxIncomeElectronicBill": null,
                        "NonTaxIncomeGeneralBill": null,
                        "OtherInvoice": null,
                        "QuotaInvoice": null,
                        "ShippingInvoice": null,
                        "TaxiTicket": null,
                        "TollInvoice": null,
                        "TrainTicket": {
                            "AdditionalFare": "",
                            "DateGetOn": "",
                            "GateNumber": "",
                            "HandlingFee": "",
                            "Kind": "",
                            "Name": "",
                            "Number": "Z96X089517",
                            "OriginalFare": "",
                            "PickUpAddress": "",
                            "QRCodeMark": 0,
                            "ReceiptNumber": "",
                            "ReimburseOnlyMark": 0,
                            "Seat": "",
                            "SeatNumber": "",
                            "SerialNumber": "30671300960307X089517",
                            "StationGetOff": "",
                            "StationGetOn": "",
                            "TicketChange": "0",
                            "TimeGetOn": "18:51",
                            "Title": "",
                            "Total": "46.50",
                            "TotalCn": "",
                            "TrainNumber": "Z196",
                            "UserID": "3210231991****6666"
                        "UsedCarPurchaseInvoice": null,
                        "VatCommonInvoice": null,
                        "VatElectronicCommonInvoice": null,
                        "VatElectronicInvoiceBlockchain": null,
                        "VatElectronicInvoiceFull": null,
                        "VatElectronicInvoiceToll": null,
                        "VatElectronicSpecialInvoice": null,
                        "VatElectronicSpecialInvoiceFull": null,
                        "VatInvoiceRoll": null,
                        "VatSpecialInvoice": null
                    "Page": 1,
                    "CutImage": ""
            "RequestId": "a3a63bf5-a8b1-4563-b4d3-31c9a1c609b9",
            "TotalPDFCount": 1

    5. Developer Resources


    TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.

    Command Line Interface

    6. Error Code

    The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

    Error Code Description
    FailedOperation.DownLoadError File download failed.
    FailedOperation.ImageBlur The image is blurry.
    FailedOperation.ImageDecodeFailed Image decoding failed.
    FailedOperation.OcrFailed OCR failed.
    FailedOperation.UnKnowError Unknown error.
    FailedOperation.UnOpenError The service is not activated.
    InvalidParameterValue.InvalidParameterValueLimit Incorrect parameter value.
    LimitExceeded.TooLargeFileError The file is too large.
    ResourcesSoldOut.ChargeStatusException Exceptional billing status.