tencent cloud


API Overview

最終更新日:2020-09-01 15:47:37

    Queue Model

    Queue APIs

    API Feature Action ID Description
    Creating queue CreateQueue Creates queue under your account.
    Getting queue list ListQueue Lists queues under your account. Data can be obtained by page.
    Getting queue attribute GetQueueAttributes Gets the attribute of created queue.
    Modifying queue attribute SetQueueAttributes Modifies the attribute of message queue.
    Deleting queue DeleteQueue Deletes created queue.

    Message APIs

    API Feature Action ID Description
    Sending message SendMessage Sends message to specified queue.
    Sending messages in batches BatchSendMessage Sends messages in batches to specified queue.
    Consuming message ReceiveMessage Consumes message in queue.
    Consuming messages in batches BatchReceiveMessage Consumes multiple messages in queue.
    Deleting message DeleteMessage Deletes consumed message.
    Deleting messages in batches BatchDeleteMessage Deletes consumed messages in batches.

    Topic Model

    Topic APIs

    API Feature Action ID Description
    Creating topic CreateTopic Creates topic under your account.
    Modifying topic attribute SetTopicAttributes Modifies the attribute of created topic.
    Getting topic list ListTopic Lists topics under your account. Data can be obtained by page.
    Getting topic attribute GetTopicAttributes Gets the attribute of created topic.
    Deleting topic DeleteTopic Deletes created topic.

    Message APIs

    API Feature Action ID Description
    Publishing message PublishMessage Publishes message to specified topic.
    Publishing messages in batches BatchPublishMessage Publishes messages to specified topic in batches.

    Subscription APIs

    API Feature Action ID Description
    Creating subscription Subscribe Creates subscription under your account.
    Getting subscription list ListSubscriptionByTopic Lists subscriptions under topic. Data can be obtained by page.
    Modifying subscription attribute SetSubscriptionAttributes Sets the attribute of created subscription.
    Getting subscription attributes GetSubscriptionAttributes Gets the attribute of created subscription.
    Deleting subscription Unsubscribe Deletes created subscription.