tencent cloud



最終更新日:2023-04-18 10:55:45

1. API Description

Domain name for API request: monitor.tencentcloudapi.com.

This API is used to query the alarm records.

Note: If you use a sub-account, you can only query the alarm records of authorized projects or uncategorized products.

A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.

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2. Input Parameters

The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.

Parameter Name Required Type Description
Action Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: DescribeAlarmHistories.
Version Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: 2018-07-24.
Region No String Common Params. This parameter is not required.
Module Yes String Value fixed at "monitor"
PageNumber No Integer Page number starting from 1. Default value: 1
PageSize No Integer Number of entries per page. Value range: 1–100. Default value: 20
Order No String Sort by the first occurrence time in descending order by default. Valid values: ASC (ascending), DESC (descending)
StartTime No Integer Start time, which is the timestamp one day ago by default and the time when the alarm FirstOccurTime first occurs. An alarm record can be searched only if its FirstOccurTime is later than the StartTime.
EndTime No Integer End time, which is the current timestamp and the time when the alarm FirstOccurTime first occurs. An alarm record can be searched only if its FirstOccurTime is earlier than the EndTime.
MonitorTypes.N No Array of String Filter by monitor type. Valid values: "MT_QCE" (Tencent Cloud service monitoring), "MT_TAW" (application performance monitoring), "MT_RUM" (frontend performance monitoring), "MT_PROBE" (cloud automated testing). If this parameter is left empty, all types will be queried by default.
AlarmObject No String Filter by alarm object. Fuzzy search with string is supported
AlarmStatus.N No Array of String Filter by alarm status. Valid values: ALARM (not resolved), OK (resolved), NO_CONF (expired), NO_DATA (insufficient data). If this parameter is left empty, all will be queried by default
ProjectIds.N No Array of Integer Filter by project ID. Valid values: -1 (no project), 0 (default project)
InstanceGroupIds.N No Array of Integer Filter by instance group ID
Namespaces.N No Array of MonitorTypeNamespace Filter by policy type. Monitoring type and policy type are first-level and second-level filters respectively and both need to be passed in. For example, [{"MonitorType": "MT_QCE", "Namespace": "cvm_device"}]
MetricNames.N No Array of String Filter by metric name
PolicyName No String Fuzzy search by policy name
Content No String Fuzzy search by alarm content
ReceiverUids.N No Array of Integer Search by recipient
ReceiverGroups.N No Array of Integer Search by recipient group
PolicyIds.N No Array of String Search by alarm policy ID list

3. Output Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
TotalCount Integer Total number
Histories Array of AlarmHistory Alarm record list
RequestId String The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.

4. Example

Example1 Querying alert records

Monitoring type is a first-level filter, and policy type is a second-level filter. Therefore, the policy type is meaningful only after the monitoring type is specified in the Namespaces field.

To query the alert records of "CVM - Basic Monitoring", the filter should be monitoring type (Tencent Cloud service monitoring), policy type (CVM - Basic Monitor).

Enter ["MT_QCE"] for MonitorTypes as the first-level filter.

Enter [{"MonitorType": "MT_QCE", "Namespace": "cvm_device"}] for Namespaces as the second-level filter.

Input Example

Host: monitor.tencentcloudapi.com
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: DescribeAlarmHistories
<Common request parameters>

    "Module": "monitor",
    "PageNumber": 1,
    "PageSize": 10,
    "StartTime": 1598976507,
    "EndTime": 1599019707

Output Example

    "Response": {
        "TotalCount": 486,
        "Histories": [
                "Dimensions": "xx",
                "LastOccurTime": 1603162964,
                "Namespace": "xx",
                "Content": "xx",
                "PolicyId": "xx",
                "AlarmStatus": "xx",
                "ReceiverGroups": [
                "VPC": "xx",
                "FirstOccurTime": 1603117860,
                "EventId": 0,
                "PolicyName": "xx",
                "ProjectId": 0,
                "Region": "xx",
                "AlarmObject": "xx",
                "AlarmId": "xx",
                "ReceiverUids": [
                "OriginId": "xx",
                "NoticeWays": [
                "ProjectName": "xx",
                "InstanceGroup": [
                        "Id": 430,
                        "Name": "xx"
                "MetricsInfo": [
                        "Description": "xx",
                        "QceNamespace": "xx",
                        "Period": 60,
                        "Value": "xx",
                        "MetricName": "xx"
                "MonitorType": "xx",
                "PolicyExists": 1,
                "AlarmType": "xx"
                "Dimensions": "xx",
                "LastOccurTime": 1603162964,
                "Namespace": "xx",
                "Content": "xx",
                "PolicyId": "xx",
                "AlarmStatus": "xx",
                "ReceiverGroups": [
                "VPC": "xx",
                "FirstOccurTime": 1603117860,
                "EventId": 0,
                "PolicyName": "xx",
                "ProjectId": 0,
                "Region": "xx",
                "AlarmObject": "xx",
                "AlarmId": "xx",
                "ReceiverUids": [
                "OriginId": "xx",
                "NoticeWays": [
                "ProjectName": "xx",
                "InstanceGroup": [
                        "Id": 430,
                        "Name": "xx"
                "MetricsInfo": [
                        "Description": "xx",
                        "QceNamespace": "xx",
                        "Period": 0,
                        "Value": "xx",
                        "MetricName": "xx"
                "MonitorType": "xx",
                "PolicyExists": 1,
                "AlarmType": "xx"
        "RequestId": "xx"

Example2 Querying the alert records of "CVM - Basic Monitoring"

Monitoring type is a first-level filter, and rule type is a second-level filter. Therefore, the rule type is meaningful only after the monitoring type is specified in the Namespaces field.

To query the alert records of "CVM - Basic Monitoring", the filter should be monitoring type (Tencent Cloud service monitoring), rule type (CVM - Basic Monitor).

Enter ["MT_QCE"] for MonitorTypes as the first-level filter.

Enter [{"MonitorType": "MT_QCE", "Namespace": "cvm_device"}] for Namespaces as the second-level filter.

Input Example

Host: monitor.tencentcloudapi.com
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: DescribeAlarmHistories
<Common request parameters>

    "Module": "monitor",
    "PageNumber": 1,
    "PageSize": 10,
    "StartTime": 1598976507,
    "EndTime": 1599019707,
    "MonitorTypes": [
    "Namespaces": [
            "MonitorType": "MT_QCE",
            "Namespace": "cvm_device"

Output Example

    "Response": {
        "Histories": [
                "AlarmId": "c36494f8-ae38-45cb-8089-e14006bcfc67",
                "MonitorType": "MT_QCE",
                "Namespace": "cvm_device",
                "AlarmObject": " (private) | CVM 01 | Classic network",
                "Content": "CPU utilization > 0%",
                "FirstOccurTime": 1603117860,
                "LastOccurTime": 1603162964,
                "AlarmStatus": "ALARM",
                "PolicyId": "policy-abc01",
                "PolicyName": "CVM alerting rule 1",
                "VPC": "0",
                "ProjectId": 0,
                "ProjectName": "The default project",
                "InstanceGroup": [
                        "Id": 430,
                        "Name": "example-instance-group"
                "ReceiverUids": [],
                "ReceiverGroups": [
                "NoticeWays": [
                "EventId": 0,
                "AlarmType": "METRIC",
                "OriginId": "1278441",
                "Region": "gz",
                "PolicyExists": 1,
                "MetricsInfo": [
                        "QceNamespace": "qce/cvm",
                        "MetricName": "CpuUsage",
                        "Period": 60,
                        "Value": "86.5",
                        "Description": "CPU utilization"
                "AlarmId": "779d129a-40a1-4acf-b226-d9c2ae26e63b",
                "MonitorType": "MT_QCE",
                "Namespace": "cvm_device",
                "AlarmObject": " (private) | CVM 02 | Classic network",
                "Content": "CPU utilization > 0%",
                "FirstOccurTime": 1603117860,
                "LastOccurTime": 1603162964,
                "AlarmStatus": "ALARM",
                "PolicyId": "policy-abc02",
                "PolicyName": "CVM alerting rule 2",
                "VPC": "0",
                "ProjectId": 0,
                "ProjectName": "The default project",
                "InstanceGroup": [
                        "Id": 430,
                        "Name": "example-instance-group"
                "ReceiverUids": [],
                "ReceiverGroups": [],
                "NoticeWays": [],
                "EventId": 0,
                "AlarmType": "METRIC",
                "OriginId": "1276973",
                "Region": "gz",
                "PolicyExists": 1,
                "MetricsInfo": null
        "RequestId": "4bzogxhgsgs95hgmxne5ei6y9jjxvi1f",
        "TotalCount": 486

5. Developer Resources


TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.

Command Line Interface

6. Error Code

The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

Error Code Description
FailedOperation Operation failed.
FailedOperation.DoHTTPTransferFailed Backend service timed out.
InternalError Internal error.
InvalidParameter Invalid parameter.
InvalidParameterValue The parameter value is incorrect.
LimitExceeded Quota limit is reached.
MissingParameter Missing parameter.
UnsupportedOperation Unsupported operation.