tencent cloud



最終更新日:2023-08-09 14:43:34

1. API Description

Domain name for API request: tdmq.tencentcloudapi.com.

This API is used to modify the attributes of a CMQ queue.

A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.

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2. Input Parameters

The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.

Parameter Name Required Type Description
Action Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: ModifyCmqQueueAttribute.
Version Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: 2020-02-17.
Region No String Common Params. This parameter is not required for this API.
QueueName Yes String Queue name, which must be unique under the same account in the same region. It can contain up to 64 letters, digits, and hyphens and must begin with a letter.
MaxMsgHeapNum No Integer Maximum number of heaped messages. The value range is 1,000,000–10,000,000 during the beta test and can be 1,000,000–1,000,000,000 after the product is officially released. The default value is 10,000,000 during the beta test and will be 100,000,000 after the product is officially released.
PollingWaitSeconds No Integer Long polling wait time for message reception. Value range: 0–30 seconds. Default value: 0.
VisibilityTimeout No Integer Message visibility timeout period. Value range: 1–43200 seconds (i.e., 12 hours). Default value: 30.
MaxMsgSize No Integer Max message size, which defaults to 1,024 KB for the queue of TDMQ for CMQ and cannot be modified.
MsgRetentionSeconds No Integer The max period during which a message is retained before it is automatically acknowledged. Value range: 30-43,200 seconds (30 seconds to 12 hours). Default value: 3600 seconds (1 hour).
RewindSeconds No Integer Rewindable time of messages in the queue. Value range: 0-1,296,000s (if message rewind is enabled). The value “0” indicates that message rewind is not enabled.
FirstQueryInterval No Integer First query time
MaxQueryCount No Integer Maximum number of queries
DeadLetterQueueName No String Dead letter queue name
MaxTimeToLive No Integer Maximum period in seconds before an unconsumed message expires, which is required if MaxTimeToLivepolicy is 1. Value range: 300–43200. This value should be smaller than MsgRetentionSeconds (maximum message retention period)
MaxReceiveCount No Integer Maximum number of receipts
Policy No Integer Dead letter queue policy
Trace No Boolean Whether to enable message trace. true: yes; false: no. If this field is left empty, the feature will not be enabled.
Transaction No Integer Whether to enable transaction. 1: yes; 0: no
RetentionSizeInMB No Integer Queue storage space configured for message rewind. Value range: 10,240-512,000 MB (if message rewind is enabled). The value “0” indicates that message rewind is not enabled.

3. Output Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
RequestId String The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.

4. Example

Example1 Modifying queue attributes

Input Example

&<Common request parameters>

Output Example

    "Response": {
        "RequestId": "3e0dff9d-9ed5-47c3-beb2-a42c1d69e1cc"

5. Developer Resources


TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.

Command Line Interface

6. Error Code

The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

Error Code Description
FailedOperation Operation failed.
FailedOperation.SetRetentionPolicy Failed to set the message retention policy.
FailedOperation.SetTTL Failed to configure the message TTL.
InternalError.BrokerService The broker service is exceptional.
ResourceNotFound The resource does not exist.
ResourceNotFound.Environment The environment does not exist.
ResourceUnavailable.FundRequired You must top up before proceeding.