tencent cloud


Data Types

最終更新日:2023-01-04 11:45:02


AttributeKey value details

Used by actions: GetAttributeKey.

Name Type Required Description
LabelType String Yes Input box type
Starter String Yes Initial display
Order Integer Yes Display sort order
Value String Yes AttributeKey value
Label String Yes Tag


Tracking set overview

Used by actions: ListAudits.

Name Type Required Description
AuditStatus Integer No Tracking set status. 1: enabled, 0: disabled
CosBucketName String No COS bucket name
AuditName String No Tracking set name
LogFilePrefix String No Log prefix


CMQ region information

Used by actions: ListCmqEnableRegion.

Name Type Required Description
CmqRegionName String No Region description
CmqRegion String No CMQ region


COS region information

Used by actions: ListCosEnableRegion.

Name Type Required Description
CosRegion String No COS region
CosRegionName String No Region description


Log details

Used by actions: DescribeEvents, LookUpEvents.

Name Type Required Description
EventId String No Log ID
Username String No Username
EventTime String No Event Time
CloudAuditEvent String No Log details
ResourceTypeCn String No Description of resource type in Chinese (please use this field as required; if you are using other languages, ignore this field)
ErrorCode Integer No Authentication error code
EventName String No Event name
SecretId String No Certificate ID
Note: null may be returned for this field, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
EventSource String No Request source
RequestID String No Request ID
ResourceRegion String No Resource region
AccountID Integer No Root account ID
SourceIPAddress String No Source IP
Note: null may be returned for this field, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
EventNameCn String No Description of event name in Chinese (please use this field as required; if you are using other languages, ignore this field)
Resources Resource No Resource pair
EventRegion String No Event region
Location String No IP location


Search criterion

Used by actions: DescribeEvents, LookUpEvents.

Name Type Required Description
AttributeKey String Yes Valid values: RequestId, EventName, ReadOnly, Username, ResourceType, ResourceName, AccessKeyId, and EventId
Note: null may be returned for this field, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
AttributeValue String No Value of AttributeValue
Note: null may be returned for this field, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Resource type

Used by actions: DescribeEvents, LookUpEvents.

Name Type Required Description
ResourceType String No Resource type
ResourceName String No Resource name
Note: null may be returned for this field, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Tracking set storage information

Used by actions: CreateAuditTrack, DescribeAuditTrack, DescribeAuditTracks, ModifyAuditTrack.

Name Type Required Description
StorageType String Yes Storage type (Valid values: cos, cls)
StorageRegion String Yes Storage region
StorageName String Yes Storage name. For COS, the storage name is the custom bucket name, which can contain up to 50 lowercase letters, digits, and hyphens. It cannot contain "-APPID" and cannot start or end with a hyphen. For CLS, the storage name is the log topic ID, which can contain 1-50 characters.
StoragePrefix String Yes Storage directory prefix. The COS log file prefix can only contain 3-40 letters and digits.


Tracking set list

Used by actions: DescribeAuditTracks.

Name Type Description
Name String Tracking set name
ActionType String Tracking set event type (Read: Read; Write: Write; *: All)
ResourceType String The product to which the tracking set event belongs, such as cos, or * that indicates all products
Status Integer Tracking set status (0: Not enabled; 1: Enabled)
EventNames Array of String The list of API names of tracking set events (*: All)
Storage Storage Storage type of shipped data. Valid values: cos, cls.
CreateTime String Creation time of the tracking set
TrackId Integer Tracking set ID