tencent cloud



最終更新日:2023-10-08 17:02:13

    API Description

    This API is used to create a CLB instance. To use the CLB service, you first need to purchase one or more instances. After this API call succeeds, a unique instance ID will be returned. There are two types of instances: public network and private network instances. For more information, see the “network types” in CLB Attributes Selection.

    Domain name for API calls: lb.api.qcloud.com

    Request Parameters

    The list below contains only the API request parameters. Common parameters should be added when you call the API. For more information, see Common Request Parameters. The Action field for this API is CreateLoadBalancer.

    Parameter Required Type Description
    loadBalancerType No Int Network type of the CLB instance.
    2: public network; 3: private network.
    forward No Int CLB instance type. 1: CLB; 0: Cassic CLB. Default value: 0.
    loadBalancerName No String CLB instance name, which takes effect only when an instance is created. Rule: 1-50 letters, Chinese, digits, dashes (-), or underscores (_).
    Note: If this name is the same as that of an existing CLB instance, the system will automatically generate a name for this newly created instance.
    domainPrefix No String Domain name prefix. The domain name of the CLB instance consists of the user-defined domain prefix and the domain suffix automatically generated by Tencent Cloud to ensure the uniqueness. This field is only applicable to Classic CLB instances.
    Rule: 1-20 lowercase letters, digits or dashes (-). This field is inapplicable to private network CLB.
    Note: if this domain name prefix is the same as that of an existing CLB instance, the system will automatically generate a domain name prefix for this newly created instance. For example, you only need to enter the prefix "xxxxx" for xxxxx.region.appId.clb.myqcloud.com.
    vpcId No String Network ID of the CLB instance, which can be obtained via the DescribeVpcEx API. If no value or “0” is passed in, the network is Classic Network.
    subnetId No Int A subnet ID specified when you purchase a private network CLB instance in a VPC. The VIP of this instance will be generated in the subnet. This parameter can be left empty in other cases.
    projectId No Int ID of the project to which a CLB instance belongs, which can be obtained via the DescribeProjects API. If this parameter is not passed in, the default project will be used.
    number No Int Number of CLB instances to be created. Default value: 1.

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    code Int Common error code. 0: success; other values: failure. For more information, see Common Error Codes.
    message String API-related module error message description.
    codeDesc String Error code. For a successful operation, "Success" is returned. For a failed operation, a message describing the failure is returned.
    unLoadBalancerIds Array Array of unique CLB instance IDs.
    requestId Int Task ID.
    dealIds Array Reserved field.


    Purchasing three public network CLB instances with static IPs

    &<Common request parameters>


        "code": 0,
        "message": "",
        "codeDesc": "Success",
        "requestId": 3901942,
        "dealIds": [
        "unLoadBalancerIds": {
            "3901942": [

    Where, lb-cjcymkw9 is the unique ID of the CLB instance you just purchased. Next, use the DescribeLoadBalancers API to query whether the CLB instance has been successfully created.