tencent cloud


API Mapping Guide

最終更新日:2022-05-18 16:09:36

Tencent Kubernetes Engine (TKE) API 2.0 is being deprecated at the end of March 2020. Please use TKE API 3.0 instead. 3.0 further standardizes interface definition and reduces access latency. The following is a reference table that shows the relationships between modules in the 2.0 and 3.0 APIs.


Part of the TKE API 3.0 and Kubernetes API documentation will be released soon. Keep an eye on our documentation pages for changes.

ModuleAPI 2.0API 3.0
Cluster Creates a cluster (CreateCluster) Creates a cluster (CreateCluster)
Deletes a cluster (DeleteCluster) Deletes a cluster (DeleteCluster)
Queries a list of clusters (DescribeCluster) Queries a list of clusters (DescribeCluster)
Adds nodes to a cluster (AddClusterInstances) Adds nodes to a cluster (AddClusterInstances)
Adds existing CVM instances to a cluster (AddClusterInstancesFromExistedCvm) Adds existing instances to a cluster (AddExistedInstances)
Deletes nodes from a cluster (DeleteClusterInstances) Deletes nodes from a cluster (DeleteClusterInstances)
Queries a list of nodes in a cluster (DescribeClusterInstances) Queries a list of nodes in a cluster and their details (DescribeClusterInstances)
Queries information on access to a cluster from a public network (DescribeClusterSecurityInfo) Queries information on access to a cluster and related security settings (DescribeClusterSecurity)
Verifies the CIDR block (CheckClusterCIDR) Checks to see if the CIDR block conflicts with the CIDR blocks of existing clusters (CheckClusterCIDR)
Queries a list of instances in a cluster (DescribeExistedCvmForAddClusterInstances) Queries a list of existing nodes (DescribeExistedInstances)
Queries cluster Request and Limit information (DescribeClusterRequestLimitInfo) Kubernetes APIs
Modifies node label (ModifyClusterNodeLabel)
Modifies cluster attributes (ModifyClusterAttributes) Modifies cluster attributes (ModifyClusterAttribute)
Modifies the project to which the cluster belongs (ModifyProjectId)
Modifies cluster namespace description (ModifyNamespaceDescription) Kubernetes API
  • Creates or removes cluster VIP (OperateClusterVip)
  • Queries async task result (DescribeClusterTaskResult)
Drains cluster nodes (DrainClusterNode) Drains nodes (DrainClusterNode)
Modifies the schedulable setting of a cluster node (ModifyClusterNodeSchedulable) Kubernetes API
Adds private third-party image hub (AddHubInfo) Deprecated
Queries cluster third-party image hub (DescribeHubInfo)
Cluster Auto Scaling Creates a cluster auto scaling group (CreateClusterAsg) -
Enables a cluster auto scaling group (EnableClusterAsg) Modifies the attributes of a cluster auto scaling group (ModifyClusterAsGroupAttribute)
Queries a list of cluster auto scaling groups (DescribeClusterAsg) Queries a list of auto scaling groups associated with the cluster (DescribeClusterAsGroups)
Modifies the scale down setting of a cluster auto scaling group (ModifyClusterAsgScaleDown) Modifies the scaling attribute of a cluster auto scaling group (ModifyClusterAsGroupOptionAttribute)
Modifies the label of a cluster auto scaling group (ModifyClusterAsgLabel) Deprecated
Resets the label of a cluster auto scaling group (ResetClusterAsgLabel)
Deletes the label of a cluster auto scaling group (DeleteClusterAsgLabel)
Disables a cluster auto scaling group (DisableClusterAsg) Modifies the attributes of a cluster auto scaling group (ModifyClusterAsGroupAttribute)
Deletes a cluster auto scaling group (DeleteClusterAsg) Deletes a cluster auto scaling group (DeleteClusterAsGroups)
Service Creates a cluster service (CreateClusterService) Kubernetes API
Queries a list of cluster services (DescribeClusterService)
Queries the detail information of a cluster service (DescribeClusterServiceInfo)
Queries a list of service events (DescribeServiceEvent)
Queries the YAML file of a cluster service (DescribeClusterServiceText)
Modifies a cluster service (ModifyClusterService)
Modifies the description of a service (ModifyServiceDescription)
Modifies the image of a cluster service (ModifyClusterServiceImage)
Modifies the label of a service (ModifyServiceLabels)
Cluster rollback service (RollBackClusterService)
Redeploys a cluster service (RedeployClusterService)
Pauses a cluster service (PauseClusterService)
Resumes a cluster service (ResumeClusterService)
Deletes a cluster service (DeleteClusterService)
Service Instance Queries a list of service instances (DescribeServiceInstance)
Modifies the number of service replicas (ModifyServiceReplicas)
Queries service instance logs (DescribeInstanceLog)
Deletes a service instance (DeleteInstances)
Namespace Queries cluster namespaces (DescribeClusterNameSpaces)
Creates a cluster namespace (CreateClusterNamespace)
Deletes a cluster namespace (DeleteClusterNamespace)
Ingress Creates an ingress (CreateIngress)
Queries a list of ingresses (DescribeIngress)
Modifies an ingress (MosifyIngress)
Deletes an ingress (DeleteIngress)
Log Enables logging (GetLogDaemonStatus) Deprecated
Creates cluster log collection policies (CreateLogCollector)
Lists log collection policies (ListLogCollector)
Updates log collection policies (UpdateLogCollector)
Gets log collector information (GetLogCollector)
Gets the status of log collectors (GetLogDaemonStatus)
Checks the names of log collectors (CheckIfLogCollectorName)
Deletes log collection policies (DeleteLogCollector)
Monitor Gets container service monitor data (GetMonitorData)
Image Hub User and Password Management Registers a user (without specifying a namespace) (RegisterRepositoryAccountNew) Creates an individual user (CreateUserPersonal)
Queries user quota (GetLimit) Queries individual user quota (DescribeUserQuotaPersonal)
Modifies password (ChangePassword) Modifies individual user login password (ModifyUserPasswordPersonal)
Namespace Creates namespace (CreateCCRNamespace) Creates namespace (CreateNamespacePersonal)
Queries namespace (GetNamespaceInfo) Queries namespace (DescribeNamespacePersonal)
Queries the namespace existence (NamespaceIsExists) Queries the namespace existence (ValidateNamespaceExistPersonal)
Deletes namespace (DeleteUserNamespace) Deletes namespace (DeleteNamespacePersonal)
Image Repository Creates image repository (CreateRepository) Creates image repository (CreateRepositoryPersonal)
Queries image repository information (GetRepositoryInfo) Queries image repository (DescribeRepositoryPersonal)
- Deletes image repository (DeleteRepositoryPersonal)
Deletes repositories in batches (BatchDeleteRepository) Deletes repositories in batches (BatchDeleteRepositoryPersonal)
Checks if the image repository exists (RepositoryisExists) Checks if the image repository exists (ValidateRepositoryExistPersonal)
Gets a list of user repositories (GetUserRepositoryList) Queries a list of user-created repositories (DescribeRepositoryOwnerPersonal)
Queries user repositories (SearchUserRepository) Queries user repositories that fits certain criteria (DescribeRepositoryFilterPersonal
Updates image repository access attributes (UpdateRepositoryPublic) Modifies image repository public attributes (ModifyRepositoryAccessPersonal)
Modifies image repository description (UpdateRepositoryDesc) Modifies image repository description (ModifyRepositoryInfoPersonal)
Image Repository Gets a list of tags (GetTagList) Queries image version (DescribeImagePersonal)
- Queries image version using certain criteria (DescribeImageFilterPersonal)
- Deletes image version (DeleteImagePersonal)
Deletes tags in batches (BatchDeleteTag) Deletes image version in batches (BatchDeleteImagePersonal)
Duplicates image version (DuplicateImage) Duplicates image version (DuplicateImagePersonal)
Sets repository tag auto delete strategy (SetAutoDelStrategy) Creates image version lifecycle configuration (CreateImageLifecyclePersonal)
Gets repository tag auto delete strategy (GetAutoDelStrategy) Queries image version lifecycle configuration (DescribeImageLifecyclePersonal)
Disables repository tag auto delete strategy (CloseAutoDelStrategy) Deletes image version lifecycle configuration (DeleteImageLifecyclePersonal)
Trigger Adds a trigger (AddUpdateWorkloadTrigger) Creates an application update trigger (CreateApplicationTriggerPersonal)
Modifies service update trigger (ModifyUpdateServiceTrigger) Modifies service update trigger (ModifyApplicationTriggerPersonal)
Queries triggers (ListTrigger) Queries application triggers (DescribeApplicationTriggerPersonal)
Queries trigger logs (ListTriggerLog) Queries application update trigger logs (DescribeApplicationTriggerLogPersonal)