// 1. Get the `SDKAppID` from the Chat console.// 2. Initialize the `config` object.V2TIMSDKConfig config = new V2TIMSDKConfig();// 3. Specify the log output level.config.setLogLevel(V2TIMSDKConfig.V2TIM_LOG_INFO);// 4. Add the `V2TIMSDKListener` event listener. `sdkListener` is the implementation class of `V2TIMSDKListener`. If you don't need to listen to IM SDK events, skip this step.V2TIMManager.getInstance().addIMSDKListener(sdkListener);// 5. Initialize the IM SDK. You can call the login API as soon as you call this API.V2TIMManager.getInstance().initSDK(context, sdkAppID, config);
// generate jwt// App Key (you got this Key at the Virgil Dashboard)String appKeyBase64 = "MC4CAQAwBQYDK2VwBCIEINlK4BhgsijAbNmUqU6us0ZU9MGi+HxdYCA6TdZeHjR4";byte[] appKeyData = ConvertionUtils.base64ToBytes(appKeyBase64);// Crypto library imports a key pairVirgilCrypto crypto = new VirgilCrypto();VirgilKeyPair keyPair = crypto.importPrivateKey(appKeyData);// Initialize an access token signer that signs users JWTsVirgilAccessTokenSigner accessTokenSigner = new VirgilAccessTokenSigner();// Use your App Credentials you got at the Virgil Dashboard:String appId = "be00e10e4e1f4bf58f9b4dc85d79c77a";String appKeyId = "70b447e321f3a0fd";TimeSpan ttl = TimeSpan.fromTime(1, TimeUnit.HOURS); // 1 hour - JWT's lifetime// Setup a JWT generator with the required parameters:JwtGenerator jwtGenerator =new JwtGenerator(appId, keyPair.getPrivateKey(), appKeyId, ttl, accessTokenSigner);// Generate a JWT for a user// Remember that you must provide each user with a unique JWT.// Each JWT contains unique user's identity (in this case - Alice).// Identity can be any value: name, email, some id etc.String identity = "Alice";Jwt aliceJwt = jwtGenerator.generateToken(identity);// As a result you get user's JWT, it looks like this: "eyJraWQiOiI3MGI0NDdlMzIxZjNhMGZkIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIiwiYWxnIjoiVkVEUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6InZpcmdpbC1qd3Q7dj0xIn0.eyJleHAiOjE1MTg2OTg5MTcsImlzcyI6InZpcmdpbC1iZTAwZTEwZTRlMWY0YmY1OGY5YjRkYzg1ZDc5Yzc3YSIsInN1YiI6ImlkZW50aXR5LUFsaWNlIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE4NjEyNTE3fQ.MFEwDQYJYIZIAWUDBAIDBQAEQP4Yo3yjmt8WWJ5mqs3Yrqc_VzG6nBtrW2KIjP-kxiIJL_7Wv0pqty7PDbDoGhkX8CJa6UOdyn3rBWRvMK7p7Ak".// You can provide users with JWT at registration or authorization steps.// Send a JWT to client-side.String jwtString = aliceJwt.stringRepresentation();
// initialization E3Kit// create EThreeParams with mandatory parameters// such as identity, tokenCallback and contextEThreeParams params = new EThreeParams("User1",tokenCallback,context);// initialize E3Kit with the EThreeParamsEThree ethree = new EThree(params);
String userID = "your user id";//Generating UserSig | Tencent CloudString userSig = "userSig from your server";V2TIMManager.getInstance().login(userID, userSig, new V2TIMCallback() {@Overridepublic void onSuccess() {Log.i("imsdk", "success");}@Overridepublic void onError(int code, String desc) {// The following error codes indicate an expired `userSig`, and you need to generate a new one for login again.// 1. ERR_USER_SIG_EXPIRED (6206)// 2. ERR_SVR_ACCOUNT_USERSIG_EXPIRED (70001)// Note: Do not call the login API in case of other error codes; otherwise, the IM SDK may enter an infinite loop of login.Log.i("imsdk", "failure, code:" + code + ", desc:" + desc);}});
Note:User of im_ ID and user registered on virtilsecurity_ The id should be consistent
// create one-to-one channelethree.createRatchetChannel(users.get("User2")).addCallback(new OnResultListener<RatchetChannel>() {@Override public void onSuccess(RatchetChannel ratchetChannel) {// Channel created and saved locally!}@Override public void onError(@NotNull Throwable throwable) {// Error handling}});
// join channelethree.joinRatchetChannel(users.get("User1")).addCallback(new OnResultListener<RatchetChannel>() {@Override public void onSuccess(RatchetChannel ratchetChannel) {// Channel joined and saved locally!}@Override public void onError(@NotNull Throwable throwable) {// Error handling}});
// one-to-one chat message encryption// prepare a messageString messageToEncrypt = "Hello, User2!";String encrypted = channel.encrypt(messageToEncrypt);
// `msgID` returned by the API for on-demand useString msgID = V2TIMManager.getInstance().sendC2CCustomMessage("virgil encrypted msg", "receiver_userID", new V2TIMValueCallback<V2TIMMessage>() {@Overridepublic void onSuccess(V2TIMMessage message) {// The one-to-one text message sent successfully}@Overridepublic void onError(int code, String desc) {// Failed to send the one-to-one text message}});
// Set the event listenerV2TIMManager.getInstance().addSimpleMsgListener(simpleMsgListener);/*** Receive the custom one-to-one message* @param msgID Message ID* @param sender Sender information* @param customData The sent content*/public void onRecvC2CCustomMessage(String msgID, V2TIMUserInfo sender, byte[] customData) {Log.i("onRecvC2CCustomMessage", "msgID:" + msgID + ", from:" + sender.getNickName() + ", content:" + new String(customData));//call E3Kit to decrypt msg}
// Decrypt messageString decrypted = channel.decrypt(encrypted);
// create groupethree.createGroup(groupId, users).addCallback(new OnResultListener<Group>() {@Override public void onSuccess(Group group) {// Group created and saved locally!}@Override public void onError(@NotNull Throwable throwable) {// Error handling}});
// add group membergroup.add(users.get("Den")).addCallback(new OnCompleteListener() {@Override public void onSuccess() {// Den was added!}@Override public void onError(@NotNull Throwable throwable) {// Error handling}});
V2TIMManager.getInstance().createGroup(V2TIMManager.GROUP_TYPE_WORK, null, "groupA", new V2TIMValueCallback<String>() {@Overridepublic void onSuccess(String s) {// Group created successfully}@Overridepublic void onError(int code, String desc) {// Failed to create the group}});// Listen for the group creation notificationV2TIMManager.getInstance().addGroupListener(new V2TIMGroupListener() {@Overridepublic void onGroupCreated(String groupID) {// A group was created. `groupID` is the ID of the created group.}});
// Invite the `userA` user to join the `groupA` groupList<String> userIDList = new ArrayList<>();userIDList.add("userA");V2TIMManager.getGroupManager().inviteUserToGroup("groupA", userIDList, new V2TIMValueCallback<List<V2TIMGroupMemberOperationResult>>() {@Overridepublic void onSuccess(List<V2TIMGroupMemberOperationResult> v2TIMGroupMemberOperationResults) {// Invited the user to the group successfully}@Overridepublic void onError(int code, String desc) {// Failed to invite the user to the group}});// Listen for the group invitation eventV2TIMManager.getInstance().addGroupListener(new V2TIMGroupListener() {@Overridepublic void onMemberInvited(String groupID, V2TIMGroupMemberInfo opUser, List<V2TIMGroupMemberInfo> memberList) {// A user was invited to the group. This callback can contain some UI tips.}});
//Group message encryption// prepare a messageString messageToEncrypt = "Hello, Bob and Carol!";String encrypted = group.encrypt(messageToEncrypt);
String msgID = V2TIMManager.getInstance().sendGroupCustomMessage("virgil encrypted msg ".getBytes(), "groupID", V2TIMMessage.V2TIM_PRIORITY_NORMAL, new V2TIMValueCallback<V2TIMMessage>() {@Overridepublic void onSuccess(V2TIMMessage message) {// The custom group message sent successfully}
// Set the event listenerV2TIMManager.getInstance().addSimpleMsgListener(simpleMsgListener);/*** Receive the custom group message* @param msgID Message ID* @param groupID Group ID* @param sender The group member information of the sender* @param customData The sent content*/public void onRecvGroupCustomMessage(String msgID, String groupID, V2TIMGroupMemberInfo sender, byte[] customData) {Log.i("onRecvGroupCustomMessage", "msgID:" + msgID + ", groupID:" + groupID + ", from:" + sender.getNickName() + ", content:" + new String(customData));//call E3Kit to decrypt msg}
//Group message decryptionString decrypted = group.decrypt(encrypted, users.get("Alice"));
Note: After using this end-to-end encryption scheme, the local chat record search function of imsdk will not be available
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