tencent cloud


Shipping Task Management

最終更新日:2024-01-20 17:44:35


    This document describes how to manage shipping tasks, including viewing task details as well as modifying and deleting tasks.


    Viewing shipping task details

    1. Log in to the CLS console.
    2. Select Shipping Task Management on the left sidebar.
    3. On the Shipping Task Management page, select the region, logset, and log topic to view the list of shipping to COS tasks.
    4. Click a task name to view its details and monitoring information.
    Shipping Traffic: The traffic generated by successful shipping to COS. When the configured file size or shipping interval is reached to trigger shipping, there will be an actual value for this parameter. At other times, the value will be 0.
    Shipped Line Count: The number of data lines successfully shipped to COS. When the configured file size or shipping interval is reached to trigger shipping, there will be an actual value for this parameter. At other times, the value will be 0.
    Shipping Latency: The time after log data arrives at CLS and before it is processed in a shipping task. It is normal if this value is within 60 seconds. This metric is mainly used to monitor whether data heaps up and logs are shipped to COS timely.
    Shipping Task Status:
    1 indicates a success.
    10001 indicates that the COS bucket doesn't exist. You should check the validity of the bucket.
    10002 indicates that you have no permission to access the COS bucket. You should make sure that you have the permission.
    10003 indicates an internal error. You should try again. If the problem persists, submit a ticket.

    Modifying a task

    1. Log in to the CLS console.
    2. Select Shipping Task Management on the left sidebar.
    3. On the Shipping Task Management page, select the region, logset, log topic, and name of the target shipping task, and click Modify Configuration on the right.

    Deleting a task

    1. Log in to the CLS console.
    2. Select Shipping Task Management on the left sidebar.
    3. On the Shipping Task Management page, select the region, logset, log topic, and name of the target shipping task, and click Delete on the right.
    4. In the pop-up window, click Delete.




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