tencent cloud


Adding Chart

最終更新日:2024-01-20 17:31:30
    CLS supports visual chart statistics of search and analysis results, and saves statistical charts to dashboards for continuous monitoring and viewing. A dashboard also provides an entry for creating statistical charts, supporting simple chart creation and custom chart creation.


    Adding a chart via the Search and Analysis page

    In this mode, you need to search for data to generate chart content. For more information, see here.
    1. Log in to the CLS console.
    2. On the left sidebar, click Search and Analysis to go to the search and analysis management page.
    3. Click the Chart Analysis tab and click Add to Dashboard.
    4. In the pop-up window, enter information and click OK.
    Form Element
    Chart Name
    The chart name.
    Target Dashboard
    The dashboard type of the chart. If you select **To an existing dashboard**, the chart will be added to an existing dashboard. If you select **Create Dashboard**, you need to create a dashboard and add the chart to it.
    The dashboard name.

    Adding a chart via the Dashboard page

    1. Log in to the CLS console.
    2. On the left sidebar, click Dashboard to enter the dashboard management page.
    3. Click the ID/name of the target dashboard to enter the dashboard details page.
    If you do not have a dashboard, create one.
    4. Click Create and select a chart type as needed to create a chart.
    Quick Chart: You can drag and drop to easily create charts. However, this mode supports weaker statistical and analytical features.
    Chart Element
    The list of current log topic fields. You can click or drag and drop a field to the condition input box on the right.
    A metric measures a certain characteristic of an item, generally a numeric field. You can drag and drop a field from the field list on the left or click the "+" icon to display a drop-down list to select a field. After adding a field, you can click the settings icon next to the field to modify the field's aggregate calculation mode, which is "AVG" by default.
    A dimension is the perspective for analyzing a metric. It is generally a string-type field describing the attributes of an item. You can drag and drop a field from the field list on the left or click the "+" icon to display a drop-down list to select a field.
    A filter field filters data attributes. You can drag and drop a field from the field list on the left or click the "+" icon to display a drop-down list to select a field. After adding a field, you can click the settings icon next to the field to modify the field filter mode, which is "Exist" by default.
    A sorting field sorts statistical results. Only specified condition fields can be sorted. We recommend you click the "+" icon to display a drop-down list to select a field. After adding a field, you can click the settings icon next to the field to modify the sorting mode, which is "Ascending" by default.
    Row quantity limit
    Row quantity limit filters the number of statistical results. After it is set, a certain number of statistical results will be displayed in reverse order. The valid range is 1–1,000, and the default value is `1000`.
    Custom Chart: You can customize a search statement to create charts. This mode supports all statistical and analytical features. Enter the search statement to automatically generate a chart.
    5. Check whether the data configuration meets the requirements. The system will automatically fill in data based on the chart data structure. If the data type doesn't match, you need to convert the data manually and adjust the configuration. For more information, see Data conversion.
    6. Click Save.




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