tencent cloud


Quickly Trying out CLS with Demo

最終更新日:2024-05-21 16:43:33


    If you want to quickly understand the various features of CLS but don't have the resources to try out the features, you can use the demos provided by CLS.
    Demos are free of traffic and storage fees.
    Demo Log
    Available Pre-built Dashboards
    Contains the demo for CLB access logs and provides search, dashboard, and alarm template features
    Contains the demo for NGINX Ingress access logs and provides search, dashboard, and alarm template features
    Contains the demo for TKE audit and event logs and provides search, dashboard, and alarm template features
    Contains the demo for CDN Ingress access logs and provides search, dashboard, and alarm templates
    Contains the demo for ENI and CCN flow logs and provides search, dashboard, and alarm template features
    Contains the demo for COS access logs and provides search, dashboard, and alarm template features
    Includes WAF access logs, providing search, dashboard, and alarm template features
    Includes CloudAudit logs, providing search, dashboard, and alert template features
    API Gateway
    Includes API Gateway access logs, providing search, dashboard, and alert template features

    Using the Demo Log

    Enabling the demo log

    1. Log in to the CLS console.
    2. In Demo log Center on the Overview page, find the target demo and click Enable Demo.
    3. In the pop-up window, click Confirm.Resource initialization takes about 2 minutes.
    4. After initialization, you can perform the following operations:
    Click Demo > Go to Search and Analysis to view search and analysis details.
    Click Demo > View Dashboard to view preset dashboards.
    Click Demo > View Alarm to view monitoring alarm details.
    Click Demo > View Log Topic to view log topic details.

    Resetting the demo log

    1. Log in to the CLS console.
    2. In Demo Log Center on the Overview page, find the target demo and click Demo > Reset Resources. When a demo expires, you can enable it again by resetting it.

    Disabling the demo log

    1. Log in to the CLS console.
    2. In Demo Log Center on the Overview page, find the target demo and click Demo > Delete Resources.
    3. In the pop-up window, click Confirm. Demo log writing stops, and demo resources are deleted.




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