tencent cloud


Batch Deploying LogListener in CVM and Lighthouse

最終更新日:2024-01-20 17:14:28


    CLS allows you to use LogListener to collect CVM and Lighthouse logs. Before log collection, you need to install and deploy LogListener in CVM or Lighthouse. To quickly install and deploy LogListener in a number of CVM and Lighthouse instances, you can select CVM or Lighthouse instances in the console and batch distribute LogListener deployment tasks through an API to automatically complete LogListener installation and deployment (including accesskey, ID, and region configuration).


    You have installed TAT in CVM or Lighthouse.


    1. Log in to the CLS console.
    2. On the left sidebar, click Machine Group Management to enter the management page.
    3. Click Deploy Instances in the top-right corner of the page.
    4. On the Deploy Instances page, select the server type (CVM or Lighthouse). You can batch deploy LogListener for CVM and Lighthouse instances at the same time.
    5. Select the target CVM or Lighthouse instances, enter the SecretId information (SecretId and SecretKey), and set Machine label in Advanced Settings as needed.
    To install LogListener, you need to provide SecretId and SecretKey for uploading logs. They can be obtained as instructed in Viewing Acquisition Method.
    Make sure that the account of the entered key information has the permission to upload logs. For detailed directions on how to configure permissions, see CAM Access Management.
    If your machine IP changes frequently, we recommend that you configure the machine label as instructed in Machine Group Management.
    6. Click Next.
    7. On the instance installation page, click Next when the installation Status changes to Completed, which indicates that the installation is completed.
    If the installation fails, move the cursor over to the Status of the instance installation to view the failure causes.
    8. On the machine group importing page, select an existing machine group or create a machine group as required, and click Import.
    The version of the LogListener deployed via batch deployment is 2.6.0 or later.




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