tencent cloud


Upgrading Existing LogListener Instances

最終更新日:2024-01-20 16:27:42
Dear Tencent Cloud user,
To improve the user experience and avoid the influence from issues in legacy versions, we recommend upgrading the LogListener instances to v2.5.0 or above.
Log in to the CLS console to try out more CLS features.
New features supported on different LogListener versions are detailed as flows:
LogListener Version
Supported Feature
Feature Description
Incremental collection
When performing collection configuration, users can choose the full or incremental collection policy.
CVM batch deployment
Users can deploy LogListener on CVM instances in batches for CVM log collection without manually installing LogListener related configuration.
LogListener service logs
LogListener service logs are used to record the operation, collection, and monitoring activities of LogListener, and you can configure visualized graphs to display such log data.
Uploading parsing-failure logs
Added the support for uploading parsing-failure logs, using LogParseFailure as the key name (Key) and the raw log content as the key value (Value).
Support LogListener auto-upgrade function
Users can set a time period for Agent auto upgrade or select specific machines to upgrade manually.
Extracting multi-line logs with regex
Added the extraction mode of Multi-line - Full regular expression to LogListener collection configuration rules for log collection.
Millisecond-precision logging
LogListener supports millisecond-precision timestamps for log collection. After time-based log collection is enabled, LogListener uploads logs with millisecond-precision UNIX timestamps.
Configuring blocklist of the collection path
Added support for configuring blocklist of the collection path, allowing users to specify directories and files to be ignored during collection.
Context search
Added the feature for locating the current log, allowing users to quickly locate a target log and scroll to view the log context. Added the feature to highlight a number of strings, quickly marking the keywords that users use to search. Added the filter condition feature, allowing users to quickly locate the log where a target character string resides.
Thank you for your support. We will continue to update features to provide you with better services. If you have any questions, please submit a ticket.
Tencent Cloud Team





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