tencent cloud


Operation guide of earlier LogListener versions

最終更新日:2024-01-20 17:55:44
This document provides an operation guide for LogListener 2.2.4 and earlier. We recommend that you update to the latest version as this document may no longer be maintained. For information on how to install the latest version, see the LogListener Installation Guide.

Starting LogListener

Go to the installation directory loglistener and start LogListener by running the following script:
cd loglistener/tools; ./start.sh

Stopping LogListener

Go to the installation directory loglistener and stop LogListener by running the following script:
cd loglistener/tools; ./stop.sh

Checking LogListener process status

Go to the installation directory loglistener and check the status of the LogListener processes by running the following command:
cd loglistener/tools; ./p.sh

Normally, there are three processes:
bin/loglistenerm -d #Daemon process
bin/loglistener --conf=etc/loglistener.conf #Main process
bin/loglisteneru -u --conf=etc/loglistener.conf #Update process

Uninstalling LogListener

Go to the installation directory loglistener and uninstall LogListener by running the following command:
cd loglistener/tools; ./uninstall.sh

Checking LogListener heartbeat and configuration

Go to the installation directory loglistener and check the heartbeat and configuration of LogListener by running the following command:
cd loglistener/tools; ./check.sh





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