vrrp_instance VI_1 {
# Select proper parameters for the primary and secondary CVMs.
state MASTER #Set the initial status to `Backup`.
interface eth0 #The ENI such as `eth0` used to bind a VIP
virtual_router_id 51 #The`virtual_router_id` value for the cluster
nopreempt #Non-preempt mode
preempt_delay 10 #Set the preempt delay to 10 minutes
priority 100 #Priority. The larger the value, the higher the priority
advert_int 1 #Check interval. The default value is 1 second
authentication { #Authentication
auth_type PASS #Authentication method
auth_pass 1111 #Authentication password
unicast_src_ip #Private IP address of the local device
unicast_peer{ #IP address of the peer device
virtual_ipaddress { #Set the "HAVIP" as a floating IP
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