This document describes how to create a HAVIP on the VPC console and configure it in third-party software.
1. Log in to the VPC console and select IP and ENI > HAVIP on the left sidebar. 2. Select the target region on the HAVIP management page and click Apply.
3. In the pop-up dialog box, configure HAVIP parameters.
Name: Enter a name for the HAVIP.
VPC: select a VPC where the HAVIP to be created resides.
Subnet: Select a subnet for the HAVIP.
IP address: The IP address of the HAVIP can be automatically assigned or manually specified. If you choose Automatic Assignment, a subnet IP address will be automatically assigned. If you choose Enter manually, make sure that the entered IP address is within the subnet IP range and is not a reserved IP address of the system. For example, if the subnet IP range is
, the entered private IP address should be within
4. Click OK. After the HAVIP is successfully created, it will be displayed in the list, with the main status information as follows.
5. Click the HAVIP ID, select the bound instance on the details page, and fill in the instance range to which the HAVIP can switch.
To avoid HAVIP being preempted by an unexpected CVM, causing a business exception, the switch range limitation capability is enabled by default after the HAVIP is created.
A HAVIP can only bind with the same type of instance. For example, CVM and ENI cannot be selected at the same time.
For binding ENIs, it currently only supports selecting ENIs already bound to CVM instances; the primary ENIs are not supported for binding.
When selecting the range of CVM, you can switch between all ENIs on the CVM, including the primary ENI.
Subsequent Operations
HAVIP is designed to use together with third-party HA software, which should be configured in third-party HA software. HAVIP is only an operation object and a private IP address that can be bound through announcement. Therefore, the binding and unbinding of HAVIP to CVMs are not done in the Tencent Cloud console. Instead, you only need to specify HAVIP as a floating virtual IP address (VIP) in the third-party HA software which in turn specifies an ENI to be bound to the HAVIP through ARP. The following shows you how to bind or unbind a HAVIP:
In a traditional physical device environment, all private IP addresses are bound to ENIs through ARP by default and can be specified as floating IP addresses in the HA software. In a public cloud environment, a private IP cannot use ARP, or be specified as a floating IP address in the HA software. Therefore, you need to follow the same steps as that of the third-party software to specify the HAVIP as a floating IP address instead.
Common HA software programs include: Linux HeartBeat, Keepalived, Pacemaker, and Windows MSCS.
When specifying a VIP in the configuration file of the HA software, you only need to enter the HAVIP that you created:
vrrp_instance VI_1 {
# Select proper parameters for the primary and secondary CVMs.
state MASTER #Set the initial status to `Backup`.
interface eth0 #The ENI such as `eth0` used to bind a VIP
virtual_router_id 51 #The`virtual_router_id` value for the cluster
nopreempt #Non-preempt mode
preempt_delay 10 #Set the preempt delay to 10 minutes
priority 100 #Priority. The larger the value, the higher the priority
advert_int 1 #Check interval. The default value is 1 second
authentication { #Authentication
auth_type PASS #Authentication method
auth_pass 1111 #Authentication password
unicast_src_ip #Private IP address of the local device
unicast_peer{ #IP address of the peer device
virtual_ipaddress { #Set the "HAVIP" as a floating IP
After the HAVIP is configured in the HA software of the CVM, the status of the HAVIP in the console will display the backend ENI and effective server information.
See the following cases for your configurations:
Relevant Documentation
Similar to a private IP, a HAVIP can also be bound with or unbound from an EIP on the VPC console. If you need public network communication, see Binding or Unbinding EIP.
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