.Instance | Upper Limit |
IP address objects (ipm) | 1,000 per tenant |
IP address group objects (ipmg) | 1,000 per tenant |
Protocol port objects (ppm) | 1,000 per tenant |
Protocol port group objects (ppmg) | 1,000 per tenant |
IP address members in an IP address object (ipm) | 20 per tenant |
IP address object members (ipm) in an IP address group object (ipmg) | 20 per tenant |
Protocol port members in a protocol port group object (ppm) | 20 per tenant |
Protocol port object members (ppm) in a protocol port group object (ppmg) | 20 per tenant |
IP address group objects (ipmg) that can reference the same IP address object (ipm) | 50 per tenant |
Protocol port group objects (ppmg) that can reference the same protocol port object (ppm) | 50 per tenant |
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