tencent cloud


Billing Overview

마지막 업데이트 시간:2024-10-22 15:30:15
    VPC offers the following features free of charge:
    Basic features: VPC instance, subnet, and route table.
    Other features: ENI, security group, network ACL, parameter template, HAVIP, network probe, Classiclink, multicast, and broadcast.
    Billable features and related products include cross-AZ data transfer in the same region, CVM, EIP, CLB, NAT Gateway, VPN Connection, and Cloud Connect Network.

    Billing description

    Cross-AZ data transfer in the same region: Outgoing traffic across AZs in the same region, including the same VPC and cross-VPC scenarios.
    Billing Mode
    Cross-AZ data transfer in the same region is billed by the traffic in a post-paid manner.
    Calculate the cross-AZ outbound traffic in the same region (intra-VPC and cross-VPC), and generate the bill on an hourly basis.
    From now till 00:00:00 (UTC+8), October 10, 2025, a 1000-TB free tier is provided per month for each account.
    Fee calculation:
    ‌Hourly fee for cross-AZ data transfer in the same region = Outbound traffic x Unit price
    The specific prices are as follows:
    Billable item
    Billing mode
    Price (USD)
    Cross-AZ data transfer in the same region (USD/GB)
    ≤ 1000 TB
    Free of charge till 00:00:00 (UTC+8), October 10, 2025
    > 1000 TB

    Billing of related products

    You may need to pay for the following products used in combination with a VPC:
    Cloud Virtual Machine (CVM)
    The usage of CVMs can incur charges for public network access. For more information, see CVM Billing Overview.
    Elastic IP (EIP)
    Cloud Load Balance (CLB)
    NAT Gateway
    VPN Connection
    Peering Connection
    Cloud Connect Network (CCN)
    Flow Logs (FL)

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