tencent cloud


Data Types

最后更新时间:2024-12-10 14:46:07


    Sampling parameter for spot check

    Used by actions: CreateMigrateJob, DescribeMigrateJobs, ModifyMigrateJob.

    Name Type Required Description
    SelectRowsPerTable Integer Yes Data content check parameter, which refers to the proportion of the rows selected for data comparison in all the rows of the table. Value: an integer between 1 and 100.
    TablesSelectAll Integer Yes Data content check parameter, which refers to the proportion of the tables selected for data detection in all the tables. Value: an integer between 1 and 100.
    TablesSelectCount Integer Yes Data quantity check parameter, which checks whether the numbers of rows are identical. It refers to the proportion of the tables selected for quantity check in all the tables. Value: an integer between 1 and 100.


    Target instance information, which is correlated with the migration task type

    Used by actions: CreateMigrateJob, DescribeMigrateJobs, ModifyMigrateJob.

    Name Type Required Description
    Region String Yes Target instance region, such as ap-guangzhou
    InstanceId String No Target instance ID, such as cdb-jd92ijd8
    Ip String No Target instance VIP, which has been disused and does not need to be entered
    Port Integer No Target instance Vport, which has been disused and does not need to be entered
    ReadOnly Integer No Only valid for MySQL currently. For instance-level migration, the value range is: 1 (read-only), 0 (read/write)
    User String No Target database account
    Password String No Target database password


    Message and prompt for migration task error

    Used by actions: DescribeMigrateJobs.

    Name Type Description
    ErrorLog String Specific error log, including error code and error message
    HelpDoc String Help document URL corresponding to error


    Describes the specific migration process

    Used by actions: DescribeMigrateJobs.

    Name Type Description
    StepAll Integer Total number of steps
    StepNow Integer Current step
    Progress String Overall progress, such as "10"
    CurrentStepProgress String Progress of current step, such as "1"
    MasterSlaveDistance Integer Master/slave lag in MB, which is valid during incremental sync and currently supported by TencentDB for Redis and MySQL
    SecondsBehindMaster Integer Master/slave lag in seconds, which is valid during incremental sync and currently supported by TencentDB for MySQL
    StepInfo Array of MigrateStepDetailInfo Step information


    Migration task details

    Used by actions: DescribeMigrateJobs.

    Name Type Description
    JobId String Data migration task ID
    JobName String Data migration task name
    MigrateOption MigrateOption Migration task configuration options
    SrcDatabaseType String Source instance database type: MySQL, Redis, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Percona
    SrcAccessType String Source instance access type. Value range: extranet (public network), cvm (CVM-created instance), dcg (Direct Connect-enabled instance), vpncloud (Tencent Cloud VPN-enabled instance), cdb (TencentDB instance), ccn (CCN instances)
    SrcInfo SrcInfo Source instance information, which is correlated with the migration task type
    DstDatabaseType String Target instance access type: MySQL, Redis, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Percona
    DstAccessType String Target instance access type, which currently only supports cdb (TencentDB instance)
    DstInfo DstInfo Target instance information
    DatabaseInfo String Information of the source table to be migrated. If the entire instance is to be migrated, this field should be []
    CreateTime Timestamp Task creation/submission time
    StartTime Timestamp Task start time
    EndTime Timestamp Task end time
    Status Integer Task status. Value range: 1 (Creating), 3 (Checking), 4 (CheckPass), 5 (CheckNotPass), 7 (Running), 8 (ReadyComplete), 9 (Success), 10 (Failed), 11 (Stopping), 12 (Completing)
    Detail MigrateDetailInfo Task details
    ErrorInfo Array of ErrorInfo Prompt message for task error, which is not null or empty when an error occurs with the task
    Tags Array of TagItem Tag
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SrcInfoMulti Array of SrcInfo Information of the source instance, a cluster edition instance whose access type is not cdb.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Migration task configuration options

    Used by actions: CreateMigrateJob, DescribeMigrateJobs, ModifyMigrateJob.

    Name Type Required Description
    RunMode Integer Yes Task operation mode. Value range: 1 (immediate execution), 2 (scheduled execution)
    ExpectTime Timestamp No Expected execution time in the format of yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. If runMode=2, this field is required
    MigrateType Integer No Data migration type. Value range: 1 (structural migration), 2 (full migration), 3 (full + incremental migration)
    MigrateObject Integer No Migration subject. 1: entire instance; 2: specified table
    ConsistencyType Integer No Parameter of spot data consistency check. 1: not configured; 2: full check; 3: spot check; 4: check inconsistent tables only; 5: no check
    IsOverrideRoot Integer No Whether to overwrite the target database with the root account of the source database. Value range: 0 (no), 1 (yes). This value should be 0 for table or structural migration
    ExternParams String No Additional parameters for different databases, which are described in JSON format.
    The following parameters can be defined for Redis:
    "ClientOutputBufferHardLimit":512, Hard capacity limit of slave buffer (MB)
    "ClientOutputBufferSoftLimit":512, Soft capacity limit of slave buffer (MB)
    "ClientOutputBufferPersistTime":60, Soft limit duration of slave buffer (s)
    "ReplBacklogSize":512, Circular buffer capacity limit (MB)
    "ReplTimeout":120, Replication timeout period (s)
    The following parameters can be defined for MongoDB:
    'SrcAuthFlag': "1",
    MySQL currently does not support configuring additional parameters.
    ConsistencyParams ConsistencyParams No Only used for "spot data consistency check". It is required if ConsistencyType is spot check


    Information of steps in migration

    Used by actions: DescribeMigrateJobs.

    Name Type Description
    StepNo Integer Step number
    StepName String Step name
    StepId String Step ID
    Status Integer Step status. Value range: 0 (default), 1 (succeeded), 2 (failed), 3 (in progress), 4 (not started)
    StartTime String Start time of current step in the format of yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. This field is meaningless if it does not exist or is empty
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Source instance information

    Used by actions: CreateMigrateJob, DescribeMigrateJobs, ModifyMigrateJob.

    Name Type Required Description
    AccessKey String No Alibaba Cloud AccessKey, which is applicable if the source database is an Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for RDS 5.6 instance
    Ip String No Instance IP address
    Port Integer No Instance port
    User String No Instance username
    Password String No Instance password
    RdsInstanceId String No Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for RDS instance ID, which is applicable if the source database is an Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for RDS 5.6/5.7 instance
    CvmInstanceId String No Short CVM instance ID in the format of ins-olgl39y8. It is the same as the instance ID displayed on the CVM Console page. For CVM-based self-created instances, this field needs to be passed in
    UniqDcgId String No Direct Connect gateway ID in the format of dcg-0rxtqqxb
    VpcId String No VPC ID in the format of vpc-92jblxto
    SubnetId String No VPC Subnet ID in the format of subnet-3paxmkdz
    UniqVpnGwId String No VPN gateway ID in the format of vpngw-9ghexg7q
    InstanceId String No Database instance ID in the format of cdb-powiqx8q
    Region String No Region name, such as ap-guangzhou
    Supplier String No For Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for RDS instances, enter "aliyun"; otherwise, enter "others"
    CcnId String No CCN instance ID, such as ccn-afp6kltc
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    EngineVersion String No Database version. This parameter is valid only when the instance is an RDS instance. Value: 5.6 or 5.7. Default value: 5.6


    Error message displayed when the subscription configuration was queried.

    Used by actions: DescribeSubscribeConf.

    Name Type Required Description
    Message String No Error message.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Subscription instance information

    Used by actions: DescribeSubscribes.

    Name Type Required Description
    SubscribeId String No Data subscription instance ID
    SubscribeName String No Data subscription instance name
    ChannelId String No ID of channel bound to data subscription instance
    Product String No Name of product bound to data subscription instance
    InstanceId String No ID of database instance bound to data subscription instance
    InstanceStatus String No Status of database instance bound to data subscription instance
    SubsStatus String No Data subscription instance configuration status. Valid values: unconfigure, configuring, configured
    ModifyTime String No Last modified time
    CreateTime String No Creation time
    IsolateTime String No Isolation time
    ExpireTime String No Expiration time
    OfflineTime String No Deactivation time
    ConsumeStartTime String No Last modified consumption starting time point. If it has never been modified, this field is 0
    Region String No Data subscription instance region
    PayType Integer No Billing mode. 1: pay-as-you-go
    Vip String No Data subscription instance VIP
    Vport Integer No Data subscription instance Vport
    UniqVpcId String No Unique ID of the VPC where the data subscription instance VIP resides
    UniqSubnetId String No Unique ID of the subnet where the data subscription instance VIP resides
    Status String No Data subscription instance status. Valid values: creating, normal, isolating, isolated, offlining, offline
    SdkConsumedTime String No Timestamp of the last message confirmed by the SDK. If the SDK keeps consuming, this field can also be used as the current consumption time point of the SDK
    Tags Array of TagItem No Tag
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AutoRenewFlag Integer No Whether auto-renewal is enabled. 0: do not enable; 1: enable
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SubscribeVersion String No Subscription instance edition. ·txdts: legacy data subscription; kafka: data subscription in Kafka edition
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Data subscription object

    Used by actions: ActivateSubscribe, DescribeSubscribeConf, ModifySubscribeObjects.

    Name Type Required Description
    ObjectsType Integer Yes Data subscription object type. 0: database, 1: database table
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    DatabaseName String Yes Name of subscribed database
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    TableNames Array of String No Array of table names in subscribed database
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Tag filtering

    Used by actions: DescribeMigrateJobs, DescribeSubscribes.

    Name Type Required Description
    TagKey String Yes Tag key value
    TagValue Array of String No Tag value



    Used by actions: CreateMigrateJob, CreateSubscribe, DescribeMigrateJobs, DescribeSubscribeConf, DescribeSubscribes.

    Name Type Required Description
    TagKey String Yes Tag key value
    TagValue String No Tag value
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.




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