How is NAT gateway billed?
NAT gateway fees consist of the following:
Gateway fees (billed by the hour).
Public network traffic fees
Why am I charged for a NAT gateway I did not use?
NAT gateways feature dual-server hot backup. The system sends a 5 KB detection packet to the master and slave NAT gateways every 3 seconds, thereby generating 0.2747 GB of traffic each day. The prices of traffic in Mainland China (not including Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan), Hong Kong, and North America are: 0.12 USD/GB, 0.12 USD/GB, and 0.077 USD/GB.
Will I receive a reminder when my NAT gateway expires?
When the balance in your account becomes 0, you can still use your NAT gateway for 2 hours, but you will be charged for that time. If your account balance is still not greater than 0 after two hours, your NAT gateway stops to function and billing stops. If your account balance is still not greater than zero 24 hours after your NAT gateway stops working, the NAT gateway becomes unavailable, which means you cannot access it anymore. As soon as your account balance is greater than 0, your NAT gateway functions again and billing starts. If your account balance remains at or below 0 for more than 24 hours after your NAT gateway stops functioning, your NAT gateway is repossessed. We will alert the account owner and all collaborators via email and SMS when we repossess the NAT gateway.
When there are multiple routing policies in a route table, the following routing priority applies, from high to low:
VPC traffic
Exact match routing
Public IP
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