TencentDB data centers are hosted in multiple locations worldwide. These locations are known as regions. Each region is an independent geographical area.
Region name can most directly embody the coverage of a data center. The following naming convention is used for your convenience:
A region name is composed of region + city. The region
indicates the geographic area that the data center covers, while the city
represents the city in or near which the data center is located.
Note:TcaplusDB does not divide instances by AZ.
Tencent Cloud regions are completely isolated. This guarantees the maximum cross-region stability and fault tolerance. When purchasing Tencent Cloud services, you are recommended to select the region closest to your end users to minimize access latency and improve download speed. Operations such as launching or viewing instances are performed at the region level.
Notes on private network communication:
TcaplusDB divides instances only by region and is available in the following regions:
Region | Identifier |
East China (Shanghai) | ap-shanghai |
Hong Kong/Macao/Taiwan (Hong Kong, China) | ap-hongkong |
Region | Identifier |
Southeast Asia Pacific (Singapore) | ap-singapore |
Northeast Asia Pacific (Seoul) | ap-seoul |
Northeast Asia Pacific (Tokyo) | ap-tokyo |
West US (Silicon Valley) | na-siliconvalley |
East US (Virginia) | na-ashburn |
Europe (Frankfurt) | eu-frankfurt |
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