tencent cloud


Last updated: 2020-12-22 10:44:54


    This command is used to insert a data entry into a table by explicitly declaring parameters or importing files.


    ## Explicitly Declaring Parameters to Insert Data
    insert into table (key1, key2, value1, vlaue2) values (1, "abc", 2, "def") [after -1] [shift none/head/tail];
    ## Importing a CSV File to Insert Data
    insert into table infile result.csv [after -1] [shift none/head/tail];
    ## Importing an XML File to Insert Data Provided that the TDR File Is Provided at the Client’s Startup
    insert into table infile result.xml [after -1] [shift none/head/tail] using tdr;


    Parameter Protobuf and TDR Required
    table Table name Yes
    key Primary key field name Yes
    value Non-primary key field name Yes, at least one
    after LIST table:
    n>0 indicates that the data will be inserted after the first n data
    n=-2 indicates that the data will be inserted at the head of the queue
    n=-1 indicates that the data will be inserted at the tail of the queue
    n<-2: unsupported
    GENERIC table: this field is unsupported.
    shift If the table size exceeds the maximum value, you can specify how to clear data automatically. Valid values:
    none: no data will be cleared
    head: data at the head of the queue will be cleared
    tail: data at the tail of the queue will be cleared.
    using tdr The Protobuf table does not support this parameter. To insert data into the TDR table, import an XML file whose structure must strictly comply with the XML syntax. In addition, a TDR file must be provided when the client is started. No
    infile Read data from the file No


    For more information, see Error Codes.


    Download the sample file result.xml and result.csv.

    tcaplus>insert into game_players (player_id,player_name,player_email,game_server_id) values (2,name,email,2);
    insert success
    insert time: 45322 us
    tcaplus> Insert into table_list (uin, name, key1) values (99,99,99) after -1 shift tail;
    insert success
    insert time: 22464 us
    tcaplus> Insert into table_list infile result.xml  using tdr;
    insert success
    insert time: 9493 us
    tcaplus> Insert into table_list infile result.csv;
    insert success
    insert time: 22368 us
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