tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-12-04 10:12:05


    This command is used to query the basic information of the server or table. show tables can query table type and protocol type, and show status can query the current connection status, directory server information, and access layer information.


    show [status/tables];


    Table name


    Query the information of tables in the current table group:
    tcaplus> show tables;
    | Table Name Type Protocol |
    | test_table GENERIC TDR |
    | tbMailTest LIST PROTOBUF |
    | pb_generic_index_shardingkey GENERIC PROTOBUF |
    | pb_generic_index_noshardkey GENERIC PROTOBUF |
    | pb_generic_noindex_noshardkey GENERIC PROTOBUF |
    | pb_list LIST PROTOBUF |
    | pb_list2 LIST PROTOBUF |
    | pb_sortedlist LIST PROTOBUF |
    | aes_info GENERIC TDR |
    | auth_info GENERIC TDR |
    | depend_me_services GENERIC TDR |
    | host_info GENERIC TDR |
    | instance_info GENERIC TDR |
    | node_info GENERIC TDR |
    | service_depends GENERIC TDR |
    | service_info GENERIC TDR |
    | token_info GENERIC TDR |
    | cl_list LIST PROTOBUF |
    | cl_generic GENERIC PROTOBUF |
    | table_generic GENERIC TDR |
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