tencent cloud


select with global index

Last updated: 2020-12-22 10:44:54

    Index-based Query

    After the global index feature is enabled, TcaplusDB supports the field query, provided that the field in the query condition must have global index created.
    The fields in an aggregate query also require global index.
    An index-based query returns up to 3,000 results.

    Supported statements

    Query conditions

    The following query conditions are supported, including =, >, >=, <, <=, !=, between, in, not in, like, not like, and, or.


    • The two values of between are included in the range. For example, if you use between 1 and 100, both 1 and 100 are inclusive. In other words, the query range should be [1,100].
    • The like query supports fuzzy matching. The wildcard % matches zero or multiple characters, while the wildcard _ matches one character.
    tcaplus> select * from pb_generic_index_shardingkey where openid>10 and tconndid<1000;
    |openid|timekey  |tconndid|svrid  |gamesvrid  |other_property                           |items|lockid   |pay|id_uint32|id_int32|
    |201   |"timekey"|201     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|[{"key":1,"value":1},{"key":2,"value":2}]|-    |[1,2,3,4]|-  |1        |1       |
    |200   |"timekey"|200     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|[{"key":1,"value":1},{"key":2,"value":2}]|-    |[1,2,3,4]|-  |1        |1       |
    |203   |"timekey"|203     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|[{"key":1,"value":1},{"key":2,"value":2}]|-    |[1,2,3,4]|-  |1        |1       |
    |204   |"timekey"|204     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|[{"key":1,"value":1},{"key":2,"value":2}]|-    |[1,2,3,4]|-  |1        |1       |
    |202   |"timekey"|202     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|[{"key":1,"value":1},{"key":2,"value":2}]|-    |[1,2,3,4]|-  |1        |1       |
    total 5 records
    tcaplus> select * from pb_generic_index_shardingkey where openid between 1 and 300  and tconndid<1000;
    |openid|timekey  |tconndid|svrid  |gamesvrid  |other_property                           |items|lockid   |pay|id_uint32|id_int32|
    |203   |"timekey"|203     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|[{"key":1,"value":1},{"key":2,"value":2}]|-    |[1,2,3,4]|-  |1        |1       |
    |204   |"timekey"|204     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|[{"key":1,"value":1},{"key":2,"value":2}]|-    |[1,2,3,4]|-  |1        |1       |
    |201   |"timekey"|201     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|[{"key":1,"value":1},{"key":2,"value":2}]|-    |[1,2,3,4]|-  |1        |1       |
    |200   |"timekey"|200     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|[{"key":1,"value":1},{"key":2,"value":2}]|-    |[1,2,3,4]|-  |1        |1       |
    |202   |"timekey"|202     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|[{"key":1,"value":1},{"key":2,"value":2}]|-    |[1,2,3,4]|-  |1        |1       |
    total 5 records
    tcaplus> select * from pb_generic_index_shardingkey where openid>10 or tconndid<1000;
    |openid|timekey  |tconndid|svrid  |gamesvrid  |other_property                           |items|lockid   |pay|id_uint32|id_int32|
    |202   |"timekey"|202     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|[{"key":1,"value":1},{"key":2,"value":2}]|-    |[1,2,3,4]|-  |1        |1       |
    |203   |"timekey"|203     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|[{"key":1,"value":1},{"key":2,"value":2}]|-    |[1,2,3,4]|-  |1        |1       |
    |201   |"timekey"|201     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|[{"key":1,"value":1},{"key":2,"value":2}]|-    |[1,2,3,4]|-  |1        |1       |
    |200   |"timekey"|200     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|[{"key":1,"value":1},{"key":2,"value":2}]|-    |[1,2,3,4]|-  |1        |1       |
    |204   |"timekey"|204     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|[{"key":1,"value":1},{"key":2,"value":2}]|-    |[1,2,3,4]|-  |1        |1       |
    total 5 records

    Paginated query

    The paginated query limit offset is supported.


    The paginated query must use limit offset. Neither limit 1 or limit 0,1 can be used.

    tcaplus> select * from pb_generic_index_shardingkey where openid>10 limit 3 offset 0;
    |openid|timekey  |tconndid|svrid  |gamesvrid  |other_property                           |items|lockid   |pay|id_uint32|id_int32|
    |200   |"timekey"|200     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|[{"key":1,"value":1},{"key":2,"value":2}]|-    |[1,2,3,4]|-  |1        |1       |
    |201   |"timekey"|201     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|[{"key":1,"value":1},{"key":2,"value":2}]|-    |[1,2,3,4]|-  |1        |1       |
    |202   |"timekey"|202     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|[{"key":1,"value":1},{"key":2,"value":2}]|-    |[1,2,3,4]|-  |1        |1       |

    Aggregate query

    The following aggregate query functions are supported, including sum, count, max, min, avg.


    • The aggregate query does not support limit offset.
    • Currently, only the count function can be used with distinct. For example, select count(distinct(a)) from table where a > 1000.
    tcaplus> select sum(openid), count(*), max(openid), avg(openid) from pb_generic_index_shardingkey where openid>10 ;

    Specified field query

    The values of specified fields can be queried.


    You can also query nested fields in the Protobuf table. For example, select field1.field2.field3, a, b from table where a > 1000.

    tcaplus> select svrid,gamesvrid from pb_generic_index_shardingkey where openid>10 or tconndid<1000;
    |openid|timekey  |tconndid|svrid  |gamesvrid  |
    |204   |"timekey"|204     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|
    |203   |"timekey"|203     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|
    |202   |"timekey"|202     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|
    |200   |"timekey"|200     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|
    |201   |"timekey"|201     |"svrid"|"gamesvrid"|
    total 5 records

    Unsupported SQL statements

    Using an aggregate query with non-aggregate query

    select *, a, b from table where a > 1000;
    select sum(a), a, b from table where a  > 1000;
    select count(*), * from table where a  > 1000;

    Query by order by

    select * from table where a > 1000 limit 100 offset 0;

    Query by group by

    select * from table where a > 1000 group by a;

    Query by having

    select sum(a) from table where  a > 1000 group by a having sum(a) > 10000;

    Multi-table query

    select * from table1 where table1.a > 1000 and table1.a = table2.b;

    Nested SELECT query

    select * from table where a > 1000 and b in (select b from table where b < 5000);

    AS query

    select sum(a) as sum_a from table where a > 1000;

    Other queries not supported

    • JOIN
    • UNION
    • Queries like select a+b from table where a > 1000
    • Queries like select * from table where a+b > 1000
    • Queries like select * from table where a >= b
    • Others
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