This document describes how to view table information in the TcaplusDB console.
You have created a table. For more information, see Creating Table.
- Enter the Table List page to view the information about created tables, such as the table ID, table status, table name, cluster name (ID), and table group name (ID).
- Click a table ID, enter the table management page, and view table details.
- The Table Details tab displays the information of table, network, and reserved configuration. You can click the "Modify" icon next to the remarks to modify the remarks.
- The Table Configuration tab displays the field definition information of a table.
- The Table Monitoring tab displays table monitoring information. You can select the monitoring data for different periods and at different granularities and compare data for different periods.
- The Table Rollback tab provides the table rollback feature.
- The Table Caching tab allows you to enable/disable the table caching feature.
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