tencent cloud


Accessing by Client Tool

Last updated: 2024-12-04 10:12:05
    This document describes how to use the client tool tcaplus_client to access data.
    All DML statements must use the WHERE clause which should contain at least a primary key field. If there are multiple primary keys, separate them with and.

    Accessing TcaplusDB through Client Tool

    tcaplus_client is a client tool used to access TcaplusDB tables and can be obtained at the download address in the table below.
    The release package of TcaplusServiceAPI for Linux x86_64 contains the tcaplus_client tool for Linux 64-bit.
    Linux x86_64
    Linux x86_64
    The following operations need to be performed on the CVM instance in the same VPC and subnet under your Tencent Cloud account as your TcaplusDB cluster.
    You can download TcaplusServiceAPI v3.36.0.192960 here.

    Installing client

    After downloading the TcaplusServiceAPI installation package, you can use the upload tool to upload it onto the CVM instance in the same VPC and subnet as the TcaplusDB cluster.
    1. After the upload, run the following command to decompress the installation package:
    tar -xf TcaplusPbApi3.46.0.199033.x86_64_release_20201210.tar.gz -C tcaplus
    2. After the decompression, enter the bin directory in tcaplus and grant the tool executable permission:
    cd tcaplus/release/x86_64/bin
    chmod +x tcaplus_client
    3. Run the ./tcaplus_client command, and the system will prompt you to enter the parameter information required for database connection. You can enter it based on your cluster information.
    In the sample below, app_id indicates the cluster access ID, App indicates the cluster, and zone indicates the table group.
    ## ./tcaplus_client
    invalid parameters, please start the client as following:
    ./tcaplus_client -a app_id -z zone_id -s signature -d dir_server_url [-t table_name] [-l log_file.xml] [-T tdr_file.tdr] [-e execute_command]
    the params in [] are optional, and their order is not important.
    -a(--ap_id) APP ID
    -z(--zone_id) ZONE ID
    -s(--signature) PASSWORD
    -d(--dir) dir server addr
    -t(--table) table to add
    -l(--log) log file name that must be client_log.xml, and log class name be client
    -T(--tdr) tdr filename
    -e(--execute) SQL command need to execute, the content should be in quotes.
    e.g. ./tcaplus_client -a 2 -z 3 -s "FE6533875C8385C3" -d -T table_test.tdr -e "select a, b from table where key = 1;"

    Connecting to TcaplusDB (default scenario)

    Run the corresponding command to connect to TcaplusDB. The access point information in the sample below is as follows, and the table tb_online has been created in the table group whose ID is 1:
    Cluster access ID: 2
    Connection password: test@Password1
    Private address:private port:
    Table group ID: 1
    ./tcaplus_client -a 2 -z 1 -s "test@Password1" -d
    | tcaplus_client x86_64 build at Wed Jan 18 22:08:38 CST 2017 |
    | |
    | Welcome! |
    Enter help after the prompt, and you can see detailed help information. Enter > help to view how to use related commands.
    help: show usage of commands, example: "help select;".
    show: get server status related information. executing "help show;" for details.
    exit/quit: exit the client.
    count: print record number in the database.
    desc: print table field name and type.
    select: query records from database.
    insert: insert a new record into database.
    replace: replace a record into the database.
    update: update a record in the database.
    delete: delete record(s) from database.
    dump: dump records from database.
    load: load records into the database.

    Parameter description

    Access ID
    Table group ID
    Cluster password
    Cluster IP and port
    Table name
    The output setting of log files. The file name must be "client_log.xml".
    TDR file path
    The SQL statements to execute
    The version to query
    Redirect SQL statements to client to execute.

    Connecting to TcaplusDB (using TDR)

    To connect to TcaplusDB via TDR, you must use the client launch parameters to specify the TDR file path. You can use the TDR tool to convert multiple XML metadatabases into binary format. If there are dependencies between multiple XML files, the dependent XML file must be placed in front of the parameter list.
    [root@test-PC0 /opt]# ./tcaplus_client -a 2 -z 3 -s C12901752D0D3347 -d 8.x.x.8:9999 -T /mnt/e/tdr/2.3.table_list.tdr
    ====== Welcome to use tcaplus_client, use "help" to show usage ======
    tcaplus > exit
    [root@test-PC0 /opt]# ./tcaplus_client -a 2 -z 3 -s C12901752D0D3347 -d 8.x.x.8:9999 -T /mnt/e/tdr/2.3.table_list.tdr -e "show tables;"
    | Table Name Type |
    | MTownRoleInfo GENERIC |
    | table_generic GENERIC |
    | table_generic_xiahuaxian GENERIC |
    | table_list LIST |
    | test_table GENERIC |

    TDR tool

    You need to use the TDR tool to generate a TDR file, which is mainly generated by the data definition file (TDR structure in XML format). This tool is available in the tools directory of the tbase package in the SDK package.
    tdr -B -o ov_res.tdr ov_res.xml
    # Convert XML metadatabases to TDR binary databases.
    tdr -C -o ov_res.c --old_xml_tagset ov_res.xml
    # Convert metadatabases in old XML format (using the old tag set) to .c files.
    tdr -H -O "include" --add_custom_prefix="m_" --no_type_prefix
    # Convert XML metadatabases to .h files which are saved in the "include" directory.
    # Add the prefix "m_" to the member name of struct/union, but not add a type prefix.
    tdr -G -m Pkg -x ATTR -o Pkg.xml net_protocol.xml
    # Generate a configuration file in XML format through package (a data structure package customized by user).
    tdr -T -u prefixfile
    # Export the prefix table of the data member used when generating the .h file to the file "prefixfile".
    tdr -A --indent-size=8 net_protocol.xml
    # Generate ActionScript3 class files according to the protocol described in "net_protocol.xml". The generated class files are all indented with 8 spaces.
    tdr -P --indent-size=8 net_protocol.xml
    # Generate C++ class files according to the protocol described in "net_protocol.xml". The generated class files are all indented with 8 spaces.
    tdr -S --indent-size=8 net_protocol.xml
    # Generate C# class files according to the protocol described in "net_protocol.xml". The generated class files are all indented with 8 spaces.
    tdr -E 0x83010404
    # Query the error information of error code 0x83010404.

    tdr2xml tool

    The tdr2xml tool can decompile the binary metadata file to an XML metadata file. This tool is available in the tools directory of the tbase package in the SDK package.
    tdr2xml [-o --out_file=FILE] [-h --help] [-v --version] DRFILE
    The description of each parameter is as follows:
    -o, --out_file=FILE: specify the name of the output file. Default value: a.xml.
    -h, --help: output help.
    -v, --version: output the version information.
    tdr2xml –o net_cs.xml net_cs.tdr
    Convert the metadata description file in binary custom format saved in the "net_cs.tdr" file into a description file in XML format.
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