Audio/Video transcoding template
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | Yes | Name of an audio/video transcoding template, which can contain 1-20 case-sensitive letters and digits |
NeedVideo | Integer | No | Whether video is needed. 0 : not needed; 1 : needed |
Vcodec | String | No | Video codec. Valid values: H264 , H265 . If this parameter is left empty, the original video codec will be used. |
Width | Integer | No | Video width. Value range: (0, 3000]. The value must be an integer multiple of 4. If this parameter is left empty, the original video width will be used. |
Height | Integer | No | Video height. Value range: (0, 3000]. The value must be an integer multiple of 4. If this parameter is left empty, the original video height will be used. |
Fps | Integer | No | Video frame rate. Value range: [1, 240]. If this parameter is left empty, the original frame rate will be used. |
TopSpeed | String | No | Whether to enable top speed codec transcoding. Valid values: CLOSE (disable), OPEN (enable). Default value: CLOSE |
BitrateCompressionRatio | Integer | No | Compression ratio for top speed codec transcoding. Value range: [0, 50]. The lower the compression ratio, the higher the image quality. |
NeedAudio | Integer | No | Whether audio is needed. 0 : not needed; 1 : needed |
Acodec | String | No | Audio encoding format, only AAC and PASSTHROUGH are available, with AAC as the default. |
AudioBitrate | Integer | No | Audio bitrate. If this parameter is left empty, the original bitrate will be used. Valid values: 6000 , 7000 , 8000 , 10000 , 12000 , 14000 , 16000 , 20000 , 24000 , 28000 , 32000 , 40000 , 48000 , 56000 , 64000 , 80000 , 96000 , 112000 , 128000 , 160000 , 192000 , 224000 , 256000 , 288000 , 320000 , 384000 , 448000 , 512000 , 576000 , 640000 , 768000 , 896000 , 1024000 |
VideoBitrate | Integer | No | Video bitrate. Value range: [50000, 40000000]. The value must be an integer multiple of 1000. If this parameter is left empty, the original bitrate will be used. |
RateControlMode | String | No | Bitrate control mode. Valid values: CBR , ABR (default), VBR . |
WatermarkId | String | No | Watermark ID |
SmartSubtitles | Integer | No | Whether to convert audio to text. 0 (default): No; 1 : Yes. |
SubtitleConfiguration | String | No | The subtitle settings. Currently, the following subtitles are supported:eng2eng : English speech to English text.eng2chs : English speech to Chinese text. eng2chseng : English speech to English and Chinese text. chs2chs : Chinese speech to Chinese text. chs2eng : Chinese speech to English text. chs2chseng : Chinese speech to Chinese and English text. |
FaceBlurringEnabled | Integer | No | Whether to enable the face blur function, 1 is on, 0 is off, and the default is 0. |
AudioSelectorName | String | No | Only AttachedInputs.AudioSelectors.Name can be selected. The following types need to be filled in: 'RTP_PUSH', 'SRT_PUSH', 'UDP_PUSH', 'RTP-FEC_PUSH'. |
AudioNormalization | AudioNormalizationSettings | No | Audio transcoding special configuration information. |
AudioSampleRate | Integer | No | Audio sampling rate, unit HZ. |
FrameRateType | String | No | This field indicates how to specify the output video frame rate. If FOLLOW_SOURCE is selected, the output video frame rate will be set equal to the input video frame rate of the first input. If SPECIFIED_FRACTION is selected, the output video frame rate is determined by the fraction (frame rate numerator and frame rate denominator). If SPECIFIED_HZ is selected, the frame rate of the output video is determined by the HZ you enter. |
FrameRateNumerator | Integer | No | Valid when the FrameRateType type you select is SPECIFIED_FRACTION, the output frame rate numerator setting. |
FrameRateDenominator | Integer | No | Valid when the FrameRateType type you select is SPECIFIED_FRACTION, the output frame rate denominator setting. |
BFramesNum | Integer | No | The number of B frames can be selected from 1 to 3. |
RefFramesNum | Integer | No | The number of reference frames can be selected from 1 to 16. |
AdditionalRateSettings | AdditionalRateSetting | No | Additional video bitrate configuration. |
VideoCodecDetails | VideoCodecDetail | No | Video encoding configuration. |
AudioCodecDetails | AudioCodecDetail | No | Audio encoding configuration. |
MultiAudioTrackEnabled | Integer | No | Whether to enable multiple audio tracks 0: Not required 1: Required Default value 0. |
AudioTracks | Array of AudioTrackInfo | No | Quantity limit 0-20 Valid when MultiAudioTrackEnabled is turned on. |
VideoEnhanceEnabled | Integer | No | |
VideoEnhanceSettings | Array of VideoEnhanceSetting | No | |
GopSize | Integer | No | Key frame interval, 300-10000, optional. |
GopSizeUnits | String | No | Keyframe units, only support MILLISECONDS (milliseconds). |
ColorSpaceSettings | ColorSpaceSetting | No | Color space setting. |
additional bit rate configuration.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
VideoMaxBitrate | Integer | No | The maximum bit rate in a VBR scenario must be a multiple of 1000 and between 50000 - 40000000. |
BufferSize | Integer | No | Cache configuration supports configuring a Max Bitrate value of 1-4 times. |
QualityLevel | Integer | No | VBR scene is valid, video quality level, only supports user input numbers between 1-51. |
Amazon S3 destination setting.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AccessKeyID | String | No | Access key ID of the S3 sub-account. |
SecretAccessKey | String | No | Secret access key of the S3 sub-account. |
Region | String | No | Region of S3. |
Bucket | String | No | Bucket name of S3. |
FilePath | String | No | File output path, which can be empty. If it is not empty, it starts with / and ends with /. |
FileName | String | No | User-defined name, supports alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens, with a length between 1 and 32 characters. |
FileExt | String | No | File suffix, only supports jpg . |
TimeFormat | String | No | Support unix or utc0 , default unix. |
Channel-associated input
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Id | String | Yes | Input ID |
AudioSelectors | Array of AudioSelectorInfo | No | Audio selector for the input. There can be 0 to 20 audio selectors. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
PullBehavior | String | No | Pull mode. If the input type is HLS_PULL or MP4_PULL , you can set this parameter to LOOP or ONCE . LOOP is the default value.Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
FailOverSettings | FailOverSettings | No | Input failover configuration Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
CaptionSelectors | Array of CaptionSelector | No | Caption selector for the input. There can be 0 to 1 audio selectors. |
Audio codec configuration.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ChannelMode | String | No | Channel configuration, optional values: MONO (mono), STEREO (two-channel), 5.1 (surround). |
Profile | String | No | Level in aac case, optional values: "LC" "HE-AAC" "HE-AACV2". |
Special configuration information for audio transcoding.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AudioNormalizationEnabled | Integer | No | Whether to enable special configuration for audio transcoding: 1: Enable 0: Disable, the default value is 0. |
TargetLUFS | Float | No | Loudness value, floating-point number, rounded to one decimal place, range -5 to -70. |
Audio Pid
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Pid | Integer | No | Audio Pid . Default value: 0. |
Pipeline input audio statistics.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveChannelInputStatistics.
Name | Type | Description |
Fps | Integer | Audio FPS. |
Rate | Integer | Audio bitrate in bps. |
Pid | Integer | Audio Pid , which is available only if the input is rtp/udp . |
Audio selector.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | Yes | Audio name, which can contain 1-32 letters, digits, and underscores. |
AudioPidSelection | AudioPidSelectionInfo | No | Audio Pid selection. |
AudioSelectorType | String | No | Audio input type, optional values: 'PID_SELECTOR' 'TRACK_SELECTOR', default value PID_SELECTOR. |
AudioTrackSelection | InputTracks | No | AudioTrack configuration. |
Audio transcoding template.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AudioSelectorName | String | Yes | Only AttachedInputs.AudioSelectors.Name can be selected. This parameter is required for RTP_PUSH and UDP_PUSH. |
Name | String | Yes | Audio transcoding template name, which can contain 1-20 letters and digits. |
Acodec | String | No | Audio encoding format, only AAC and PASSTHROUGH are available, with AAC as the default. |
AudioBitrate | Integer | No | Audio bitrate. If this parameter is left empty, the original value will be used. Valid values: 6000, 7000, 8000, 10000, 12000, 14000, 16000, 20000, 24000, 28000, 32000, 40000, 48000, 56000, 64000, 80000, 96000, 112000, 128000, 160000, 192000, 224000, 256000, 288000, 320000, 384000, 448000, 512000, 576000, 640000, 768000, 896000, 1024000 |
LanguageCode | String | No | Audio language code, whose length is always 3 characters. |
AudioNormalization | AudioNormalizationSettings | No | Audio transcoding special configuration information. |
AudioSampleRate | Integer | No | Audio sampling rate, unit HZ. |
AudioCodecDetails | AudioCodecDetail | No | Audio encoding parameters. |
Audio track configuration.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TrackName | String | No | User input is limited to letters and numbers, the length should not exceed 20, and should not be repeated in the same channel. |
AudioCodec | String | No | Audio encoding format, only AAC and PASSTHROUGH are available, with AAC as the default. |
AudioBitrate | Integer | No | Audio bitrate. |
AudioSampleRate | Integer | No | Audio sample rate. |
AudioSelectorName | String | No | Only values defined by AttachedInputs.$.AudioSelectors.$ can be entered. |
AudioNormalization | AudioNormalizationSettings | No | Audio loudness configuration. |
AudioCodecDetails | AudioCodecDetail | No | Audio encoding configuration. |
Caption selector.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | No | Caption selector name, which can contain 1-32 letters, digits, and underscores. |
CaptionSourceType | String | No | Caption source type, only support SCTE-128 . |
Channel alarm information.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveChannelAlerts.
Name | Type | Description |
Pipeline0 | Array of ChannelPipelineAlerts | Alarm details of pipeline 0 under this channel. |
Pipeline1 | Array of ChannelPipelineAlerts | Alarm details of pipeline 1 under this channel. |
Channel output statistics.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveChannelInputStatistics.
Name | Type | Description |
InputId | String | Input ID. |
Statistics | InputStatistics | Input statistics. |
Channel output information.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveChannelOutputStatistics.
Name | Type | Description |
OutputGroupName | String | Output group name. |
Statistics | OutputsStatistics | Output group statistics. |
Channel alarm details.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveChannelAlerts.
Name | Type | Description |
SetTime | String | Alarm start time in UTC time. |
ClearTime | String | Alarm end time in UTC time. This time is available only after the alarm ends. |
Type | String | Alarm type. |
Message | String | Alarm details. |
Color space setting.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ColorSpace | String | No | Color space, supports PASSTHROUGH (transparent transmission, only supports H265); optional. |
Cos destination setting.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Region | String | No | Region of COS. |
Bucket | String | No | Bucket name of COS. |
FilePath | String | No | File output path, which can be empty. If it is not empty, it ends with /. |
FileName | String | No | User-defined name, supports alphanumeric characters, underscores, and hyphens, with a length between 1 and 32 characters. |
FileExt | String | No | File suffix, only supports jpg . |
TimeFormat | String | No | Support unix or utc0 , default unix. |
Watermark image settings
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveWatermark, ModifyStreamLiveWatermark.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ImageType | String | No | Image file format. Valid values: png, jpg. |
ImageContent | String | No | Base64 encoded image content |
Location | String | No | Origin. Valid values: TOP_LEFT, BOTTOM_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT, BOTTOM_RIGHT. |
XPos | Integer | No | The watermark’s horizontal distance from the origin as a percentage of the video width. Value range: 0-100. Default: 10. |
YPos | Integer | No | The watermark’s vertical distance from the origin as a percentage of the video height. Value range: 0-100. Default: 10. |
Width | Integer | No | The watermark image’s width as a percentage of the video width. Value range: 0-100. Default: 10.0 means to scale the width proportionally to the height.You cannot set both Width and Height to 0 . |
Height | Integer | No | The watermark image’s height as a percentage of the video height. Value range: 0-100. Default: 10.0 means to scale the height proportionally to the width.You cannot set both Width and Height to 0 . |
Watermark text settings
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveWatermark, ModifyStreamLiveWatermark.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Text | String | Yes | Text |
Location | String | No | Origin. Valid values: TOP_LEFT, BOTTOM_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT, BOTTOM_RIGHT. |
XPos | Integer | No | The watermark’s horizontal distance from the origin as a percentage of the video width. Value range: 0-100. Default: 10. |
YPos | Integer | No | The watermark’s vertical distance from the origin as a percentage of the video height. Value range: 0-100. Default: 10. |
FontSize | Integer | No | Font size. Value range: 25-50. |
FontColor | String | No | Font color, which is an RGB color value. Default value: 0x000000. |
DASH configuration information.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SegmentDuration | Integer | No | Segment duration in ms. Value range: [1000,30000]. Default value: 4000. The value can only be a multiple of 1,000. |
SegmentNumber | Integer | No | Number of segments. Value range: [1,30]. Default value: 5. |
PeriodTriggers | String | No | Whether to enable multi-period. Valid values: CLOSE/OPEN. Default value: CLOSE. |
H265PackageType | String | No | The HLS package type when the H.265 codec is used. Valid values: hvc1 , hev1 (default). |
Distribution configuration information.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLivePlan, DescribeStreamLivePlans.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
WebDeliveryAllowed | String | No | Corresponds to SCTE-35 web_delivery_allowed_flag parameter. |
NoRegionalBlackout | String | No | Corresponds to SCTE-35 no_regional_blackout_flag parameter. |
ArchiveAllowed | String | No | Corresponds to SCTE-35 archive_allowed_flag. |
DeviceRestrictions | String | No | Corresponds to SCTE-35 device_restrictions parameter. |
Watermark image settings
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveWatermark, DescribeStreamLiveWatermarks.
Name | Type | Description |
Location | String | Origin |
XPos | Integer | The watermark image’s horizontal distance from the origin as a percentage of the video width |
YPos | Integer | The watermark image’s vertical distance from the origin as a percentage of the video height |
Width | Integer | The watermark image’s width as a percentage of the video width |
Height | Integer | The watermark image’s height as a percentage of the video height |
Watermark text settings
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveWatermark, DescribeStreamLiveWatermarks.
Name | Type | Description |
Text | String | Text |
Location | String | Origin |
XPos | Integer | The watermark image’s horizontal distance from the origin as a percentage of the video width |
YPos | Integer | The watermark image’s vertical distance from the origin as a percentage of the video height |
FontSize | Integer | Font size |
FontColor | String | Font color |
Transcoding details.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveTranscodeDetail.
Name | Type | Description |
ChannelId | String | The channel ID. |
StartTime | String | The start time (UTC+8) of transcoding in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. |
EndTime | String | The end time (UTC+8) of transcoding in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. |
Duration | Integer | The duration (s) of transcoding. |
ModuleCodec | String | The encoding method. Examples: liveprocessor_H264 : Live transcoding-H264liveprocessor_H265 : Live transcoding-H265topspeed_H264 : Top speed codec-H264topspeed_H265 : Top speed codec-H265 |
Bitrate | Integer | The target bitrate (Kbps). |
Type | String | The transcoding type. |
PushDomain | String | The push domain name. |
Resolution | String | The target resolution. |
Watermark information
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveWatermark, DescribeStreamLiveWatermarks.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | Watermark ID |
Name | String | Watermark name |
Type | String | Watermark type. Valid values: STATIC_IMAGE, TEXT. |
ImageSettings | DescribeImageSettings | Watermark image settings. This parameter is valid if Type is STATIC_IMAGE .Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
TextSettings | DescribeTextSettings | Watermark text settings. This parameter is valid if Type is TEXT .Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
UpdateTime | String | Last modified time (UTC+0) of the watermark, in the format of 2020-01-01T12:00:00Z Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
AttachedChannels | Array of String | List of channel IDs the watermark is bound to Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
Relay destination address.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
OutputUrl | String | Yes | Relay destination address. Length limit: [1,512]. |
AuthKey | String | No | Authentication key. Length limit: [1,128]. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Username | String | No | Authentication username. Length limit: [1,128]. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Password | String | No | Authentication password. Length limit: [1,128]. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
DestinationType | String | No | The destination type of the retweet. Currently available values are: Standard, AWS_MediaPackageV1, AWS_MediaPackageV2. The default is: Standard. When the output group type is FRAME_CAPTURE, valid values are: AWS_AmazonS3, COS. |
AmazonS3Settings | AmazonS3Settings | No | Aws S3 destination setting. |
CosSettings | CosSettings | No | Cos destination setting. |
Custom DRM key.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Key | String | Yes | DRM key, which is a 32-bit hexadecimal string. Note: uppercase letters in the string will be automatically converted to lowercase ones. |
Track | String | No | Required for Widevine encryption. Valid values: SD, HD, UHD1, UHD2, AUDIO, ALL. ALL refers to all tracks. If this parameter is set to ALL, no other tracks can be added. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
KeyId | String | No | Required for Widevine encryption. It is a 32-bit hexadecimal string. Note: uppercase letters in the string will be automatically converted to lowercase ones. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Iv | String | No | Required when FairPlay uses the AES encryption method. It is a 32-bit hexadecimal string. For more information about this parameter, please see: Note: uppercase letters in the string will be automatically converted to lowercase ones. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
KeyUri | String | No | The URI of the license server when AES-128 is used. This parameter may be empty. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
DRM configuration information, which takes effect only for HLS and DASH.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
State | String | No | Whether to enable DRM encryption. Valid values: CLOSE (disable), OPEN (enable). Default value: CLOSE DRM encryption is supported only for HLS, DASH, HLS_ARCHIVE, DASH_ARCHIVE, HLS_MEDIAPACKAGE, and DASH_MEDIAPACKAGE outputs. |
Scheme | String | No | Valid values: CustomDRMKeys (default value), SDMCDRM CustomDRMKeys means encryption keys customized by users.SDMCDRM means the DRM key management system of SDMC. |
ContentId | String | No | If Scheme is set to CustomDRMKeys , this parameter is required.If Scheme is set to SDMCDRM , this parameter is optional. It supports digits, letters, hyphens, and underscores and must contain 1 to 36 characters. If it is not specified, the value of ChannelId will be used. |
Keys | Array of DrmKey | No | The key customized by the content user, which is required when Scheme is set to CustomDRMKeys.Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
SDMCSettings | SDMCSettingsInfo | No | SDMC key configuration. This parameter is used when Scheme is set to SDMCDRM .Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
DrmType | String | No | Optional Types:FAIRPLAY , WIDEVINE , PLAYREADY , AES128 HLS-TS supports FAIRPLAY and AES128 .HLS-FMP4 supports FAIRPLAY , WIDEVINE , PLAYREADY , AES128 , and combinations of two or three from FAIRPLAY , WIDEVINE , and PLAYREADY (concatenated with commas, e.g., "FAIRPLAY,WIDEVINE,PLAYREADY").DASH supports WIDEVINE , PLAYREADY , and combinations of PLAYREADY and WIDEVINE (concatenated with commas, e.g., "PLAYREADY,WIDEVINE"). |
The callback settings.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
PushEventSettings | PushEventSetting | No | The callback configuration for push events. |
Destination address information in event settings
Used by actions: CreateStreamLivePlan.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Url | String | Yes | URL of the COS bucket to save recording files |
Destination address information in event settings
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLivePlans.
Name | Type | Description |
Url | String | URL of the COS bucket where recording files are saved |
Configuration information of an event in the plan
Used by actions: CreateStreamLivePlan.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
EventType | String | Yes | Valid values: INPUT_SWITCH , TIMED_RECORD , SCTE35_TIME_SIGNAL, SCTE35_SPLICE_INSERT, SCTE35_RETURN_TO_NETWORK. If it is not specified, INPUT_SWITCH will be used. |
InputAttachment | String | No | ID of the input to attach, which is required if EventType is INPUT_SWITCH |
OutputGroupName | String | No | Name of the output group to attach. This parameter is required if EventType is TIMED_RECORD . |
ManifestName | String | No | Name of the manifest file for timed recording, which must end with .m3u8 for HLS and .mpd for DASH. This parameter is required if EventType is TIMED_RECORD . |
Destinations | Array of EventSettingsDestinationReq | No | URL of the COS bucket to save recording files. This parameter is required if EventType is TIMED_RECORD . It may contain 1 or 2 URLs. The first URL corresponds to pipeline 0 and the second pipeline 1. |
SCTE35SegmentationDescriptor | Array of SegmentationDescriptorInfo | No | SCTE-35 configuration information. |
SpliceEventID | Integer | No | A 32-bit unique segmentation event identifier.Only one occurrence of a given segmentation_event_id value shall be active at any one time. |
SpliceDuration | Integer | No | The duration of the segment in 90kHz ticks.It used to give the splicer an indication of when the break will be over and when the network In Point will occur. If not specifyed,the splice_insert will continue when enter a return_to_network to end the splice_insert at the appropriate time. |
TimedMetadataSetting | TimedMetadataInfo | No | Meta information plan configuration. |
Configuration information of an event in the plan
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLivePlans.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
InputAttachment | String | No | ID of the input attached, which is not empty if EventType is INPUT_SWITCH |
OutputGroupName | String | No | Name of the output group attached. This parameter is not empty if EventType is TIMED_RECORD . |
ManifestName | String | No | Name of the manifest file for timed recording, which ends with .m3u8 for HLS and .mpd for DASH. This parameter is not empty if EventType is TIMED_RECORD . |
Destinations | Array of EventSettingsDestinationResp | No | URL of the COS bucket where recording files are saved. This parameter is not empty if EventType is TIMED_RECORD . It may contain 1 or 2 URLs. The first URL corresponds to pipeline 0 and the second pipeline 1. |
SCTE35SegmentationDescriptor | Array of SegmentationDescriptorRespInfo | No | SCTE-35 configuration information. |
SpliceEventID | Integer | No | A 32-bit unique segmentation event identifier.Only one occurrence of a given segmentation_event_id value shall be active at any one time. |
SpliceDuration | String | No | The duration of the segment in 90kHz ticks.It used to give the splicer an indication of when the break will be over and when the network In Point will occur. If not specifyed,the splice_insert will continue when enter a return_to_network to end the splice_insert at the appropriate time. |
TimedMetadataSetting | TimedMetadataInfo | No | Meta information plan configuration. |
Input failover settings
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SecondaryInputId | String | No | ID of the backup input Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
LossThreshold | Integer | No | The wait time (ms) for triggering failover after the primary input becomes unavailable. Value range: [1000, 86400000]. Default value: 3000 |
RecoverBehavior | String | No | Failover policy. Valid values: CURRENT_PREFERRED (default), PRIMARY_PREFERRED |
Frame capture template.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | Yes | Name of frame capture template, limited to uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers, with a length between 1 and 20 characters. |
Width | Integer | No | Width of frame capture, optional, input range is from 0 to 3000, must be a multiple of 2. |
Height | Integer | No | Height of frame capture, optional, input range is from 0 to 3000, must be a multiple of 2. |
CaptureInterval | Integer | No | Interval of frame capture, an integer between 1 and 3600. |
CaptureIntervalUnits | String | No | Interval units of frame capture, only supports SECONDS. |
ScalingBehavior | String | No | Scaling behavior of frame capture, supports DEFAULT or STRETCH_TO_OUTPUT, with DEFAULT being the default option. |
Sharpness | Integer | No | Sharpness, an integer between 0 and 100. |
Collection configuration.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
HighlightEnabled | Integer | No | Whether to enable input recognition 0: Disable 1 Enable Default value 0 Disable. |
Type | String | No | The product where the results are saved, optional: COS. Currently, only Tencent Cloud COS is supported. In the future, it will be connected to AWS S3 and COS will be used by default. |
Region | String | No | Valid when Type is COS, the region where COS is stored. |
Bucket | String | No | Valid when Type is COS, the bucket name stored in COS. |
Path | String | No | Valid when Type is COS, the path where cos is stored. |
Filename | String | No | Valid when Type is COS, the file name stored in cos. |
TimestampFormat | String | No | Valid when Type is COS, the file name suffix stored in COS is automatically generated in the time format, optional values: unix, utc. Unix is the second-level timestamp and UTC is the year, month and day represented by the zero time zone. |
AudioSelectorNames | Array of String | No | Audio selector list is optional and can be empty. If not filled in, an audio will be used as the output of the recognition result by default. |
Highlight results information.
Used by actions: DescribeMediaLiveHighlightResult.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TaskId | String | No | MPS task ID. |
SegmentUrl | String | No | Highlights video link. |
CovImgUrl | String | No | Collection cover link. |
CreateTime | Integer | No | Generation time, UTC format. |
StartTime | Float | No | Starting pts. |
EndTime | Float | No | End pts. |
Duration | Float | No | Duration in seconds. |
HLS protocol configuration.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SegmentDuration | Integer | No | Segment duration in ms. Value range: [1000,30000]. Default value: 4000. The value can only be a multiple of 1,000. |
SegmentNumber | Integer | No | Number of segments. Value range: [3,30]. Default value: 5. |
PdtInsertion | String | No | Whether to enable PDT insertion. Valid values: CLOSE/OPEN. Default value: CLOSE. |
PdtDuration | Integer | No | PDT duration in seconds. Value range: (0,3000]. Default value: 600. |
Scheme | String | No | Audio/Video packaging scheme. Valid values: SEPARATE , MERGE . Default value is: SEPARATE. |
SegmentType | String | No | The segment type. Valid values: ts (default), fmp4 .Currently, fMP4 segments do not support DRM or time shifting. |
H265PackageType | String | No | The HLS package type when the H.265 codec is used. Valid values: hvc1 , hev1 (default). |
LowLatency | Integer | No | Whether to enable low latency 0:CLOSE, 1:OPEN, default value: 0. |
PartialSegmentDuration | Integer | No | Low latency slice size, unit ms. Value range: integer [200-HlsRemuxSettings.SegmentDuration] Default value: 500ms. |
PartialSegmentPlaySite | Integer | No | Low latency slice playback position, unit ms. Value range: integer [3HlsRemuxSettings.PartiSegmentDuration - 3HlsRemuxSettings.SegmentDuration], Default value: 3*HlsRemuxSettings.PartiSegmentDuration. |
StreamOrder | Integer | No | Hls main m3u8 file sorting rules by bitrate, optional values: 1: video bitrate ascending order; 2: video bitrate descending order. Default value: 1. |
VideoResolution | Integer | No | Whether the Hls main m3u8 file contains resolution information, optional values: 1: INCLUDE includes video resolution; 2: EXCLUDE does not include video resolution. Default value: 1. |
EndListTag | Integer | No | Whether to include the EXT-X-ENDLIST tag, 1 includes EXT-X-ENDLIST tag, 2 does not include EXT-X-ENDLIST tag; the default value is 1. |
Recognition configuration for input content.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
HighlightSetting | HighlightInfo | No | Highlight configuration. |
Input information.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveInput, DescribeStreamLiveInputs.
Name | Type | Description |
Region | String | Input region. |
Id | String | Input ID. |
Name | String | Input name. |
Type | String | Input type. |
SecurityGroupIds | Array of String | Array of security groups associated with input. |
AttachedChannels | Array of String | Array of channels associated with input. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
InputSettings | Array of InputSettingInfo | Input configuration array. |
Complement the last video frame related settings.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
RepeatLastFrameMs | Integer | No | The time to fill in the last video frame, unit ms, range 0-1000000, 1000000 means always inserting, default 0 means filling in black screen frame. |
InputLossImageType | String | No | Fill frame type, COLOR means solid color filling, IMAGE means picture filling, the default is COLOR. |
ColorRGB | String | No | When the type is COLOR, the corresponding rgb value |
ImageUrl | String | No | When the type is IMAGE, the corresponding image url value |
Input security group information.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveInputSecurityGroup, DescribeStreamLiveInputSecurityGroups.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | Input security group ID. |
Name | String | Input security group name. |
Whitelist | Array of String | List of allowlist entries. |
OccupiedInputs | Array of String | List of bound input streams. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Region | String | Input security group address. |
The input settings.
The format of an RTMP_PUSH address is ${InputAddress}/${AppName}/${StreamName}.
The format of an SRT_PUSH address is ${InputAddress}?streamid=${StreamName},h=${InputDomain}.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveInput, DescribeStreamLiveInput, DescribeStreamLiveInputs, ModifyStreamLiveInput.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AppName | String | No | Application name, which is valid if Type is RTMP_PUSH and can contain 1-32 letters and digitsNote: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
StreamName | String | No | Stream name, which is valid if Type is RTMP_PUSH and can contain 1-32 letters and digitsNote: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
SourceUrl | String | No | Source URL, which is valid if Type is RTMP_PULL , HLS_PULL , MP4_PULL , RTSP_PULL or SRT_PULL , and can contain 1-512 charactersNote: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
InputAddress | String | No | RTP/UDP input address, which does not need to be entered for the input parameter. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
SourceType | String | No | Source type for stream pulling and relaying. To pull content from private-read COS buckets under the current account, set this parameter to TencentCOS ; otherwise, leave it empty.Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
DelayTime | Integer | No | Delayed time (ms) for playback, which is valid if Type is RTMP_PUSH Value range: 0 (default) or 10000-600000 The value must be a multiple of 1,000. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
InputDomain | String | No | The domain name of the SRT_PUSH push address. No need to fill in the input parameter. |
UserName | String | No | The username, which is used for authentication. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
Password | String | No | The password, which is used for authentication. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
ContentType | String | No | This parameter is valid when the input source is HLS_PULL and MP4_PULL. It indicates the type of file the source is. The optional values are: LIVE, VOD. Please note that if you do not enter this parameter, the system will take the default input value VOD. |
Input statistics.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveChannelInputStatistics.
Name | Type | Description |
Pipeline0 | Array of PipelineInputStatistics | Input statistics of pipeline 0. |
Pipeline1 | Array of PipelineInputStatistics | Input statistics of pipeline 1. |
The input stream information.
Used by actions: QueryInputStreamState.
Name | Type | Description |
InputAddress | String | The input stream address. |
AppName | String | The input stream path. |
StreamName | String | The input stream name. |
Status | Integer | The input stream status. 1 indicates the stream is active. |
Audio track configuration.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TrackIndex | Integer | No | Audio track index 1-based index mapping to the specified audio track integer starting from 1. |
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Tracks | Array of InputTrack | No | Audio track configuration information. |
Log information.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveChannelLogs.
Name | Type | Description |
Type | String | Log type. It contains the value of StreamStart which refers to the push information. |
Time | String | Time when the log is printed. |
Message | LogMessageInfo | Log details. |
Log details.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveChannelLogs.
Name | Type | Description |
StreamInfo | StreamInfo | Push information. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Output information.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | Yes | Output name. |
AudioTemplateNames | Array of String | No | Audio transcoding template name array. Quantity limit: [0,1] for RTMP; [0,20] for others. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
VideoTemplateNames | Array of String | No | Video transcoding template name array. Quantity limit: [0,1]. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Scte35Settings | Scte35SettingsInfo | No | SCTE-35 information configuration. |
AVTemplateNames | Array of String | No | Audio/Video transcoding template name. If HlsRemuxSettings.Scheme is MERGE , there is 1 audio/video transcoding template. Otherwise, this parameter is empty.Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
CaptionTemplateNames | Array of String | No | For the subtitle template used, only the AVTemplateNames is valid. |
TimedMetadataSettings | TimedMetadataSettingInfo | No | Meta information controls configuration. |
FrameCaptureTemplateNames | Array of String | No | Frame capture template name array. Quantity limit: [0,1]. |
Channel output statistics.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveChannelOutputStatistics.
Name | Type | Description |
Pipeline0 | Array of PipelineOutputStatistics | Output information of pipeline 0. |
Pipeline1 | Array of PipelineOutputStatistics | Output information of pipeline 1. |
Pipeline failover information.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
FaultBehavior | String | No | Pipeline failover configuration, the valid value is: 1.PIPELINE_FAILOVER (channels are mutually failover); 2.PIPELINE_FILLING (channels fill in themselves). Default value: PIPELINE_FILLING. The specific content is specified by FaultBehavior. |
Pipeline input statistics.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveChannelInputStatistics.
Name | Type | Description |
Timestamp | Integer | Data timestamp in seconds. |
NetworkIn | Integer | Input bandwidth in bps. |
Video | Array of VideoPipelineInputStatistics | Video information array. For rtp/udp input, the quantity is the number of Pid of the input video.For other inputs, the quantity is 1. |
Audio | Array of AudioPipelineInputStatistics | Audio information array. For rtp/udp input, the quantity is the number of Pid of the input audio.For other inputs, the quantity is 1. |
Pipeline log information.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveChannelLogs.
Name | Type | Description |
Pipeline0 | Array of LogInfo | Log information of pipeline 0. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Pipeline1 | Array of LogInfo | Log information of pipeline 1. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Channel output statistics.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveChannelOutputStatistics.
Name | Type | Description |
Timestamp | Integer | Timestamp. In seconds, indicating data time. |
NetworkOut | Integer | Output bandwidth in bps. |
Event configuration information
Used by actions: CreateStreamLivePlan.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
EventName | String | Yes | Event name |
TimingSettings | TimingSettingsReq | Yes | Event trigger time settings |
EventSettings | EventSettingsReq | Yes | Event configuration |
Event configuration information
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLivePlans.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
EventName | String | Yes | Event name |
TimingSettings | TimingSettingsResp | Yes | Event trigger time settings |
EventSettings | EventSettingsResp | Yes | Event configuration |
Event settings
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TimedRecordSettings | TimedRecordSettings | No | Timed recording settings Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
The callback configuration for push events.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
NotifyUrl | String | Yes | The callback URL (required). |
NotifyKey | String | No | The callback key (optional). |
The stream status of the queried input.
Used by actions: QueryInputStreamState.
Name | Type | Description |
InputID | String | The input ID. |
InputName | String | The input name. |
Protocol | String | The input protocol. |
InputStreamInfoList | Array of InputStreamInfo | The stream status of the input. |
Region information
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveRegions.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | Region name |
SDMC DRM configuration information. This parameter is valid only when Scheme
is set to SDMCDRM
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Uid | String | Yes | User ID in the SDMC DRM system |
Tracks | Integer | Yes | Tracks of the SDMC DRM system. This parameter is valid for DASH output groups.1 : audio2 : SD4 : HD8 : UHD116 : UHD2Default value: 31 (audio + SD + HD + UHD1 + UHD2) |
SecretId | String | Yes | Key ID in the SDMC DRM system; required |
SecretKey | String | Yes | Key in the SDMC DRM system; required |
Url | String | Yes | Key request URL of the SDMC DRM system, which is by default |
TokenName | String | Yes | Token name in an SDMC key request URL, which is token by default |
SCTE-35 configuration information.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Behavior | String | No | Whether to pass through SCTE-35 information. Valid values: NO_PASSTHROUGH/PASSTHROUGH. Default value: NO_PASSTHROUGH. |
SCTE-35 configuration information.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLivePlan.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
EventID | Integer | No | A 32-bit unique segmentation event identifier. Only one occurrence of a given segmentation_event_id value shall be active at any one time. |
EventCancelIndicator | Integer | No | Indicates that a previously sent segmentation event, identified by segmentation_event_id, has been cancelled. |
DeliveryRestrictions | DeliveryRestrictionsInfo | No | Distribution configuration. |
Duration | Integer | No | The duration of the segment in 90kHz ticks. indicat when the segment will be over and when the next segmentation message will occur.Shall be 0 for end messages.the time signal will continue until insert a cancellation message when not specify the duration. |
UPIDType | Integer | No | Corresponds to SCTE-35 segmentation_upid_type parameter. |
UPID | String | No | Corresponds to SCTE-35 segmentation_upid. |
TypeID | Integer | No | Corresponds to SCTE-35 segmentation_type_id. |
Num | Integer | No | Corresponds to SCTE-35 segment_num。This field provides support for numbering segments within a given collection of segments. |
Expected | Integer | No | Corresponds to SCTE-35 segment_expected.This field provides a count of the expected number of individual segments within a collection of segments. |
SubSegmentNum | Integer | No | Corresponds to SCTE-35 sub_segment_num.This field provides identification for a specific sub-segment within a collection of sub-segments. |
SubSegmentsExpected | Integer | No | Corresponds to SCTE-35 sub_segments_expected.This field provides a count of the expected number of individual sub-segments within the collection of sub-segments. |
SCTE-35 configuration information.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLivePlans.
Name | Type | Description |
EventID | Integer | A 32-bit unique segmentation event identifier. Only one occurrence of a given segmentation_event_id value shall be active at any one time. |
EventCancelIndicator | Integer | Indicates that a previously sent segmentation event, identified by segmentation_event_id, has been cancelled. |
DeliveryRestrictions | DeliveryRestrictionsInfo | Distribution configuration. |
Duration | String | The duration of the segment in 90kHz ticks. indicat when the segment will be over and when the next segmentation message will occur.Shall be 0 for end messages.the time signal will continue until insert a cancellation message when not specify the duration. |
UPIDType | Integer | Corresponds to SCTE-35 segmentation_upid_type parameter. |
UPID | String | Corresponds to SCTE-35 segmentation_upid. |
TypeID | Integer | Corresponds to SCTE-35 segmentation_type_id. |
Num | Integer | Corresponds to SCTE-35 segment_num。This field provides support for numbering segments within a given collection of segments. |
Expected | Integer | Corresponds to SCTE-35 segment_expected.This field provides a count of the expected number of individual segments within a collection of segments. |
SubSegmentNum | Integer | Corresponds to SCTE-35 sub_segment_num.This field provides identification for a specific sub-segment within a collection of sub-segments. |
SubSegmentsExpected | Integer | Corresponds to SCTE-35 sub_segments_expected.This field provides a count of the expected number of individual sub-segments within the collection of sub-segments. |
Audio information.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveChannelLogs.
Name | Type | Description |
Pid | Integer | Audio Pid .Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Codec | String | Audio codec. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Fps | Integer | Audio frame rate. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Rate | Integer | Audio bitrate. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
SampleRate | Integer | Audio sample rate. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Push information.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveChannelLogs.
Name | Type | Description |
ClientIp | String | Client IP. |
Video | Array of StreamVideoInfo | Video information of pushed streams. |
Audio | Array of StreamAudioInfo | Audio information of pushed streams. |
Scte35 | Array of StreamScte35Info | SCTE-35 information of pushed streams. |
Channel information
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | Channel ID |
State | String | Channel status |
AttachedInputs | Array of AttachedInput | Information of attached inputs |
OutputGroups | Array of StreamLiveOutputGroupsInfo | Information of output groups |
Name | String | Channel name |
AudioTemplates | Array of AudioTemplateInfo | Audio transcoding templates Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
VideoTemplates | Array of VideoTemplateInfo | Video transcoding templates Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
AVTemplates | Array of AVTemplate | Audio/Video transcoding templates Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
CaptionTemplates | Array of SubtitleConf | |
PlanSettings | PlanSettings | Event settings Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
EventNotifySettings | EventNotifySetting | The callback settings. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
InputLossBehavior | InputLossBehaviorInfo | Supplement the last video frame configuration settings. |
PipelineInputSettings | PipelineInputSettingsInfo | Pipeline configuration. |
InputAnalysisSettings | InputAnalysisInfo | Recognition configuration for input content. |
Tags | Array of Tag | Console tag list. |
FrameCaptureTemplates | Array of FrameCaptureTemplate | Frame capture templates. |
Channel output group information
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | Yes | Output group name, which can contain 1-32 case-sensitive letters, digits, and underscores and must be unique at the channel level |
Outputs | Array of OutputInfo | Yes | Output information If the type is RTMP, RTP or FRAME_CAPTURE, only one output is allowed; if it is HLS or DASH, 1-10 outputs are allowed. |
Destinations | Array of DestinationInfo | Yes | Relay destinations. Quantity: [1, 2] |
HlsRemuxSettings | HlsRemuxSettingsInfo | No | HLS protocol configuration information, which takes effect only for HLS/HLS_ARCHIVE/HLS_STREAM_PACKAGE outputs. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
DrmSettings | DrmSettingsInfo | No | DRM configuration information Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
DashRemuxSettings | DashRemuxSettingsInfo | No | DASH protocol configuration information, which takes effect only for DASH/DASH_ARCHIVE outputs Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
StreamPackageSettings | StreamPackageSettingsInfo | No | StreamPackage configuration information, which is required if the output type is StreamPackage Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
TimeShiftSettings | TimeShiftSettingsInfo | No | Time-shift configuration information Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
StreamLive region information
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveRegions.
Name | Type | Description |
Regions | Array of RegionInfo | List of StreamLive regions |
StreamPackage settings when the output type is StreamPackage
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Id | String | Yes | Channel ID in StreamPackage |
SCTE-35 information.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveChannelLogs.
Name | Type | Description |
Pid | Integer | SCTE-35 Pid .Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Video information of pushed streams.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveChannelLogs.
Name | Type | Description |
Pid | Integer | Video Pid .Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Codec | String | Video codec. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Fps | Integer | Video frame rate. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Rate | Integer | Video bitrate. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Width | Integer | Video width. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Height | Integer | Video height. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Subtitle template configuration.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | No | Template name. |
CaptionSelectorName | String | No | Name of caption selector. Required when CaptionSource selects INPUT . |
CaptionSource | String | No | Optional values: INPUT (source subtitle information), ANALYSIS (intelligent speech recognition to subtitles). |
ContentType | Integer | No | Optional values: 1 Source, 2 Source+Target, 3 Target (original language only, original language + translation language, translation language). Required when CaptionSource selects ANALYSIS . |
TargetType | Integer | No | Output mode: 1 Burn in, 2 Embedded. Support 2 when CaptionSource selects INPUT . Support 1 when CaptionSource selects ANALYSIS . |
SourceLanguage | String | No | Original phonetic language. Optional values: Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean. Required when CaptionSource selects ANALYSIS . |
TargetLanguage | String | No | Target language. Optional values: Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean. Required when CaptionSource selects ANALYSIS . |
FontStyle | SubtitleFontConf | No | Font style configuration. Required when CaptionSource selects ANALYSIS . |
StateEffectMode | String | No | There are two modes: STEADY and DYNAMIC, corresponding to steady state and unstable state respectively; the default is STEADY. Required when CaptionSource selects ANALYSIS . |
SteadyStateDelayedTime | Integer | No | Steady-state delay time, unit seconds; optional values: 10, 20, default 10. Required when CaptionSource selects ANALYSIS . |
Subtitle style configuration.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
LineSpacing | Integer | No | Line spacing. |
Margins | Integer | No | Margins. |
Lines | Integer | No | Rows. |
CharactersPerLine | Integer | No | Number of characters per line. |
SourceTextFont | String | No | Original font Helvetica: simhei.ttf Song Dynasty: simsun.ttc Dynacw Diamond Black: hkjgh.ttf Helvetica font: helvetica.ttf; Need to be set in Source or Source+Target mode |
TextColor | String | No | Font color is represented by 6 RGB hexadecimal characters. |
BackgroundColor | String | No | The background color is represented by 6 RGB hexadecimal characters. |
BackgroundAlpha | Integer | No | Background transparency, a number from 0-100. |
PreviewContent | String | No | Preview copy. |
PreviewWindowHeight | Integer | No | Preview window height. |
PreviewWindowWidth | Integer | No | Preview window width. |
TranslatedTextFont | String | No | Translation language font, the enumeration value is the same as Font, the fonts supported by the language need to be distinguished; TextColor needs to be set in Target or Source+Target mode |
Console Tag, for documentation please refer to:
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TagKey | String | Yes | Tag key, for restrictions please refer to the tag documentation: |
TagValue | String | Yes | Tag value, for restrictions please refer to the tag documentation: |
Category | String | No | Tag type, optional; for documentation please refer to: |
Time-shift configuration. This parameter is valid only for HLS_ARCHIVE and DASH_ARCHIVE output groups.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
State | String | No | Whether to enable time shifting. Valid values: OPEN ; CLOSE Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
PlayDomain | String | No | Domain name bound for time shifting Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
StartoverWindow | Integer | No | Allowable time-shift period (s). Value range: [300, 2592000]. Default value: 300Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
Transparent transmission of meta information plan configuration.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLivePlan, DescribeStreamLivePlans.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ID3 | String | No | Base64-encoded id3 metadata information, with a maximum limit of 1024 characters. |
Transparent transmission of ID3 information configuration.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Behavior | Integer | No | Whether to transparently transmit ID3 information, optional values: 0:NO_PASSTHROUGH, 1:PASSTHROUGH, default 0. |
Timed recording settings
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AutoClear | String | No | Whether to automatically delete finished recording events. Valid values: CLOSE , OPEN . If this parameter is left empty, CLOSE will be used.If it is set to OPEN , a recording event will be deleted 7 days after it is finished.Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
Event trigger time settings
Used by actions: CreateStreamLivePlan.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
StartType | String | Yes | Event trigger type. Valid values: FIXED_TIME , IMMEDIATE . This parameter is required if EventType is INPUT_SWITCH . |
Time | String | No | This parameter is required if EventType is INPUT_SWITCH and StartType is FIXED_TIME .It must be in UTC format, e.g., 2020-01-01T12:00:00Z . |
StartTime | String | No | This parameter is required if EventType is TIMED_RECORD .It specifies the recording start time in UTC format (e.g., 2020-01-01T12:00:00Z ) and must be at least 1 minute later than the current time. |
EndTime | String | No | This parameter is required if EventType is TIMED_RECORD .It specifies the recording end time in UTC format (e.g., 2020-01-01T12:00:00Z ) and must be at least 1 minute later than the recording start time. |
Event trigger time settings
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLivePlans.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
StartType | String | Yes | Event trigger type |
Time | String | No | Not empty if StartType is FIXED_TIME UTC time, such as 2020-01-01T12:00:00Z |
StartTime | String | No | This parameter cannot be empty if EventType is TIMED_RECORD .It indicates the start time for recording in UTC format (e.g., 2020-01-01T12:00:00Z ) and must be at least 1 minute later than the current time. |
EndTime | String | No | This parameter cannot be empty if EventType is TIMED_RECORD .It indicates the end time for recording in UTC format (e.g., 2020-01-01T12:00:00Z ) and must be at least 1 minute later than the start time for recording. |
Video codec additional configuration.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Profile | String | No | The three image quality levels of h264 include: BASELINE, HIGH, and MAIN. The default option is MAIN. |
Level | String | No | Profile corresponding codec performance, options include: 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3, 3.1, 3.2, 4, 4.1, 4.2, 5, 5.1, AUTO. The default option is AUTO. |
EntropyEncoding | String | No | Codecs include entropy coding and lossless coding, and options include: CABAC and CAVLC. The default option is CABAC. . |
AdaptiveQuantization | String | No | Mode, options include: AUTO, HIGH, HIGHER, LOW, MAX, MEDIUM, OFF. The default option is: AUTO. . |
LookAheadRateControl | String | No | Analyze subsequent encoded frames in advance, options include: HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM. The default option is: MEDIUM. . |
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Type | String | Yes | |
Strength | Float | Yes |
Pipeline input video statistics.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamLiveChannelInputStatistics.
Name | Type | Description |
Fps | Integer | Video FPS. |
Rate | Integer | Video bitrate in bps. |
Pid | Integer | Video Pid , which is available only if the input is rtp/udp . |
Video transcoding template.
Used by actions: CreateStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannel, DescribeStreamLiveChannels, ModifyStreamLiveChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | Yes | Video transcoding template name, which can contain 1-20 letters and digits. |
Vcodec | String | No | Video codec. Valid values: H264/H265. If this parameter is left empty, the original value will be used. |
VideoBitrate | Integer | No | Video bitrate. Value range: [50000,40000000]. The value can only be a multiple of 1,000. If this parameter is left empty, the original value will be used. |
Width | Integer | No | Video width. Value range: (0,3000]. The value can only be a multiple of 4. If this parameter is left empty, the original value will be used. |
Height | Integer | No | Video height. Value range: (0,3000]. The value can only be a multiple of 4. If this parameter is left empty, the original value will be used. |
Fps | Integer | No | Video frame rate. Value range: [1,240]. If this parameter is left empty, the original value will be used. |
TopSpeed | String | No | Whether to enable top speed codec. Valid value: CLOSE/OPEN. Default value: CLOSE. |
BitrateCompressionRatio | Integer | No | Top speed codec compression ratio. Value range: [0,50]. The lower the compression ratio, the higher the image quality. |
RateControlMode | String | No | Bitrate control mode. Valid values: CBR , ABR (default), VBR . |
WatermarkId | String | No | Watermark ID Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
FaceBlurringEnabled | Integer | No | Whether to enable the face blur function, 1 is on, 0 is off, and the default is 0. |
FrameRateType | String | No | This field indicates how to specify the output video frame rate. If FOLLOW_SOURCE is selected, the output video frame rate will be set equal to the input video frame rate of the first input. If SPECIFIED_FRACTION is selected, the output video frame rate is determined by the fraction (frame rate numerator and frame rate denominator). If SPECIFIED_HZ is selected, the frame rate of the output video is determined by the HZ you enter. |
FrameRateNumerator | Integer | No | Valid when the FrameRateType type you select is SPECIFIED_FRACTION, the output frame rate numerator setting. |
FrameRateDenominator | Integer | No | Valid when the FrameRateType type you select is SPECIFIED_FRACTION, the output frame rate denominator setting. |
BFramesNum | Integer | No | The number of B frames can be selected from 1 to 3. |
RefFramesNum | Integer | No | The number of reference frames can be selected from 1 to 16. |
AdditionalRateSettings | AdditionalRateSetting | No | Additional video bitrate configuration. |
VideoCodecDetails | VideoCodecDetail | No | Video encoding configuration. |
VideoEnhanceEnabled | Integer | No | |
VideoEnhanceSettings | Array of VideoEnhanceSetting | No | |
ColorSpaceSettings | ColorSpaceSetting | No | Color space setting. |
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