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Step 3. Configure Inputs

Last updated: 2023-11-03 09:54:04
    The input list shows the inputs bound. You can click Setting to configure an input.

    Audio Selector

    For RTP/UDP PUSH inputs, if MPEG-TS is used, there may be multiple audio tracks. You can specify the audio track to process and output by entering the PID. If you don’t set this, an audio track will be selected randomly. The name of an audio selector must be unique across the channel.
    Make sure the PID you enter is the same as that of the source stream, or the audio selector will fail to work, and the system will randomly select an audio track to output.
    If input failover is enabled, the audio selectors configured for the primary input will apply to the backup input as well.

    Source End Behavior

    You can set the Source End Behavior of a PULL input to tell StreamLive what to do after the input ends.
    LOOP: Pulls the input again after it ends.
    ONCE: Pulls the input only once.


    To prevent interruption of service caused by input exceptions, you can enable failover for RTMP_PUSH/RTP_PUSH inputs. If the primary input is down, StreamLive will automatically switch to the backup input.
    Input Failover: Toggle this on if you want to enable failover for an input.
    Select Backup Input: Select a backup input, whose type must be the same as the primary input.
    Downtime Threshold: Set the wait time (milliseconds) for failover. If the primary input is down, StreamLive will switch to the backup input after the wait time elapses to ensure data availability. The default is 3,000 ms.
    Input Preference: Set whether to switch back to the primary input after it recovers. CURRENT_PREFERRED (default): Continue to use the current input; PRIMARY_PREFERRED: Switch back to the primary input after it recovers.
    Click Confirm. In the input list, you will see that the Bind Status of the primary input has changed to Primary and that of the backup input has changed to Backup.
    You can specify only one backup for each input, and it must be of the same type and have the same number of pipelines as the primary input.
    Once an input is used as a backup, the failover feature will be disabled for the input automatically, which means that you cannot configure a backup for this input. To change the primary and backup roles of two inputs, you must disable failover for the primary input first.
    After successful configuration, Primary and Backup will appear next to the names of the primary and backup inputs.
    In the input list, the backup input will appear below the primary input.

    Input Loss Behavior

    You can customize the way that StreamLive handles media when the video input into the channel is lost.:
    Input Loss Behavior:Toggle this on if you want to enable the input loss behavior .
    Repeat Last Valid Frame:On input loss, the number of milliseconds to repeat the previous picture before switching to the frame specified by Input Loss Image Type. Please enter an integer value x, where 0 <= x <= 1,000,000 and a value of 1,000,000 will be interpreted as infinite. 0 indicates don't repeat the previous picture.
    Input Loss Image Type:Indicates whether to substitute a solid color or a image into the output after input loss exceeds milliseconds to repeat the previous picture.

    Pipeline Failover

    For the two inputs in one Input, they correspondingly output to Destination A and B, forming two pipelines (Pipeline A and B). Failover settings can be made between these two pipelines.
    Input Loss Behavior:If you enable this, the pipelines of this channel's inputs will function as backup for each other. If failover fails, the Input Loss Behavior settings will apply. If this is not enabled or if an input has only one pipeline, the Input Loss Behavior settings will also apply in case of failure to obtain input data.

    Other operations

    Click Details to view the source address and other information of an input.
    Click Set as First to set an input as the default. The input will be moved to the top of the list. You cannot set a backup input as the default.
    Click Delete to remove an input.
    Click Next to proceed to the next step and configure outputs.
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