tencent cloud


Virtual Private Cloud

API Category

Last updated: 2025-02-18 10:40:21


API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
CreateAssistantCidr Creates a secondary CIDR block 100
DeleteAssistantCidr Deletes a secondary CIDR block 100
DeleteTrafficPackages Deletes traffic packages. 20
DescribeClassicLinkInstances Queries the list of Classiclink 100
DescribeTrafficPackages Queries the list of shared traffic packages 20
ModifyAssistantCidr Modifies secondary CIDR blocks 100
AssignIpv6CidrBlock Assigns an IPv6 IP range 20
CreateDefaultVpc Creates a default VPC and subnets 100
CreateLocalGateway Creates a local gateway 20
DeleteLocalGateway Deletes a local gateway 20
DescribeAccountAttributes Queries account attributes 100
DescribeAssistantCidr Queries a list of secondary CIDR blocks 100
DescribeLocalGateway Queries local gateways 20
DescribeUsedIpAddress Queries IP usage of the subnet or VPC 20
DescribeVpcInstances Queries a list of VCM instances on VPC 20
DescribeVpcIpv6Addresses Queries the IPv6 list of a VPC 20
DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddresses Queries the private IP information of a VPC 20
ModifyLocalGateway Modifies a local gateway 20
UnassignIpv6CidrBlock Releases IPv6 IP range 20
AttachClassicLinkVpc Creates a Classiclink 100
CheckAssistantCidr Checks secondary CIDR block overlaps 100
DeleteVpc Deletes a VPC 100
DescribeVpcResourceDashboard Views VPC resources. 100
DetachClassicLinkVpc Deletes a Classiclink 100
CreateVpc Creates a VPC 100
DescribeVpcs Queries the VPC list 100
AdjustPublicAddress Changes public IPs 20
ModifyVpcAttribute Modifies VPC attributes 100
CreateReserveIpAddresses Creates a reserved private IP address 20
DeleteReserveIpAddresses Deletes a reserved private IP address 20
DescribeReserveIpAddresses Queries reserved private IP addresses 20
ModifyReserveIpAddress Modifies a reserved private IP address 20

Subnet APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock Assigns an IPv6 subnet IP range 20
DeleteSubnet Deletes a subnet 100
UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock Releases the IPv6 subnet IP range 20
CreateSubnet Creates a subnet 100
CreateSubnets Creates subnets in batches 20
DescribeSubnetResourceDashboard Queries resources associated with the subnet 20
DescribeSubnets Queries the subnet list 100
ModifySubnetAttribute Modifies subnet attributes 100

Route Table APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
NotifyRoutes Publishes a route to CCN 20
WithdrawNotifyRoutes Withdraws a route from CCN 20
CreateRouteTable Creates a route table 100
DeleteRouteTable Deletes a route table 100
DescribeRouteTables Queries the route table list 100
ReplaceRouteTableAssociation Replaces the association relation of a route table 100
DeleteRoutes Deletes a routing policy 100
ModifyRouteTableAttribute Modifies route table attributes 100
ResetRoutes Resets the names and routing policies of route tables 100
CreateRoutes Creates a routing policy 100
ReplaceRoutes Replaces a routing policy 100


API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
DescribeAddressQuota Queries EIP quotas 10
DescribeAddresses Queries the EIP list 20
DescribeTaskResult Queries the async job execution results 20
AllocateAddresses Creates an EIP 10
AssociateAddress Binds an Elastic IP 10
DisassociateAddress Unbinds an EIP 10
ModifyAddressAttribute Modifies EIP attributes 10
ModifyAddressInternetChargeType Adjusts EIP billing modes 10
ModifyAddressesBandwidth Modifies the EIP bandwidth 20
ReleaseAddresses Releases the EIP 10
ReturnNormalAddresses Unbinds and releases public IPs 2
TransformAddress Switches an ordinary IP to an EIP 10
ModifyAddressesRenewFlag Adjusts the renewal flag for the monthly subscription EIP 20

Elastic Public IP APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
InquiryPriceModifyAddressesBandwidth Elastic Public IP Bandwidth Adjustment Pricing Inquiry 20
InquiryPriceRenewAddresses Queries the price of renewing elastic public IPs 2
InquiryPriceAllocateAddresses Queries new purchase of Elastic Public IP 2

Elastic IPv6 APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
DescribeIp6Addresses Queries the list of classic elastic public IPv6 instances 20
AllocateIp6AddressesBandwidth Allocates the IPv6 public network bandwidth 20
ModifyIp6AddressesBandwidth Adjusts the bandwidth limit of a classic elastic public IPv6 instance 20
ReleaseIp6AddressesBandwidth Releases the IPv6 public network bandwidth 20
AllocateIPv6Addresses Creates an EIPv6 20
AssociateIPv6Address Binds an EIPv6 20
DescribeIPv6Addresses Queries the EIPv6 list 20
DisassociateIPv6Address Unbinds an EIPv6 20
ModifyIPv6AddressesAttributes Modifies EIPv6 attributes 20
ModifyIPv6AddressesBandwidth Modifies the EIPv6 bandwidth 20
ReleaseIPv6Addresses Releases an EIPv6 20

Highly Available Virtual IP APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
CreateHaVip Creates the HAVIP 20
DeleteHaVip Deletes an HAVIP 20
HaVipAssociateAddressIp Binds an EIP to an HAVIP 20
HaVipDisassociateAddressIp Unbinds an EIP from HAVIP 20
ModifyHaVipAttribute Modifies HAVIP attributes 20
DescribeHaVips Queries the HAVIP list 20


API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
AssignIpv6Addresses Assigns an IPv6 address 20
AssignPrivateIpAddresses Applies for private IPs for an ENI 100
AssociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroups Attaches a security group to an ENI. 20
CreateAndAttachNetworkInterface Creates an ENI and binds it to a CVM 20
CreateNetworkInterface Creates an ENI 100
DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimit DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimit 20
DisassociateNetworkInterfaceSecurityGroups Detaches a security group from an ENI. 20
ModifyIpv6AddressesAttribute Modifies the IPv6 address attributes of an ENI 20
ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute Modifies an ENI 100
UnassignIpv6Addresses Releases IPv6 addresses 20
DeleteNetworkInterface Deletes an ENI 100
DescribeNetworkInterfaces Queries the ENI list 100
DetachNetworkInterface Unbinds an ENI from a CVM 100
MigrateNetworkInterface Migrates an ENI 100
MigratePrivateIpAddress Migrates private IPs of an ENI 100
ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttribute Modifies the private IP information of an ENI 100
UnassignPrivateIpAddresses Returns the private IPs of an ENI 100
AttachNetworkInterface Binds an ENI to a CVM 100

IP Location APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrl Obtains the download link of an IP location database 20
DescribeIpGeolocationInfos Queries IP location 20

Bandwidth Package APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsage Queries the current usage of a pay-as-you-go bandwidth package. 20
DescribeBandwidthPackageQuota Queries the bandwidth package quota 20
DescribeBandwidthPackageResources Queries resources in a bandwidth package 10
DescribeBandwidthPackages Queries bandwidth package resources 20
ModifyBandwidthPackageAttribute Modifies the attributes of a bandwidth package 20
RemoveBandwidthPackageResources Deletes a bandwidth package resource 20
AddBandwidthPackageResources Adds one or more resources to a bandwidth package 20
CreateBandwidthPackage Creates a bandwidth package 20
DeleteBandwidthPackage Deletes a bandwidth package 20
ModifyBandwidthPackageBandwidth ModifyBandwidthPackageBandwidth 20

NAT Gateway APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule Creates the port forwarding rule of a NAT gateway 100
CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule Creates SNAT rules for a NAT gateway 20
DeleteNatGateway Deletes a NAT gateway 100
DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule Deletes the port forwarding rule of a NAT gateway 100
DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule Deletes a SNAT forwarding rule of a NAT Gateway 20
DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules Queries the port forwarding rule of a NAT gateway 100
DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRoute Queries the routes between a NAT gateway and Direct Connect 20
DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRules Queries a NAT gateway's SNAT forwarding rules 20
DescribeNatGateways Queries NAT gateways 100
DisassociateNatGatewayAddress Unbinds an EIP from a NAT gateway 100
ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule Modifies the port forwarding rule of a NAT gateway 100
ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule Modifies a NAT gateway's SNAT forwarding rules 20
RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGateway Refreshes the routes of a NAT gateway associated with Direct Connect 20
ResetNatGatewayConnection Adjusts the concurrent connection cap for the NAT gateway 20
AssociateNatGatewayAddress Binds an EIP to a NAT gateway 100
CreateNatGateway Creates a NAT gateway 100
ModifyNatGatewayAttribute Modifies the attributes of a NAT gateway 100

VPN Gateway APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
RenewVpnGateway Renews a VPN gateway 100
ModifyVpnGatewayRoutes Modifies the route status of a VPN gateway 20
CreateVpnGatewayRoutes Creates routes of a VPN gateway 20
DeleteVpnGatewayRoutes Deletes routes of a VPN gateway 20
DescribeCustomerGateways Queries customer gateways 100
DescribeVpnConnections Queries the VPN tunnel list 100
DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutes Querying VPN gateway-based CCN routes 20
DescribeVpnGatewayRoutes Queries routes of a VPN gateway 20
DownloadCustomerGatewayConfiguration Downloads a VPN tunnel configuration 100
ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutes Modifying VPN gateway-based CCN routes 20
SetVpnGatewaysRenewFlag Specifies whether to enable auto-renewal for the VPN gateway 20
CreateCustomerGateway Creates a customer gateway 100
CreateVpnConnection Creates a VPN tunnel 100
CreateVpnGateway Creates a VPN gateway 100
DeleteCustomerGateway Deletes a customer gateway 100
DeleteVpnConnection Deletes VPN tunnels 100
DeleteVpnGateway Deletes a VPN gateway 100
DescribeCustomerGatewayVendors Queries the information of supported customer gateway vendors 100
DescribeVpnGateways Queries VPN gateways 300
GenerateVpnConnectionDefaultHealthCheckIp Obtains a pair of VPN tunnel health check addresses 20
InquiryPriceRenewVpnGateway Queries the price for VPN gateway renewal 100
InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth Queries the price for adjusting the bandwidth cap of a VPN gateway 100
ModifyCustomerGatewayAttribute Modifies a customer gateway 100
ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute Modifies the VPN tunnel 100
ModifyVpnGatewayAttribute Modifies VPN gateway attributes 100
ResetVpnConnection Resets a VPN tunnel 100
ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth Adjusts the bandwidth cap of a VPN gateway 100

Direct Connect Gateway APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
CreateDirectConnectGateway Creates a direct connect gateway 20
CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes Creates the CCN route of a Direct Connect gateway 20
DeleteDirectConnectGateway Deletes a direct connect gateway 20
DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes Deletes CCN routes of a Direct Connect gateway 20
DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes Queries the CCN routes of a Direct Connect gateway 20
DescribeDirectConnectGateways Queries direct connect gateways 20
InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectGateway Queries the price of creating a direct connect gateway 20
ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttribute Modifies the attributes of a direct connect gateway 20
ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes Replaces the CCN routes of a Direct Connect gateway 20
AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGateway Binds a direct connect gateway to a NAT Gateway 20
DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGateway Unbinds a direct connect gateway from a NAT Gateway 20

Cloud Connect Network APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
AcceptAttachCcnInstances Accepts instance association to a CCN 20
DescribeCrossBorderCompliance Queries a compliance review request 20
DetachCcnInstances Unbinds instances from a CCN 100
EnableCcnRoutes Enables CCN routes 100
ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttribute Modifies CCN-associated instance attributes 20
ModifyCcnAttribute Modifies CCN attributes 100
RejectAttachCcnInstances Rejects instance association 20
ResetAttachCcnInstances Re-applies for the instance association 20
CreateCcn Creates a CCN 100
DeleteCcn Deletes a CCN 100
DisableCcnRoutes Disables CCN routes 100
SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits Sets the outbound bandwidth cap of each CCN region 100
AttachCcnInstances Associates an instance with a CCN 100
DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimits Queries the outbound bandwidth caps of all regions connected with the specified CCN instance 100
AuditCrossBorderCompliance Performs a compliance audit 20
DescribeCcnAttachedInstances Queries the list of instances associated with a CCN 100
DescribeCcnRoutes Queries the CCN routing policy 100
DescribeCcns Queries the CCN list 100
GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits Queries the inter-region bandwidth limits of a CCN 20
ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsType Modifies the bandwidth limit policy of a postpaid instance 20

Security Group APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
DescribeSecurityGroupReferences Queries referred security groups 20
CloneSecurityGroup Clones an security group 20
DeleteSecurityGroup Deletes a security group 100
DeleteSecurityGroupPolicies Deletes security group policies 100
DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatistics Queries statistics on the instances associated with a security group 100
DescribeSecurityGroupPolicies Queries security group policies 100
DescribeSecurityGroups Queries security groups 100
ModifySecurityGroupAttribute Modifies security group attributes 100
ModifySecurityGroupPolicies Modifies the outbound and inbound policies of a security group 100
ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicies Batch modifies security group policies 20
ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicy Replaces a single security group rule 100
CreateSecurityGroupPolicies Adds policies to a security group 100
CreateSecurityGroupWithPolicies Creates security groups and policies 100
CreateSecurityGroup Creates a security group 100

Network ACL APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
AssociateNetworkAclSubnets Associates a network ACL with subnets 20
CreateNetworkAclQuintupleEntries Adds rules of the network ACL quintuple 20
DeleteNetworkAcl Deletes a network ACL 20
DeleteNetworkAclQuintupleEntries Deletes specified rules of the network ACL quintuple. 20
DescribeNetworkAclQuintupleEntries Queries the list of the network ACL quintuple entries 20
DisassociateNetworkAclSubnets Disassociates a network ACL from a subnet 20
ModifyNetworkAclAttribute Modifies network ACL attributes 20
ModifyNetworkAclQuintupleEntries Updates the network ACL quintuple rules incrementally 20
DescribeNetworkAcls Queries a list of network ACLs 20
ModifyNetworkAclEntries Modifies network ACL rules 20
CreateNetworkAcl Creates a network ACL 20

Network Parameter Template APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
CreateAddressTemplate Creates an IP address template 100
CreateAddressTemplateGroup Creates an IP address template group 100
DeleteAddressTemplate Deletes an IP address template 100
DeleteAddressTemplateGroup Deletes an IP address template group 100
DeleteServiceTemplate Deletes a protocol port template 100
DeleteServiceTemplateGroup Deletes a protocol port template group 100
DescribeAddressTemplateGroups Queries an IP address template group 100
DescribeAddressTemplates Queries an IP address template 100
DescribeServiceTemplateGroups Queries a protocol port template group 100
DescribeServiceTemplates Queries a protocol port template 100
ModifyAddressTemplateAttribute Modifies an IP address template 100
ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttribute Modifies an IP address template group 100
ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttribute Modifies a protocol port template group 100
CreateServiceTemplate Creates a protocol port template 100
CreateServiceTemplateGroup Creates a protocol port template group 100
ModifyServiceTemplateAttribute Modifies a protocol port template 100

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
CheckNetDetectState CheckNetDetectState 100
CreateNetDetect CreateNetDetect 100
DeleteNetDetect DeleteNetDetect 100
ModifyNetDetect ModifyNetDetect 100
DescribeNetDetects DescribeNetDetects 100
DescribeNetDetectStates DescribeNetDetectStates 100

Flow Log APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
DeleteFlowLog Deletes a flow log 20
DisableFlowLogs Disables flow log 20
EnableFlowLogs Enables flow log 20
ModifyFlowLogAttribute Modifies the attributes of a flow log 20
DescribeFlowLog Queries information of a flow log 20
DescribeFlowLogs Queries the list of flow logs 20
CreateFlowLog Creates a flow log 20

Gateway Traffic Monitor APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
DescribeGatewayFlowQos Queries the inbound IP bandwidth limit of a gateway. 20
DisableGatewayFlowMonitor Disables gateway traffic monitor 20
EnableGatewayFlowMonitor Enables gateway traffic monitor 20
ModifyGatewayFlowQos Adjusts the bandwidth limit of a gateway 20
DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetail Queries the monitoring details of a gateway 30

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
CreateVpcEndPoint Creates an endpoint 20
CreateVpcEndPointService Creates an endpoint service 20
CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList Creates the endpoint service allowlist 20
DeleteVpcEndPoint Deletes an endpoint 20
DeleteVpcEndPointService Deletes an endpoint service 20
DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList Deletes the endpoint service allowlist 20
DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList Queries the endpoint service allowlist 20
DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroups Unbinds an endpoint from a security group 20
ModifyVpcEndPointAttribute Modifies endpoint attributes 20
ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList Modifies the attributes of the endpoint service allowlist 20
ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttribute Modifies endpoint service attributes 20
DescribeVpcEndPoint Queries the endpoint list 20
EnableVpcEndPointConnect Determines whether to accept the request of connecting with an endpoint 20
DescribeVpcEndPointService Queries the endpoint service list 20

Snapshot Policy APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
AttachSnapshotInstances Associates a snapshot policy with specified instances 20
CreateSnapshotPolicies Creates snapshot policies 20
DeleteSnapshotPolicies Deletes snapshot policies 20
DescribeSgSnapshotFileContent Querying contents of snapshot files 20
DescribeSnapshotAttachedInstances Queries instances associated with a snapshot policy 20
DescribeSnapshotPolicies Queries snapshot policies 20
DetachSnapshotInstances Disassociates a snapshot policy with instances 20
DisableSnapshotPolicies Disables specified snapshot policies 20
EnableSnapshotPolicies Enables specified snapshot policies 20
ModifySnapshotPolicies Modifies specified snapshot policies 20
ResumeSnapshotInstance Restores security group policies 20
DescribeSnapshotFiles Query snapshot files 20

Other APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
DescribeVpcTaskResult Queries VPC async task execution results 20
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