Account attribute object
Used by actions: DescribeAccountAttributes.
Name | Type | Description |
AttributeName | String | Attribute name |
AttributeValues | Array of String | Attribute values |
Detailed EIP information
Used by actions: DescribeAddresses, DescribeIPv6Addresses, DescribeIp6Addresses.
Name | Type | Description |
AddressId | String | EIP ID , the unique ID of the EIP . |
AddressName | String | The EIP name. |
AddressStatus | String | Possible EIP states are 'CREATING', 'BINDING', 'BIND', 'UNBINDING', 'UNBIND', 'OFFLINING', and 'BIND_ENI'. |
AddressIp | String | The public IP address |
InstanceId | String | The ID of the bound resource instance. This can be a CVM or NAT . |
CreatedTime | Timestamp ISO8601 | The creation time, which follows the ISO8601 standard and uses UTC time in the format of YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ . |
NetworkInterfaceId | String | The ID of the bound ENI |
PrivateAddressIp | String | The private IP of the bound resources |
IsArrears | Boolean | The isolation status of the resource. True indicates the EIP is isolated. False indicates that the resource is not isolated. |
IsBlocked | Boolean | The block status of the resource. True indicates the EIP is blocked. False indicates that the EIP is not blocked. |
IsEipDirectConnection | Boolean | Whether the EIP supports direct connection mode. True indicates the EIP supports direct connection. False indicates that the resource does not support direct connection. |
AddressType | String | EIP resource type. Valid values: CalcIP (device IP), WanIP (public IP), EIP (elastic IP), AnycastEIP (accelerated EIP), and AntiDDoSEIP (anti-DDoS EIP). |
CascadeRelease | Boolean | Whether the EIP is automatically released after being unbound. True indicates the EIP will be automatically released after being unbound. False indicates the EIP will not be automatically released after being unbound. |
EipAlgType | AlgType | Type of the protocol used in EIP ALG |
InternetServiceProvider | String | The ISP of an EIP/Elastic IP, with possible return values currently including "CMCC", "CTCC", "CUCC" and "BGP" |
LocalBgp | Boolean | Whether the EIP is in a local BGP. |
Bandwidth | Integer | Bandwidth value of EIP. The EIP for the bill-by-CVM account will return null .Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
InternetChargeType | String | Network billing mode of EIP. The EIP for the bill-by-CVM account will return null .Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found.Including: Prepaid by monthly-subscribed bandwidth. Pay-as-you-go billing by hourly traffic. Pay-as-you-go billing by hourly bandwidth. Bandwidth package. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
TagSet | Array of Tag | List of tags associated with the EIP Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
DeadlineDate | Date | The expiration time. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
InstanceType | String | The type of instance bound with the EIP Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
Egress | String | Static single-line IP network egress Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
AntiDDoSPackageId | String | ID of the Anti-DDoS service package. It is returned if the EIP is an Anti-DDoS EIP. |
RenewFlag | String | Indicates whether the current EIP is auto-renewed. This field is displayed only for EIPs with monthly prepaid bandwidth. Valid values are as follows: |
BandwidthPackageId | String | Indicates the ID of the Bandwidth Package associated with the current public IP. If the public IP is not billed by Bandwidth Package, this field is empty. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
UnVpcId | String | Indicates the unique ID of the VPC to which the traditional EIPv6 belongs. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
DedicatedClusterId | String | Indicates the unique ID of the CDC. Note: This field may return 'null', indicating that no valid value was found. |
EIP cost object
Used by actions: AllocateAddresses, InquiryPriceAllocateAddresses, InquiryPriceRenewAddresses, ModifyAddressInternetChargeType.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Period | Integer | Yes | Purchased usage period, in month. Valid values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 24, 36 |
AutoRenewFlag | Integer | No | Setting of renewal. Valid values: 0: manual renewal; 1: auto-renewal; 2: no renewal after expiration. Default value: 0 |
IP address template information
Used by actions: CreateAddressTemplate, DescribeAddressTemplates, ModifyAddressTemplateAttribute.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Address | String | Yes | IP address |
Description | String | No | Remarks Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
IP address template
Used by actions: CreateAddressTemplate, DescribeAddressTemplates.
Name | Type | Description |
AddressTemplateName | String | IP address template name. |
AddressTemplateId | String | The unique ID of the IP address template instance. |
AddressSet | Array of String | IP address information. |
CreatedTime | String | Creation Time. |
AddressExtraSet | Array of AddressInfo | IP address information with remarks |
IP address template group
Used by actions: CreateAddressTemplateGroup, DescribeAddressTemplateGroups.
Name | Type | Description |
AddressTemplateGroupName | String | IP address template group name. |
AddressTemplateGroupId | String | IP address template group instance ID, such as ipmg-dih8xdbq . |
AddressTemplateIdSet | Array of String | IP address template ID. |
CreatedTime | String | Creation Time. |
AddressTemplateSet | Array of AddressTemplateItem | IP address template instance |
Address information
Used by actions: CreateAddressTemplateGroup, DescribeAddressTemplateGroups.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AddressTemplateId | String | No | ipm-xxxxxxxx |
AddressTemplateName | String | No | IP template name |
From | String | No | Disused |
To | String | No | Disused |
IP address template
Used by actions: CreateSecurityGroupPolicies, CreateSecurityGroupWithPolicies, DeleteSecurityGroupPolicies, DescribeSecurityGroupPolicies, DescribeSgSnapshotFileContent, ModifySecurityGroupPolicies, ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicies, ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicy.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AddressId | String | Yes | The ID of the IP address, such as ipm-2uw6ujo6 . |
AddressGroupId | String | Yes | The ID of the IP address group, such as ipmg-2uw6ujo6 . |
ALG protocol type
Used by actions: DescribeAddresses, DescribeIPv6Addresses, DescribeIp6Addresses.
Name | Type | Description |
Ftp | Boolean | Whether FTP ALG is enabled |
Sip | Boolean | Whether SIP ALG is enabled |
Information about the secondary CIDR of the VPC.
Used by actions: CreateAssistantCidr, CreateVpc, DescribeAssistantCidr, DescribeVpcs, ModifyAssistantCidr.
Name | Type | Description |
VpcId | String | The ID of a VPC instance, such as vpc-6v2ht8q5 . |
CidrBlock | String | The secondary CIDR, such as . |
AssistantType | Integer | The secondary CIDR block type. 0: common secondary CIDR block. 1: container secondary CIDR block. Default: 0. |
SubnetSet | Array of Subnet | Subnets divided by the secondary CIDR. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Details of scheduled snapshot policy
Used by actions: CreateSnapshotPolicies, DescribeSnapshotPolicies, ModifySnapshotPolicies.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
BackupDay | String | Yes | Scheduled backup day. Values: monday , tuesday , wednesday , thursday , friday , saturday , sunday . |
BackupTime | String | Yes | Backup point in time. Format: HH:mm:ss. |
The structure of information of the bandwidth package.
Used by actions: DescribeBandwidthPackages.
Name | Type | Description |
BandwidthPackageId | String | The unique ID of the bandwidth package. |
NetworkType | String | Bandwidth package type. Values: BGP , SINGLEISP , ANYCAST , SINGLEISP_CMCC , SINGLEISP_CTCC , SINGLEISP_CUCC |
ChargeType | String | The bandwidth package billing mode. Valid values: 'TOP5_POSTPAID_BY_MONTH' and 'PERCENT95_POSTPAID_BY_MONTH' |
BandwidthPackageName | String | The name of the bandwidth package. |
CreatedTime | Timestamp ISO8601 | The creation time of the bandwidth package, which follows the ISO8601 standard and uses UTC time in the format of YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ . |
Status | String | The status of the bandwidth package. Valid values: 'CREATING', 'CREATED', 'DELETING', and 'DELETED'. |
ResourceSet | Array of Resource | The resource information of the bandwidth package. |
Bandwidth | Integer | The limit of the bandwidth package in Mbps. The value '-1' indicates there is no limit. |
Egress | String |
Current billable usage of a pay-as-you-go bandwidth package
Used by actions: DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsage.
Name | Type | Description |
BandwidthUsage | Float | Current billable usage, in Mbps |
Modify attributes of a scheduled snapshot policy
Used by actions: ModifySnapshotPolicies.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SnapshotPolicyId | String | Yes | Snapshot policy IDs |
SnapshotPolicyName | String | No | Snapshot policy name |
BackupPolicies | Array of BackupPolicy | No | Backup policy |
KeepTime | Integer | No | Snapshot retention period. Range: 1 to 365 days |
The CCN object
Used by actions: CreateCcn, DescribeCcns.
Name | Type | Description |
CcnId | String | The unique ID of the CCN |
CcnName | String | The name of the CCN |
CcnDescription | String | The detailed information of the CCN |
InstanceCount | Integer | The number of associated instances |
CreateTime | Timestamp | The creation time |
State | String | The instance status. 'ISOLATED': Being isolated (instance is in arrears and service is suspended). 'AVAILABLE': Operating. |
QosLevel | String | The instance service quality. ’PT’: Platinum , 'AU': Gold, 'AG': Silver. |
InstanceChargeType | String | The billing method. POSTPAID indicates postpaid. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
BandwidthLimitType | String | The limit type. INTER_REGION_LIMIT is the limit between regions. OUTER_REGION_LIMIT is a region egress limit. Note: This field may return null, indicating no valid value. |
TagSet | Array of Tag | Tag key-value pairs. |
RoutePriorityFlag | Boolean | Whether the CCN route priority feature is supported. Valid values: False: do not support; True: support. |
RouteTableCount | Integer | Number of route tables associated with the instance. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
RouteTableFlag | Boolean | Whether the multiple route tables feature is enabled for the CCN instance. Valid values: False : no; True : yes. Default value: False .Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
IsSecurityLock | Boolean | |
RouteBroadcastPolicyFlag | Boolean | Status of CCN route broadcasting policy. Values: False (Disabled), True (Enabled)Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
The instance object associated with a CCN
Used by actions: DescribeCcnAttachedInstances.
Name | Type | Description |
CcnId | String | The ID of a CCN instance. |
InstanceType | String | The type of associated instances:VPC : VPCDIRECTCONNECT : Direct ConnectBMVPC : BM VPC |
InstanceId | String | The ID of the associated instance. |
InstanceName | String | The name of the associated instance. |
InstanceRegion | String | The region to which the associated instance belongs, such as ap-guangzhou . |
InstanceUin | String | The UIN (root account) to which the associated instance belongs. |
CidrBlock | Array of String | The CIDR of the associated instance. |
State | String | The status of the associated instance:PENDING : In applicationACTIVE : ConnectedEXPIRED : ExpiredREJECTED : RejectedDELETED : DeletedFAILED : Failed (it will be asynchronously unbound after 2 hours)ATTACHING : bindingDETACHING : UnbindingDETACHFAILED : The unbinding failed (it will be asynchronously unbound after 2 hours) |
AttachedTime | Timestamp | Association Time. |
CcnUin | String | The UIN (root account) to which the CCN belongs. |
InstanceArea | String | General location of the associated instance, such as CHINA_MAINLAND. |
Description | String | Description |
RouteTableId | String | Route table ID Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
RouteTableName | String | Route table name Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
The information of the cross-region bandwidth limit for CCN instances.
Used by actions: GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits.
Name | Type | Description |
CcnId | String | The CCN ID that the bandwidth belongs to. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
CreatedTime | String | The creation time of the instance. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
ExpiredTime | String | The expiration time of the instance. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
RegionFlowControlId | String | The unique ID of the bandwidth instance. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
RenewFlag | String | The billing flag. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
CcnRegionBandwidthLimit | CcnRegionBandwidthLimit | The information of the bandwidth regions and bandwidth caps. The parameter is only returned for the cross-region limit mode, but not for egress limit. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
MarketId | String | Cloud marketplace instance ID. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
TagSet | Array of Tag | The list of tags to be bound. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
The instance object associated with a CCN.
Used by actions: AcceptAttachCcnInstances, AttachCcnInstances, DetachCcnInstances, ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttribute, RejectAttachCcnInstances, ResetAttachCcnInstances.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
InstanceType | String | Yes | The type of the associated instance. Available values are:VPC : VPCDIRECTCONNECT : Direct ConnectBMVPC : BM VPC |
InstanceId | String | Yes | The ID of the associated instance. |
InstanceRegion | String | Yes | The region to which the associated instance ID belongs, such as ap-guangzhou . |
Description | String | No | Description |
RouteTableId | String | No | The ID of the route table associated with the instance Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
The outbound bandwidth cap of the CCN region
Used by actions: DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimits, GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits, SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Region | String | Yes | Region, such as ap-guangzhou |
BandwidthLimit | Integer | Yes | The outbound bandwidth cap. Units: Mbps |
IsBm | Boolean | No | Whether it is a BM region. The default is false . |
DstRegion | String | No | The target region, such as ap-shanghai Note: This field may return null, indicating no valid value. |
DstIsBm | Boolean | No | Whether the target region is a BM region. The default is false . |
The CCN routing policy object
Used by actions: DescribeCcnRoutes.
Name | Type | Description |
RouteId | String | The ID of the routing policy |
DestinationCidrBlock | String | Destination |
InstanceType | String | The type of the next hop (associated instance type). Available types: VPC, DIRECTCONNECT |
InstanceId | String | The next hop (associated instance) |
InstanceName | String | The name of the next hop (associated instance name) |
InstanceRegion | String | The region of the next hop (the region of the associated instance) |
UpdateTime | Timestamp | Update Time |
Enabled | Boolean | Whether the route is enabled |
InstanceUin | String | The UIN (root account) to which the associated instance belongs |
ExtraState | String | Additional status of the route |
IsBgp | Boolean | Whether it is a dynamic route |
RoutePriority | Integer | Route priority |
InstanceExtraName | String | Next hop port name (associated instance’s port name) |
Publishes the routing policy of the VPC subnet to CCN
Used by actions: CreateRouteTable, CreateRoutes, DescribeRouteTables.
Name | Type | Description |
Cidr | String | Local CIDR block, including subnet CIDR block and secondary CIDR block Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
PublishedToVbc | Boolean | Whether the routing policy of the VPC subnet is published to CCN. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Classiclink instance
Used by actions: DescribeClassicLinkInstances.
Name | Type | Description |
VpcId | String | VPC instance ID |
InstanceId | String | The unique ID of the CVM instance |
Conflict resource items.
Used by actions: CheckAssistantCidr.
Name | Type | Description |
ConfilctId | String | Conflict resource ID |
DestinationItem | String | Conflict destination resource |
Conflict resource.
Used by actions: CheckAssistantCidr.
Name | Type | Description |
ConflictSourceId | String | Conflict resource ID |
SourceItem | String | Conflict resource |
ConflictItemSet | Array of ConflictItem | Conflict resource items |
Compliance review request
Used by actions: DescribeCrossBorderCompliance.
Name | Type | Description |
ServiceProvider | String | Service provider. Valid values: UNICOM . |
ComplianceId | Integer | ID of compliance review request. |
Company | String | Full company name. |
UniformSocialCreditCode | String | Unified Social Credit Code. |
LegalPerson | String | Legal person. |
IssuingAuthority | String | Issuing authority. |
BusinessLicense | String | Business license. |
BusinessAddress | String | Business address. |
PostCode | Integer | Zip code. |
Manager | String | Operator. |
ManagerId | String | Operator ID card number. |
ManagerIdCard | String | Operator ID card. |
ManagerAddress | String | Operator address. |
ManagerTelephone | String | Operator phone number. |
String | Email. | |
ServiceHandlingForm | String | Service handling form. |
AuthorizationLetter | String | Authorization letter. |
SafetyCommitment | String | Information security commitment. |
ServiceStartDate | Date | Service start date. |
ServiceEndDate | Date | Service end date. |
State | String | Status. Valid values: PENDING , APPROVED , and DENY . |
CreatedTime | Timestamp | Creation time of the review form. |
Customer Gateway
Used by actions: CreateCustomerGateway, DescribeCustomerGateways.
Name | Type | Description |
CustomerGatewayId | String | The unique ID of the customer gateway |
CustomerGatewayName | String | Gateway Name |
IpAddress | String | Public network address |
CreatedTime | String | The creation time. |
Customer gateway vendor information object.
Used by actions: DescribeCustomerGatewayVendors, DownloadCustomerGatewayConfiguration.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Platform | String | Yes | Platform. |
SoftwareVersion | String | Yes | Software version. |
VendorName | String | Yes | Vendor name. |
A CVM instance.
Used by actions: DescribeVpcInstances.
Name | Type | Description |
VpcId | String | VPC instance ID. |
SubnetId | String | Subnet instance ID. |
InstanceId | String | CVM instance ID. |
InstanceName | String | CVM Name |
InstanceState | String | CVM status. |
CPU | Integer | Number of CPU cores in an instance (in core). |
Memory | Integer | Instance’s memory capacity. Unit: GB. |
CreatedTime | String | The creation time. |
InstanceType | String | Instance type. |
EniLimit | Integer | Instance ENI quota (including primary ENIs). |
EniIpLimit | Integer | Private IP quoata for instance ENIs (including primary ENIs). |
InstanceEniCount | Integer | The number of ENIs (including primary ENIs) bound to a instance. |
Default VPC and subnet
Used by actions: CreateDefaultVpc.
Name | Type | Description |
VpcId | String | Default VPC ID |
SubnetId | String | Default subnet ID |
VpcName | String | Default VPC name |
SubnetName | String | Default subnet name |
CidrBlock | String | Default subnet IP range |
The port forwarding rules of the NAT gateway
Used by actions: CreateNatGateway, CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule, DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule, DescribeNatGateways, ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
IpProtocol | String | Yes | Network protocol. Valid values: TCP , UDP . |
PublicIpAddress | String | Yes | EIP. |
PublicPort | Integer | Yes | Public network port. |
PrivateIpAddress | String | Yes | Private network address. |
PrivatePort | Integer | Yes | Private network port. |
Description | String | No | Description of NAT gateway forwarding rules. |
Direct Connect gateway object.
Used by actions: CreateDirectConnectGateway, DescribeDirectConnectGateways.
Name | Type | Description |
DirectConnectGatewayId | String | Direct Connect ID . |
DirectConnectGatewayName | String | Direct Connect gateway name. |
VpcId | String | The ID of the VPC instance associated with the Direct Connect gateway. |
NetworkType | String | The associated network type:VPC - VPCCCN - CCN |
NetworkInstanceId | String | The ID of the associated network instance:VPC , this value is the VPC instance ID CCN , this value is the CCN instance ID |
GatewayType | String | Gateway type: NAT type supports network address switch configuration. After the type is confirmed, it cannot be modified. A VPC can create one NAT-type Direct Connect gateway and one non-NAT-type Direct Connect gateway |
CreateTime | Timestamp | Creation Time. |
DirectConnectGatewayIp | String | Direct Connect gateway IP. |
CcnId | String | The ID of the CCN instance associated with the Direct Connect gateway. |
CcnRouteType | String | The route-learning type of the CCN:BGP - Automatic learning.STATIC - Static, that is, user-configured. |
EnableBGP | Boolean | Whether BGP is enabled. |
EnableBGPCommunity | Boolean | Whether to enable BGP's community attribute. Valid values: enable, disable |
NatGatewayId | String | ID of the NAT gateway bound. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
VXLANSupport | Array of Boolean | Whether the direct connect gateway supports the VXLAN architecture. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
ModeType | String | CCN route publishing mode. Valid values: standard and exquisite .Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
LocalZone | Boolean | Whether the direct connect gateway is for an edge zone. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Zone | String | Availability zone where the direct connect gateway resides. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
EnableFlowDetails | Integer | The status of gateway traffic monitoring 0: disable 1: enable Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
FlowDetailsUpdateTime | String | The last time when the gateway traffic monitoring is enabled/disabled Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
NewAfc | Integer | Whether gateway traffic monitoring is supported 0: No 1: Yes Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be found. |
AccessNetworkType | String | Direct connect gateway access network types:VXLAN - VXLAN type.MPLS - MPLS type.Hybrid - Hybrid type.Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be found. |
HaZoneList | Array of String | AZ list of direct connect gateway with cross-AZ placement groups Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be found. |
The object of the CCN route (IDC IP range) of the Direct Connect gateway
Used by actions: CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes, DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes, ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
RouteId | String | No | Route ID. |
DestinationCidrBlock | String | No | IDC IP range. |
ASPath | Array of String | No | The AS-Path attribute of BGP . |
Description | String | No | Remarks |
UpdateTime | String | No | Last updated time |
IDC subnet information
Used by actions: RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGateway.
Name | Type | Description |
DirectConnectGatewayId | String | The direct connect gateway ID. |
CidrBlock | String | IDC subnet IP range |
Endpoint details
Used by actions: CreateVpcEndPoint, CreateVpcEndPointService, DescribeVpcEndPoint, DescribeVpcEndPointService.
Name | Type | Description |
EndPointId | String | Endpoint ID |
VpcId | String | VPC ID |
SubnetId | String | Subnet ID |
EndPointOwner | String | APP ID |
EndPointName | String | Endpoint name |
ServiceVpcId | String | Endpoint service VPC ID |
ServiceVip | String | Endpoint service VIP |
EndPointServiceId | String | Endpoint service ID |
EndPointVip | String | Endpoint VIP |
State | String | Endpoint status. Valid values: ACTIVE (available), PENDING (to be accepted), ACCEPTING (being accepted), REJECTED (rejected), and FAILED (failed). |
CreateTime | String | Creation time |
GroupSet | Array of String | ID list of security group instances bound with endpoints |
ServiceName | String | Endpoint service name Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Endpoint service
Used by actions: CreateVpcEndPointService, DescribeVpcEndPointService.
Name | Type | Description |
EndPointServiceId | String | Endpoint service ID |
VpcId | String | VPC ID |
ServiceOwner | String | APP ID |
ServiceName | String | Endpoint service name |
ServiceVip | String | Real server VIP |
ServiceInstanceId | String | Real server ID in the format of lb-xxx . |
AutoAcceptFlag | Boolean | Whether to automatically accept |
EndPointCount | Integer | Number of associated endpoints Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
EndPointSet | Array of EndPoint | Array of endpoints Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
CreateTime | String | Creation time |
ServiceType | String | Mounted PaaS service type. Values: CLB , CDB , CRS |
Used by actions: DescribeAddressTemplateGroups, DescribeAddressTemplates, DescribeAddresses, DescribeAssistantCidr, DescribeBandwidthPackageResources, DescribeBandwidthPackages, DescribeCcnAttachedInstances, DescribeCcnRoutes, DescribeCcns, DescribeCustomerGateways, DescribeDirectConnectGateways, DescribeFlowLogs, DescribeHaVips, DescribeIPv6Addresses, DescribeIp6Addresses, DescribeLocalGateway, DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules, DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRules, DescribeNatGateways, DescribeNetDetectStates, DescribeNetDetects, DescribeNetworkAclQuintupleEntries, DescribeNetworkAcls, DescribeNetworkInterfaces, DescribeReserveIpAddresses, DescribeRouteTables, DescribeSecurityGroupPolicies, DescribeSecurityGroups, DescribeServiceTemplateGroups, DescribeServiceTemplates, DescribeSnapshotAttachedInstances, DescribeSnapshotPolicies, DescribeSubnets, DescribeTrafficPackages, DescribeVpcEndPoint, DescribeVpcEndPointService, DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList, DescribeVpcInstances, DescribeVpcs, DescribeVpnConnections, DescribeVpnGatewayRoutes, GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | Yes | The attribute name. If more than one Filter exists, the logical relation between these Filters is AND . |
Values | Array of String | Yes | Attribute value. If multiple values exist in one filter, the logical relationship between these values is OR . For a bool parameter, the valid values include TRUE and FALSE . |
Filter key-value pair
Used by actions: DescribeClassicLinkInstances, DescribeVpnGateways.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | Yes | The attribute name. If more than one Filter exists, the logical relation between these Filters is AND . |
Values | Array of String | Yes | The attribute value. If there are multiple Values for one Filter, the logical relation between these Values under the same Filter is OR . |
Flow Log
Used by actions: CreateFlowLog, DescribeFlowLog, DescribeFlowLogs.
Name | Type | Description |
VpcId | String | ID of the VPC instance. |
FlowLogId | String | The unique ID of the flow log. |
FlowLogName | String | The name of the flow log instance. |
ResourceType | String | The type of resource associated with the flow log. Valid values: VPC , SUBNET , NETWORKINTERFACE , CCN , NAT , and DCG . |
ResourceId | String | The unique ID of the resource |
TrafficType | String | Type of flow logs to be collected. Valid values: ACCEPT , REJECT and ALL . |
CloudLogId | String | The storage ID of the flow log |
CloudLogState | String | Flow log storage ID status. |
FlowLogDescription | String | The flow log description. |
CreatedTime | String | The creation time of the flow log. |
TagSet | Array of Tag | Tag list, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. |
Enable | Boolean | Whether to enable. true : yes; false : no. |
StorageType | String | Consumer end types: cls and ckafka Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value can be found. |
FlowLogStorage | FlowLogStorage | Information of the consumer, which is returned when the consumer type is ckafka .Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value can be found. |
CloudLogRegion | String | The region corresponding to the flow log storage ID. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Flow log storage information
Used by actions: CreateFlowLog, DescribeFlowLog, DescribeFlowLogs.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
StorageId | String | Yes | Storage instance ID, which is required when StorageType is ckafka . |
StorageTopic | String | No | Topic ID, which is required when StorageType is ckafka .Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value can be found. |
The gateway traffic monitoring details
Used by actions: DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetail.
Name | Type | Description |
PrivateIpAddress | String | Origin IP . |
InPkg | Integer | Inbound packets. |
OutPkg | Integer | Outbound packets. |
InTraffic | Integer | Inbound traffic, in Byte. |
OutTraffic | Integer | Outbound traffic, in Byte. |
Information of the gateway bandwidth limit
Used by actions: DescribeGatewayFlowQos.
Name | Type | Description |
VpcId | String | VPC instance ID. |
IpAddress | String | CVM Private IP. |
Bandwidth | Integer | Bandwidth limit value. |
CreateTime | String | Creation time. |
HAVIP description information
Used by actions: CreateHaVip, DescribeHaVips.
Name | Type | Description |
HaVipId | String | The ID of the HAVIP . This is the unique identifier of the HAVIP . |
HaVipName | String | The name of the HAVIP . |
Vip | String | The virtual IP address. |
VpcId | String | The ID of the VPC to which the HAVIP belongs. |
SubnetId | String | The ID of the subnet to which the HAVIP belongs. |
NetworkInterfaceId | String | The ID of the ENI associated with the HAVIP . |
InstanceId | String | The ID of the bound instance. |
AddressIp | String | Bound EIP . |
State | String | Status:AVAILABLE : OperatingUNBIND : Not bound |
CreatedTime | Timestamp | Creation Time. |
Business | String | Identifier for businesses that use HAVIP. |
Internet Key Exchange (IKE) configuration. IKE has a self-protection mechanism. The network security protocol is configured by the user.
Used by actions: CreateVpnConnection, DescribeVpnConnections, ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
PropoEncryAlgorithm | String | No | Encryption algorithm. Valid values: 3DES-CBC , AES-CBC-128 , AES-CBS-192 , AES-CBC-256 , DES-CBC , and SM4 ; default value: 3DES-CBC . |
PropoAuthenAlgorithm | String | No | Authentication algorithm. Valid values: MD5 , SHA1 and SHA-256 ; default value: MD5 . |
ExchangeMode | String | No | Negotiation mode. Available values: 'AGGRESSIVE' and 'MAIN'. Default is MAIN. |
LocalIdentity | String | No | Type of local identity. Available values: 'ADDRESS' and 'FQDN'. Default is ADDRESS. |
RemoteIdentity | String | No | Type of remote identity. Available values: 'ADDRESS' and 'FQDN'. Default is ADDRESS. |
LocalAddress | String | No | Local identity. When ADDRESS is selected for LocalIdentity, LocalAddress is required. The default LocalAddress is the public IP of the VPN gateway. |
RemoteAddress | String | No | Remote identity. When ADDRESS is selected for RemoteIdentity, RemoteAddress is required. |
LocalFqdnName | String | No | Local identity. When FQDN is selected for LocalIdentity, LocalFqdnName is required. |
RemoteFqdnName | String | No | Remote identity. When FQDN is selected for RemoteIdentity, RemoteFqdnName is required. |
DhGroupName | String | No | DH group. Specify the DH group used for exchanging the key via IKE. Available values: 'GROUP1', 'GROUP2', 'GROUP5', 'GROUP14', and 'GROUP24'. |
IKESaLifetimeSeconds | Integer | No | IKE SA lifetime (in sec). Value range: 60-604800 |
IKEVersion | String | No | IKE version |
IPSec configuration. The IPSec secure session configuration is provided by Tencent Cloud.
Used by actions: CreateVpnConnection, DescribeVpnConnections, ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
EncryptAlgorithm | String | No | Encryption algorithm. Valid values: 3DES-CBC , AES-CBC-128 , AES-CBC-192 , AES-CBC-256 , DES-CBC , SM4 , and NULL ; default value: AES-CBC-128 . |
IPSECSaLifetimeSeconds | Integer | No | IPsec SA lifetime (in sec). Value range: 180-604800 |
PfsDhGroup | String | No | PFS. Available value: 'NULL', 'DH-GROUP1', 'DH-GROUP2', 'DH-GROUP5', 'DH-GROUP14', and 'DH-GROUP24'. Default is NULL. |
IPSECSaLifetimeTraffic | Integer | No | IPsec SA lifetime (in KB). Value range: 2560-604800 |
Prepaid (monthly subscription) billing object.
Used by actions: CreateVpnGateway, InquiryPriceRenewVpnGateway, RenewVpnGateway.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Period | Integer | Yes | Purchased usage period (in month). Value range: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 24, 36]. |
RenewFlag | String | No | Auto-renewal ID. Value range: NOTIFY_AND_AUTO_RENEW: notify expiry and renew automatically, NOTIFY_AND_MANUAL_RENEW: notify expiry but do not renew automatically. The default is NOTIFY_AND_MANUAL_RENEW |
Statistics used to describe the instance
Used by actions: DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatistics.
Name | Type | Description |
InstanceType | String | Type of instance |
InstanceCount | Integer | Number of instances |
Public Network Inquiry Output Parameters
Used by actions: InquiryPriceAllocateAddresses, InquiryPriceModifyAddressesBandwidth, InquiryPriceRenewAddresses.
Name | Type | Description |
AddressPrice | InternetPriceDetail | Detailed parameters of Public IP inquiry. |
Public IP Inquiry Output Parameters
Used by actions: InquiryPriceAllocateAddresses, InquiryPriceModifyAddressesBandwidth, InquiryPriceRenewAddresses.
Name | Type | Description |
UnitPrice | Float | Postpaid unit price. Unit: USD. Returned only for postpaid price inquiry. |
DiscountPrice | Float | Discounted price. Unit: USD Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
ChargeUnit | String | Billing unit. Valid values:
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
OriginalPrice | Float | Original price. Unit: CNY. Returned only for prepaid price inquiry. |
Information of resources bound with the queried IPs
Used by actions: DescribeUsedIpAddress.
Name | Type | Description |
VpcId | String | VPC instance ID |
SubnetId | String | Subnet instance ID |
IpAddress | String | IP address |
ResourceType | String | Resource type |
ResourceId | String | Resource ID |
IP information to be queried
Used by actions: DescribeIpGeolocationInfos.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Country | Boolean | No | Country/region of the IP |
Province | Boolean | No | Province/municipality/state of the IP |
City | Boolean | No | City of the IP |
Region | Boolean | No | City district of the IP |
Isp | Boolean | No | Access ISP field |
AsName | Boolean | No | ISP backbone network’s AS field |
AsId | Boolean | No | Backbone AS ID |
Comment | Boolean | No | Comment |
IP location
Used by actions: DescribeIpGeolocationInfos.
Name | Type | Description |
Country | String | Country/region Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Province | String | Province- or municipality-level administrative region Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
City | String | Municipal administrative region Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Region | String | Urban area Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Isp | String | Access ISP Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
AsName | String | ISP backbone network’s AS name Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
AsId | String | ISP backbone network’s AS ID Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Comment | String | Comment. The APN value of mobile users is entered currently. If there is no APN attribute, this is null .Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
AddressIp | String | IP address Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
address information.
Used by actions: AssignIpv6Addresses, CreateAndAttachNetworkInterface, CreateNetworkInterface, DescribeNetworkInterfaces, ModifyIpv6AddressesAttribute, UnassignIpv6Addresses.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Address | String | Yes | IPv6 address, such as 3402:4e00:20:100:0:8cd9:2a67:71f3 |
Primary | Boolean | No | Whether it is a primary IP . |
AddressId | String | No | The ID of the EIP instance, such as eip-hxlqja90 . |
Description | String | No | Message description |
IsWanIpBlocked | Boolean | No | Whether the public IP is blocked. |
State | String | No | IPv6 address status:PENDING : CreatingMIGRATING : MigratingDELETING : DeletingAVAILABLE : Available |
IPv6 subnet IP range object.
Used by actions: AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock, UnassignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SubnetId | String | Yes | The ID of the subnet instance, such as subnet-pxir56ns . |
Ipv6CidrBlock | String | No | The IPv6 subnet IP range, such as 3402:4e00:20:1001::/64 |
The pricing information of a single billing item
Used by actions: InquiryPriceRenewVpnGateway, InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth.
Name | Type | Description |
UnitPrice | Float | The pay-as-you-go billing method. Unit: CNY. |
ChargeUnit | String | Pay-as-you-go billing method. Value Range: HOUR: Indicates billing by the hour. Scenarios using this hourly billing unit include: Instances postpaid on an hourly basis (POSTPAID_BY_HOUR), and bandwidth postpaid on an hourly basis (BANDWIDTH_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR). GB: Indicates billing on a per-GB basis. Scenarios using this billing unit include: Traffic postpaid on an hourly basis (TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR). |
OriginalPrice | Float | Original price of the prepaid product. Unit: CNY. |
DiscountPrice | Float | Discount price of the prepaid product. Unit: CNY. |
Local gateway information
Used by actions: CreateLocalGateway, DescribeLocalGateway.
Name | Type | Description |
CdcId | String | CDC instance ID |
VpcId | String | VPC instance ID |
UniqLocalGwId | String | Local gateway instance ID |
LocalGatewayName | String | Local gateway name |
LocalGwIp | String | Local gateway IP |
CreateTime | String | Creation time of the local gateway |
Query the returned object of a NAT route
Used by actions: DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRoute.
Name | Type | Description |
DestinationCidrBlock | String | The IPv4 CIDR of the subnet. |
GatewayType | String | The type of the next-hop gateway. Supported types:DIRECTCONNECT : Direct connect gateway |
GatewayId | String | ID of the next-hop gateway |
CreateTime | Timestamp | The creation time of the route |
UpdateTime | Timestamp | The update time of the route |
NAT gateway object.
Used by actions: CreateNatGateway, DescribeNatGateways.
Name | Type | Description |
NatGatewayId | String | NAT gateway ID. |
NatGatewayName | String | NAT gateway name. |
CreatedTime | String | NAT gateway creation time. |
State | String | The status of the NAT gateway.PENDING : Being created, DELETING : Being deleted, AVAILABLE : Running, UPDATING : Being upgraded,FAILED : Failed. |
InternetMaxBandwidthOut | Integer | The maximum outbound bandwidth of the gateway. Unit: Mbps. |
MaxConcurrentConnection | Integer | The concurrent connections cap of the gateway. |
PublicIpAddressSet | Array of NatGatewayAddress | The public IP object array of the bound NAT gateway. |
NetworkState | String | The NAT gateway status. AVAILABLE : Operating, UNAVAILABLE : Unavailable, INSUFFICIENT : Service suspended due to account overdue. |
DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRuleSet | Array of DestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule | The port forwarding rules of the NAT gateway. |
VpcId | String | VPC instance ID. |
Zone | String | The availability zone in which the NAT gateway is located. |
DirectConnectGatewayIds | Array of String | ID of the direct connect gateway bound. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
SubnetId | String | Subnet ID. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
TagSet | Array of Tag | Tag key-value pairs. |
SecurityGroupSet | Array of String | The list of the security groups bound to the NAT Gateway Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
SourceIpTranslationNatRuleSet | Array of SourceIpTranslationNatRule | SNAT forwarding rule of the NAT gateway. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
IsExclusive | Boolean | Whether the NAT gateway is dedicated. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
ExclusiveGatewayBandwidth | Integer | Bandwidth of the gateway cluster where the dedicated NAT Gateway resides. Unit: Mbps. This field does not exist when the IsExclusive field is set to false .Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
RestrictState | String | Whether the NAT gateway is blocked. Values: NORMAL , RESTRICTED Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
NatProductVersion | Integer | NAT gateway major version. 1 : Classic, 2 : StandardNote: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
SmartScheduleMode | Boolean |
The EIP bound to the NAT gateway
Used by actions: CreateNatGateway, DescribeNatGateways.
Name | Type | Description |
AddressId | String | The unique ID of the Elastic IP (EIP), such as eip-11112222 . |
PublicIpAddress | String | The public IP address, such as . |
IsBlocked | Boolean | The block status of the resource. true indicates the EIP is blocked. false indicates that the EIP is not blocked. |
The port forwarding rules of the NAT gateway
Used by actions: DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules.
Name | Type | Description |
IpProtocol | String | Network protocol. Available choices: TCP , UDP . |
PublicIpAddress | String | EIP. |
PublicPort | Integer | Public port. |
PrivateIpAddress | String | Private IP. |
PrivatePort | Integer | Private port. |
Description | String | NAT gateway forwarding rule description. |
NatGatewayId | String | NAT gateway ID. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
VpcId | String | VPC ID. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
CreatedTime | String | The creation time of the NAT gateway forwarding rule. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
The network detection object.
Used by actions: CreateNetDetect, DescribeNetDetects.
Name | Type | Description |
VpcId | String | The ID of a VPC instance, such as vpc-12345678 . |
VpcName | String | The name of a VPC instance. |
SubnetId | String | The ID of a subnet instance, such as subnet-12345678. |
SubnetName | String | The name of a subnet instance. |
NetDetectId | String | The ID of a network detection instance, such as netd-12345678. |
NetDetectName | String | The name of a network detection instance. The maximum length is 60 characters. |
DetectDestinationIp | Array of String | The array of detection destination IPv4 addresses, which contains at most two IP addresses. |
DetectSourceIp | Array of String | The array of detection source IPv4 addresses automatically allocated by the system. The length is 2. |
NextHopType | String | Type of the next hop. Currently supported types are: VPN: VPN gateway; DIRECTCONNECT : Direct connect gateway;PEERCONNECTION : Peering connection;NAT : NAT gateway;NORMAL_CVM : CVM instance;CCN : CCN instance;NONEXTHOP : No next hop. |
NextHopDestination | String | ID of the next-hop gateway. If NextHopType is set to VPN, the value of this parameter is the VPN gateway ID, such as vpngw-12345678. NextHopType = DIRECTCONNECT : Direct connect gateway ID, such as dcg-12345678 .NextHopType = PEERCONNECTION : Peering connection ID, such as pcx-12345678 .NextHopType = NAT : NAT gateway ID, such as nat-12345678 .If NextHopType is set to NORMAL_CVM, the value of this parameter is the IPv4 address of the CVM, such as NextHopType = CCN : CCN instance ID, such as ccn-12345678 .NextHopType = NONEXTHOP : No next hop. |
NextHopName | String | The name of the next-hop gateway. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
NetDetectDescription | String | Network detection description. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
CreateTime | Timestamp | The creation time. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
The verification result of the network detection destination IP address.
Used by actions: CheckNetDetectState, DescribeNetDetectStates.
Name | Type | Description |
DetectDestinationIp | String | The destination IPv4 address of network detection. |
State | Integer | The detection result. 0: successful; -1: no packet loss occurred during routing; -2: packet loss occurred when outbound traffic is blocked by the ACL; -3: packet loss occurred when inbound traffic is blocked by the ACL; -4: other errors. |
Delay | Integer | The latency. Unit: ms. |
PacketLossRate | Integer | The packet loss rate. |
The network detection verification result.
Used by actions: DescribeNetDetectStates.
Name | Type | Description |
NetDetectId | String | The ID of a network detection instance, such as netd-12345678. |
NetDetectIpStateSet | Array of NetDetectIpState | The array of network detection destination IP verification results. |
Network ACL
Used by actions: CreateNetworkAcl, DescribeNetworkAcls.
Name | Type | Description |
VpcId | String | ID of the VPC instance. |
NetworkAclId | String | ID of the network ACL instance. |
NetworkAclName | String | Name of the network ACL. The maximum length is 60 bytes. |
CreatedTime | String | Creation time. |
SubnetSet | Array of Subnet | Array of subnets associated with the network ACL. |
IngressEntries | Array of NetworkAclEntry | Inbound rules of the network ACL. |
EgressEntries | Array of NetworkAclEntry | Outbound rules of the network ACL. |
NetworkAclType | String | Network ACL type. Valid values: TRIPLE and QUINTUPLE . |
TagSet | Array of Tag | Tag key-value pairs |
Network ACL rules.
Used by actions: CreateNetworkAcl, DescribeNetworkAcls, ModifyNetworkAclEntries.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Protocol | String | No | Protocol. Valid values: TCP, UDP, ICMP, ALL. |
Port | String | No | Port. Valid values: all, single port, range. When Protocol takes the value ALL or ICMP , Port cannot be specified. |
CidrBlock | String | No | IP range or IP address (mutually exclusive). |
Ipv6CidrBlock | String | No | CIDR block or IPv6 address (mutually exclusive). |
Action | String | No | ACCEPT or DROP. |
Description | String | No | Rule description, which is up to 100 bytes. |
ModifyTime | String | No | Modification time. |
Network ACL rule set
Used by actions: ModifyNetworkAclEntries.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Ingress | Array of NetworkAclEntry | No | Inbound rules. |
Egress | Array of NetworkAclEntry | No | Outbound rules. |
Network ACL quintuple
Used by actions: CreateNetworkAclQuintupleEntries, DeleteNetworkAclQuintupleEntries, ModifyNetworkAclEntries, ModifyNetworkAclQuintupleEntries.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Ingress | Array of NetworkAclQuintupleEntry | No | Network ACL quintuple inbound rule. |
Egress | Array of NetworkAclQuintupleEntry | No | Network ACL quintuple outbound rule. |
Network ACL quintuple entry
Used by actions: CreateNetworkAclQuintupleEntries, DeleteNetworkAclQuintupleEntries, DescribeNetworkAclQuintupleEntries, ModifyNetworkAclEntries, ModifyNetworkAclQuintupleEntries.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Protocol | String | No | Protocol. Valid values: TCP , UDP , ICMP , ALL . |
Description | String | No | Description |
SourcePort | String | No | Source port. Valid values: all, single port, range. When Protocol is ALL or ICMP , Port cannot be specified. |
SourceCidr | String | No | Source CIDR block. |
DestinationPort | String | No | Destination port. Valid values: all, single port, range. When Protocol is ALL or ICMP , Port cannot be specified. |
DestinationCidr | String | No | Destination CIDR block. |
Action | String | No | Action. Valid values: ACCEPT and DROP . |
NetworkAclQuintupleEntryId | String | No | Unique ID of a network ACL entry. |
Priority | Integer | No | Priority. 1 refers to the highest priority. |
CreateTime | String | No | Creation time. It’s returned by DescribeNetworkAclQuintupleEntries . |
NetworkAclDirection | String | No | Direction of the rule. It’s returned by DescribeNetworkAclQuintupleEntries . Valid values: INGRESS and EGRESS . |
Used by actions: CreateAndAttachNetworkInterface, CreateNetworkInterface, DescribeNetworkInterfaces.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
NetworkInterfaceId | String | No | The ID of the ENI instance, such as eni-f1xjkw1b . |
NetworkInterfaceName | String | No | ENI Name |
NetworkInterfaceDescription | String | No | ENI description. |
SubnetId | String | No | Subnet instance ID. |
VpcId | String | No | VPC instance ID. |
GroupSet | Array of String | No | Bound security group. |
Primary | Boolean | No | Whether it is the primary ENI. |
MacAddress | String | No | MAC address |
State | String | No | ENI status:PENDING : CreatingAVAILABLE : AvailableATTACHING : BindingDETACHING : UnbindingDELETING : Deleting |
PrivateIpAddressSet | Array of PrivateIpAddressSpecification | No | Private IP information. |
Attachment | NetworkInterfaceAttachment | No | Bound CVM object. Note: This field may return null, indicating no valid value. |
Zone | String | No | Availability Zone. |
CreatedTime | String | No | Creation Time. |
Ipv6AddressSet | Array of Ipv6Address | No | The IPv6 address list. |
TagSet | Array of Tag | No | Tag key-value pair. |
EniType | Integer | No | The ENI type. 0: ENI. 1: EVM ENI. |
Business | String | No | Type of the resource bound with an ENI. Valid values: cvm, eks. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
CdcId | String | No | ID of the CDC instance associated with the ENI Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
AttachType | Integer | No | ENI type. Valid values: 0 (standard); 1 (extension). Default value: 0 .Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
ResourceId | String | No | The ID of resource to retain the ENI primary IP. It’s used as the request parameters for deleting an ENI. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
QosLevel | String | No | Service levelDEFAULT : Default levelPT : GoldAU : SilverAG : BronzeNote: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Binding relationship of the ENI
Used by actions: CreateAndAttachNetworkInterface, CreateNetworkInterface, DescribeNetworkInterfaces.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
InstanceId | String | No | CVM instance ID. |
DeviceIndex | Integer | No | The serial number of ENI in the CVM instance. |
InstanceAccountId | String | No | The account information of the CVM owner. |
AttachTime | String | No | Binding time |
Used by actions: InquiryPriceRenewVpnGateway, InquiryPriceResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth.
Name | Type | Description |
InstancePrice | ItemPrice | Instance price. |
BandwidthPrice | ItemPrice | Bandwidth price |
Private IP information
Used by actions: AssignPrivateIpAddresses, CreateAndAttachNetworkInterface, CreateNetworkInterface, DescribeNetworkInterfaces, ModifyPrivateIpAddressesAttribute, UnassignPrivateIpAddresses.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
PrivateIpAddress | String | Yes | Private IP address. |
Primary | Boolean | No | Whether it is a primary IP. |
PublicIpAddress | String | No | Public IP address. |
AddressId | String | No | EIP instance ID, such as eip-11112222 . |
Description | String | No | Private IP description. |
IsWanIpBlocked | Boolean | No | Whether the public IP is blocked. |
State | String | No | IP status: PENDING: Creating MIGRATING: Migrating DELETING: Deleting AVAILABLE: Available |
QosLevel | String | No | IP service level. Values: PT(Gold), AU(Silver), AG (Bronze) and DEFAULT (Default). |
Quota description information
Used by actions: DescribeAddressQuota, DescribeBandwidthPackageQuota.
Name | Type | Description |
QuotaId | String | Quota name. Value range:TOTAL_EIP_QUOTA :EIP quota under the user's current regionDAILY_EIP_APPLY : Number of EIP applications submitted daily under the user's current regionDAILY_PUBLIC_IP_ASSIGN : Number of public IP reassignments under the user's current region. |
QuotaCurrent | Integer | Current count |
QuotaLimit | Integer | Quota |
Referred security groups
Used by actions: DescribeSecurityGroupReferences.
Name | Type | Description |
SecurityGroupId | String | Security group instance ID. |
ReferredSecurityGroupIds | Array of String | IDs of all referred security group instances. |
Reserved private IP address data.
Used by actions: CreateReserveIpAddresses, DescribeReserveIpAddresses.
Name | Type | Description |
ReserveIpId | String | Unique ID of the reserved private IP address. |
VpcId | String | Unique ID of the VPC. |
SubnetId | String | Unique ID of the subnet. |
ReserveIpAddress | String | Reserved private IP address. |
ResourceId | String | Resource instance ID bound to the reserved private IP address. |
IpType | Integer | IpType applied for the product. |
State | String | Binding status. UnBind: unbound; Bind: bound. |
Name | String | Name of the reserved private IP address. |
Description | String | Description of the reserved private IP address. |
CreatedTime | String | Creation time. |
TagSet | Array of Tag | Tag key-value pair. |
The structure of information of the bandwidth package.
Used by actions: DescribeBandwidthPackageResources, DescribeBandwidthPackages.
Name | Type | Description |
ResourceType | String | The bandwidth package resource type, including Address , and LoadBalance |
ResourceId | String | The bandwidth package ID, such as eip-xxxx and lb-xxxx . |
AddressIp | String | The bandwidth package resource IP. |
VPC resource dashboard (all resource counts)
Used by actions: DescribeVpcResourceDashboard.
Name | Type | Description |
VpcId | String | VPC instance ID, such as vpc-bq4bzxpj . |
SubnetId | String | Subnet instance ID, such as subnet-bthucmmy. |
Classiclink | Integer | Classiclink. |
Dcg | Integer | Direct Connect gateway. |
Pcx | Integer | Peering connection. |
Ip | Integer | Total number of used IPs except for CVM IP, EIP and network probe IP. The three IP types will be independently counted. |
Nat | Integer | NAT gateway. |
Vpngw | Integer | VPN gateway. |
FlowLog | Integer | Flow log. |
NetworkDetect | Integer | Network probing. |
NetworkACL | Integer | Network ACL. |
CVM | Integer | Cloud Virtual Machine. |
LB | Integer | Load balancer. |
CDB | Integer | Relational database. |
Cmem | Integer | TencentDB for Memcached. |
CTSDB | Integer | Cloud time series database. |
MariaDB | Integer | TencentDB for MariaDB (TDSQL). |
SQLServer | Integer | TencentDB for SQL Server. |
Postgres | Integer | TencentDB for PostgreSQL. |
NAS | Integer | Network attached storage. |
Greenplumn | Integer | Snova data warehouse. |
Ckafka | Integer | Cloud Kafka (CKafka). |
Grocery | Integer | Grocery. |
HSM | Integer | Data encryption service. |
Tcaplus | Integer | Game storage - Tcaplus. |
Cnas | Integer | Cnas. |
TiDB | Integer | HTAP database - TiDB. |
Emr | Integer | EMR cluster. |
SEAL | Integer | SEAL. |
CFS | Integer | Cloud file storage - CFS. |
Oracle | Integer | Oracle. |
ElasticSearch | Integer | ElasticSearch Service. |
TBaaS | Integer | Blockchain service. |
Itop | Integer | Itop. |
DBAudit | Integer | Cloud database audit. |
CynosDBPostgres | Integer | Enterprise TencentDB - CynosDB for Postgres. |
Redis | Integer | TencentDB for Redis. |
MongoDB | Integer | TencentDB for MongoDB. |
DCDB | Integer | A distributed cloud database - TencentDB for TDSQL. |
CynosDBMySQL | Integer | An enterprise-grade TencentDB - CynosDB for MySQL. |
Subnet | Integer | Subnets. |
RouteTable | Integer | Route table. |
Information of associated resources
Used by actions: DescribeSubnetResourceDashboard.
Name | Type | Description |
VpcId | String | VPC instance ID, such as vpc-f1xjkw1b. |
SubnetId | String | Subnet instance ID, such as subnet-bthucmmy . |
Ip | Integer | The total number of used IP addresses. |
ResourceStatisticsItemSet | Array of ResourceStatisticsItem | Information of associated resources |
Resource statistical items
Used by actions: DescribeSubnetResourceDashboard.
Name | Type | Description |
ResourceType | String | Resource type, such as CVM, ENI |
ResourceName | String | Resource name. |
ResourceCount | Integer | Number of resources |
Routing policy object
Used by actions: CreateRouteTable, CreateRoutes, DeleteRoutes, DescribeRouteTables, ReplaceRoutes, ResetRoutes.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
DestinationCidrBlock | String | Yes | Destination IP range, such as Values cannot be in the VPC IP range. |
GatewayType | String | Yes | Type of the next hop. Valid values:CVM : public gateway CVM;VPN : VPN gateway;DIRECTCONNECT : direct connect gateway;PEERCONNECTION : peering connection;HAVIP : HAVIP;NAT : NAT Gateway; NORMAL_CVM : normal CVM;EIP : public IP address of the CVM;LOCAL_GATEWAY : local gateway. |
GatewayId | String | Yes | Next hop address. You simply need to specify the gateway ID of a different next hop type, and the system will automatically match the next hop address. Note: If GatewayType is set to NORMAL_CVM , GatewayId should be the private IP of the instance. |
RouteId | Integer | No | Routing policy ID. The IPv4 routing policy will have a meaningful value, while the IPv6 routing policy is always 0. We recommend using the unique ID RouteItemId for the routing policy.This field is required when you want to delete a routing policy. |
RouteDescription | String | No | The description of the routing policy. |
Enabled | Boolean | No | Whether it is enabled |
RouteType | String | No | The route type. Currently, the following types are supported: USER: User route; NETD: Network probe route. When creating a network probe route, the system delivers by default. It cannot be edited or deleted; CCN: CCN route. The system delivers by default. It cannot be edited or deleted. Users can only add and operate USER-type routes. |
RouteTableId | String | No | Route table instance ID, such as rtb-azd4dt1c. |
DestinationIpv6CidrBlock | String | No | Destination IPv6 IP range, which cannot be included in VPC IP range, such as 2402:4e00:1000:810b::/64. |
RouteItemId | String | No | Unique routing policy ID. |
PublishedToVbc | Boolean | No | Whether the routing policy is published to CCN. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
CreatedTime | Timestamp | No | Creation time of the routing policy |
Route table object
Used by actions: CreateRouteTable, CreateRoutes, DescribeRouteTables.
Name | Type | Description |
VpcId | String | VPC instance ID. |
RouteTableId | String | The route table instance ID, such as rtb-azd4dt1c . |
RouteTableName | String | Route table name. |
AssociationSet | Array of RouteTableAssociation | The association relationships of the route table. |
RouteSet | Array of Route | IPv4 routing policy set. |
Main | Boolean | Whether it is the default route table. |
CreatedTime | String | Creation Time. |
TagSet | Array of Tag | Tag key-value pairs. |
LocalCidrForCcn | Array of CidrForCcn | Whether the local route is published to CCN. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
The association relationships of the route table
Used by actions: CreateRouteTable, CreateRoutes, DescribeRouteTables.
Name | Type | Description |
SubnetId | String | Subnet instance ID. |
RouteTableId | String | Route table instance ID. |
Security group object
Used by actions: CloneSecurityGroup, CreateSecurityGroup, CreateSecurityGroupWithPolicies, DescribeSecurityGroups.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SecurityGroupId | String | Yes | The security group instance ID, such as sg-ohuuioma . |
SecurityGroupName | String | Yes | Security group can be named freely, but cannot exceed 60 characters. |
SecurityGroupDesc | String | Yes | The remarks for the security group. The maximum length is 100 characters. |
ProjectId | String | No | The project id is 0 by default. You can query this in the project management page of the Qcloud console. |
IsDefault | Boolean | No | Whether it is the default security group (which cannot be deleted). |
CreatedTime | String | No | Security group creation time. |
TagSet | Array of Tag | No | Tag key-value pairs. |
UpdateTime | String | No | Security group update time. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Statistics on the instances associated with the security group
Used by actions: DescribeSecurityGroupAssociationStatistics.
Name | Type | Description |
SecurityGroupId | String | Security group instance ID. |
CVM | Integer | Number of CVM instances. |
CDB | Integer | Number of TencentDB for MySQL instances |
ENI | Integer | Number of ENI instances. |
SG | Integer | Number of times a security group is referenced by other security groups |
CLB | Integer | Number of load balancer instances. |
InstanceStatistics | Array of InstanceStatistic | The binding statistics for all instances. |
TotalCount | Integer | Total count of all resources (excluding resources referenced by security groups). |
Security group policy object
Used by actions: CreateSecurityGroupPolicies, CreateSecurityGroupWithPolicies, DeleteSecurityGroupPolicies, DescribeSecurityGroupPolicies, DescribeSgSnapshotFileContent, ModifySecurityGroupPolicies, ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicies, ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicy.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
PolicyIndex | Integer | No | The index number of security group rules, which dynamically changes with the rules. This parameter can be obtained via the DescribeSecurityGroupPolicies API and used with the Version field in the returned value of the API. |
Protocol | String | No | Protocol. Valid values: TCP, UDP, ICMP, ICMPv6, ALL. |
Port | String | No | Port (all , a single port, or a port range).Note: If the Protocol value is set to ALL , the Port value also needs to be set to all . |
ServiceTemplate | ServiceTemplateSpecification | No | Protocol port ID or protocol port group ID. ServiceTemplate and Protocol+Port are mutually exclusive. |
CidrBlock | String | No | Either CidrBlock or Ipv6CidrBlock can be specified. Note that if` is entered, it is mapped to |
Ipv6CidrBlock | String | No | The CIDR block or IPv6 (mutually exclusive). |
SecurityGroupId | String | No | The security group instance ID, such as sg-ohuuioma . |
AddressTemplate | AddressTemplateSpecification | No | IP address ID or IP address group ID. |
Action | String | No | ACCEPT or DROP. |
PolicyDescription | String | No | Security group policy description. |
ModifyTime | String | No | The last modification time of the security group. |
Security group policy set
Used by actions: CreateSecurityGroupPolicies, CreateSecurityGroupWithPolicies, DeleteSecurityGroupPolicies, DescribeSecurityGroupPolicies, ModifySecurityGroupPolicies, ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicies, ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicy.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Version | String | No | The version number of the security group policy, which will automatically increase by one each time you update the security group policy, so as to prevent expiration of the updated routing policies. If it is left empty, any conflicts will be ignored. Note: This parameter may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Egress | Array of SecurityGroupPolicy | No | Outbound rule. Note: This parameter may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Ingress | Array of SecurityGroupPolicy | No | Inbound rule. Note: This parameter may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
SecurityPolicyDatabase policy
Used by actions: CreateVpnConnection, DescribeVpnConnections, ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
LocalCidrBlock | String | Yes | Local IP range |
RemoteCidrBlock | Array of String | Yes | Opposite IP range |
Protocol port template
Used by actions: CreateServiceTemplate, CreateServiceTemplateGroup, DescribeServiceTemplateGroups, DescribeServiceTemplates.
Name | Type | Description |
ServiceTemplateId | String | Protocol port instance ID, such as ppm-f5n1f8da . |
ServiceTemplateName | String | Template name. |
ServiceSet | Array of String | Protocol port information. |
CreatedTime | String | Creation Time. |
ServiceExtraSet | Array of ServicesInfo | Protocol port template information with remarks |
Protocol port template group
Used by actions: CreateServiceTemplateGroup, DescribeServiceTemplateGroups.
Name | Type | Description |
ServiceTemplateGroupId | String | Protocol port template group instance ID, such as ppmg-2klmrefu . |
ServiceTemplateGroupName | String | Protocol port template group name. |
ServiceTemplateIdSet | Array of String | Protocol port template instance ID. |
CreatedTime | String | Creation Time. |
ServiceTemplateSet | Array of ServiceTemplate | Protocol port template instance information. |
Protocol port template
Used by actions: CreateSecurityGroupPolicies, CreateSecurityGroupWithPolicies, DeleteSecurityGroupPolicies, DescribeSecurityGroupPolicies, DescribeSgSnapshotFileContent, ModifySecurityGroupPolicies, ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicies, ReplaceSecurityGroupPolicy.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ServiceId | String | Yes | Protocol port ID, such as ppm-f5n1f8da . |
ServiceGroupId | String | Yes | Protocol port group ID, such as ppmg-f5n1f8da . |
Protocol port template information
Used by actions: CreateServiceTemplate, CreateServiceTemplateGroup, DescribeServiceTemplateGroups, DescribeServiceTemplates, ModifyServiceTemplateAttribute.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Service | String | Yes | Protocol port |
Description | String | No | Remarks Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Snapshot file information
Used by actions: DescribeSnapshotFiles.
Name | Type | Description |
SnapshotPolicyId | String | Snapshot policy ID |
InstanceId | String | ID of the instance. |
SnapshotFileId | String | Snapshot file ID |
BackupTime | String | Backup time |
Operator | String | Operator UIN |
Information of instance associated with the snapshot policy
Used by actions: AttachSnapshotInstances, DescribeSnapshotAttachedInstances, DetachSnapshotInstances.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
InstanceId | String | Yes | ID of the instance. |
InstanceType | String | Yes | Type of associated resource. Values: securitygroup |
InstanceRegion | String | Yes | Instance region |
SnapshotPolicyId | String | No | Snapshot policy IDs |
InstanceName | String | No | The instance name. |
Snapshot policy
Used by actions: CreateSnapshotPolicies, DescribeSnapshotPolicies.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SnapshotPolicyName | String | Yes | Snapshot policy name |
BackupType | String | Yes | Backup policy type. Values: operate (Manual backup); time (Scheduled backup) |
KeepTime | Integer | Yes | Snapshot retention period in days. Range: 1 to 365. |
CreateNewCos | Boolean | Yes | Whether to create a new COS bucket. It defaults to False .Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
CosRegion | String | Yes | Region of the COS bucket |
CosBucket | String | Yes | COS bucket |
SnapshotPolicyId | String | No | Snapshot policy ID |
BackupPolicies | Array of BackupPolicy | No | Scheduled backup policies Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Enable | Boolean | No | Whether to enable the policy. Values: True (default), False |
CreateTime | String | No | Creation time Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
SNAT rule of a NAT Gateway
Used by actions: CreateNatGateway, CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule, DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRules, DescribeNatGateways, ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ResourceId | String | Yes | Resource ID. It can be left empty if ResourceType is USERDEFINED . |
ResourceType | String | Yes | Resource type. Valid values: SUBNET , NETWORKINTERFACE , USERDEFINED Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
PrivateIpAddress | String | Yes | Source IP/IP range |
PublicIpAddresses | Array of String | Yes | Elastic IP address pool |
Description | String | Yes | Description |
NatGatewaySnatId | String | No | SNAT rule ID |
NatGatewayId | String | No | NAT gateway ID. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
VpcId | String | No | VPC ID. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
CreatedTime | String | No | The creation time of a NAT gateway's SNAT rule. Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Subnet object
Used by actions: CreateAssistantCidr, CreateNetworkAcl, CreateSubnet, CreateSubnets, CreateVpc, DescribeAssistantCidr, DescribeNetworkAcls, DescribeSubnets, DescribeVpcs, ModifyAssistantCidr.
Name | Type | Description |
VpcId | String | The ID of the VPC instance. |
SubnetId | String | Subnet instance ID , such as subnet-bthucmmy . |
SubnetName | String | Subnet name. |
CidrBlock | String | The IPv4 CIDR of the subnet. |
IsDefault | Boolean | Whether it is the default subnet. |
EnableBroadcast | Boolean | Whether to enable broadcast. |
Zone | String | Availability Zone. |
RouteTableId | String | The route table instance ID, such as rtb-l2h8d7c2 . |
CreatedTime | String | Creation Time. |
AvailableIpAddressCount | Integer | The number of available IPv4 addresses |
Ipv6CidrBlock | String | The IPv6 CIDR of the subnet. |
NetworkAclId | String | The associated ACL ID |
IsRemoteVpcSnat | Boolean | Whether it is a SNAT address pool subnet. |
TotalIpAddressCount | Integer | The total number of IPv4 addresses in the subnet. |
TagSet | Array of Tag | Tag key-value pairs |
CdcId | String | CDC instance ID Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
IsCdcSubnet | Integer | Whether it is a CDC subnet. Valid values: 0: no; 1: yes Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Subnet object
Used by actions: CreateSubnets.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
CidrBlock | String | Yes | The CIDR of the subnet. |
SubnetName | String | Yes | Subnet name. |
Zone | String | Yes | The availability zone, such as ap-guangzhou-2 . |
RouteTableId | String | No | The specified associated route table, such as rtb-3ryrwzuu . |
Tag key-value pair
Used by actions: AllocateAddresses, AllocateIPv6Addresses, AllocateIp6AddressesBandwidth, CloneSecurityGroup, CreateAndAttachNetworkInterface, CreateAssistantCidr, CreateBandwidthPackage, CreateCcn, CreateCustomerGateway, CreateFlowLog, CreateNatGateway, CreateNetworkAcl, CreateNetworkInterface, CreateReserveIpAddresses, CreateRouteTable, CreateRoutes, CreateSecurityGroup, CreateSecurityGroupWithPolicies, CreateSubnet, CreateSubnets, CreateVpc, CreateVpnConnection, CreateVpnGateway, DescribeAddresses, DescribeAssistantCidr, DescribeCcns, DescribeFlowLog, DescribeFlowLogs, DescribeIPv6Addresses, DescribeIp6Addresses, DescribeNatGateways, DescribeNetworkAcls, DescribeNetworkInterfaces, DescribeReserveIpAddresses, DescribeRouteTables, DescribeSecurityGroups, DescribeSubnets, DescribeTrafficPackages, DescribeVpcs, DescribeVpnConnections, GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits, ModifyAssistantCidr.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Key | String | Yes | Tag key Note: This field may return null, indicating no valid value. |
Value | String | No | Tag value Note: This field may return null, indicating no valid value. |
Information of a traffic package
Used by actions: DescribeTrafficPackages.
Name | Type | Description |
TrafficPackageId | String | Unique traffic package ID |
TrafficPackageName | String | Traffic package name Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
TotalAmount | Float | Traffic package size in GB |
RemainingAmount | Float | Traffic package balance in GB |
Status | String | Traffic package status. Valid values: AVAILABLE , EXPIRED , EXHAUSTED , REFUNDED , DELETED |
CreatedTime | Timestamp ISO8601 | Traffic package creation time |
Deadline | Timestamp ISO8601 | Traffic package expiration time |
UsedAmount | Float | Used traffic in GB |
TagSet | Array of Tag | Traffic package tag Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
DeductType | String | Traffic package type (idle-time or full-time) |
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) object.
Used by actions: CreateVpc, DescribeVpcs.
Name | Type | Description |
VpcName | String | VPC name. |
VpcId | String | VPC instance ID , such as vpc-azd4dt1c . |
CidrBlock | String | The IPv4 CIDR of the VPC . |
IsDefault | Boolean | Whether it is the default VPC . |
EnableMulticast | Boolean | Whether multicast is enabled. |
CreatedTime | String | Creation Time. |
DnsServerSet | Array of String | DNS list. |
DomainName | String | DHCP domain name option value. |
DhcpOptionsId | String | DHCP option set ID . |
EnableDhcp | Boolean | Whether DHCP is enabled. |
Ipv6CidrBlock | String | The IPv6 CIDR of the VPC . |
TagSet | Array of Tag | Tag key-value pair |
AssistantCidrSet | Array of AssistantCidr | The secondary CIDR block. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Details of allowed endpoint services
Used by actions: DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList.
Name | Type | Description |
Owner | Integer | APP ID |
UserUin | String | User UIN |
Description | String | Description |
CreateTime | String | Creation time |
EndPointServiceId | String | Endpoint service ID |
VPC private IPv6 object.
Used by actions: DescribeVpcIpv6Addresses.
Name | Type | Description |
Ipv6Address | String | VPC private IPv6 address |
CidrBlock | String | The IPv6 CIDR belonging to the subnet. |
Ipv6AddressType | String | IPv6 type. |
CreatedTime | String | IPv6 application time. |
VPC private IP object.
Used by actions: DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddresses.
Name | Type | Description |
PrivateIpAddress | String | VPC private IP . |
CidrBlock | String | The CIDR belonging to the subnet. |
PrivateIpAddressType | String | Private IP type. |
CreatedTime | Timestamp | IP application time. |
Result of a VPC-related task
Used by actions: DescribeVpcTaskResult.
Name | Type | Description |
ResourceId | String | Resource ID Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value can be obtained. |
Status | String | Status Note: This field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
VPN tunnel object.
Used by actions: CreateVpnConnection, DescribeVpnConnections.
Name | Type | Description |
VpnConnectionId | String | Tunnel instance ID. |
VpnConnectionName | String | Tunnel name. |
VpcId | String | VPC instance ID. |
VpnGatewayId | String | The ID of the VPN gateway instance. |
CustomerGatewayId | String | Customer gateway instance ID. |
PreShareKey | String | The pre-shared key. |
VpnProto | String | Tunnel transmission protocol. |
EncryptProto | String | Tunnel encryption protocol. |
RouteType | String | Route Type. |
CreatedTime | Timestamp | Creation Time. |
State | String | Production status of the tunnel. PENDING: Creating; AVAILABLE: Running; DELETING: Deleting. |
NetStatus | String | Connection status of the tunnel. AVAILABLE: Connected. |
SecurityPolicyDatabaseSet | Array of SecurityPolicyDatabase | SPD. |
IKEOptionsSpecification | IKEOptionsSpecification | IKE options. |
IPSECOptionsSpecification | IPSECOptionsSpecification | IPSEC options. |
EnableHealthCheck | Boolean | Whether the health check is supported. |
HealthCheckLocalIp | String | Local IP address for the health check |
HealthCheckRemoteIp | String | Peer IP address for the health check |
HealthCheckStatus | String | Tunnel health check status. Valid values: AVAILABLE: healthy; UNAVAILABLE: unhealthy. This parameter will be returned only after health check is enabled. |
DpdEnable | Integer | Whether to enable DPD. Values: 0 (Disable) and 1 (Enable)Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
DpdTimeout | String | DPD timeout period. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
DpdAction | String | The action to take in case of DPD timeout. Values: clear (Disconnect) and restart (retry). This parameter only takes effect when DpdEnable is set to 1 .Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
TagSet | Array of Tag | Array of tag key-value pairs |
NegotiationType | String | Negotiation type Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
VPN gateway object.
Used by actions: CreateVpnGateway, DescribeVpnGateways.
Name | Type | Description |
VpnGatewayId | String | Gateway instance ID. |
VpcId | String | VPC instance ID. |
VpnGatewayName | String | Gateway instance name. |
Type | String | Gateway instance type. Valid values: 'IPSEC', 'SSL', and 'CCN'. |
State | String | Gateway instance status. 'PENDING': Creating; 'DELETING': Deleting; 'AVAILABLE': Running. |
PublicIpAddress | String | Gateway public IP. |
RenewFlag | String | Gateway renewal type: 'NOTIFY_AND_MANUAL_RENEW': Manual renewal. 'NOTIFY_AND_AUTO_RENEW': Automatic renewal. 'NOT_NOTIFY_AND_NOT_RENEW': No renewal after expiration. |
InstanceChargeType | String | Gateway billing type: POSTPAID_BY_HOUR: Postpaid by hour; PREPAID: Prepaid. |
InternetMaxBandwidthOut | Integer | Outbound bandwidth of gateway. |
CreatedTime | Timestamp | Creation Time. |
ExpiredTime | Timestamp | Expiration time of the prepaid gateway. |
IsAddressBlocked | Boolean | Whether the public IP is blocked. |
NewPurchasePlan | String | Change of billing method. PREPAID_TO_POSTPAID: Monthly subscription prepaid to postpaid by hour. |
RestrictState | String | Gateway billing status. PROTECTIVELY_ISOLATED: Instance is isolated; NORMAL: Normal. |
Zone | String | The availability zone, such as ap-guangzhou-2 |
VpnGatewayQuotaSet | Array of VpnGatewayQuota | Gateway bandwidth quota information. |
Version | String | Gateway instance version. |
NetworkInstanceId | String | CCN instance ID when the value of Type is CCN. |
CdcId | String | CDC instance ID |
MaxConnection | Integer | Maximum number of connected clients allowed for the SSL VPN gateway. |
VPN gateway quota object
Used by actions: CreateVpnGateway, DescribeVpnGateways.
Name | Type | Description |
Bandwidth | Integer | The bandwidth quota. |
Cname | String | The bandwidth quota name in Chinese. |
Name | String | The bandwidth quota name in English. |
Destination routes of a VPN gateway
Used by actions: CreateVpnGatewayRoutes, DescribeVpnGatewayRoutes, ModifyVpnGatewayRoutes.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
DestinationCidrBlock | String | Yes | Destination IDC IP range |
InstanceType | String | Yes | Next hop type (type of the associated instance). Valid values: VPNCONN (VPN tunnel) and CCN (CCN instance) |
InstanceId | String | Yes | Instance ID of the next hop |
Priority | Integer | Yes | Priority. Valid values: 0 and 100 |
Status | String | Yes | Status. Valid values: ENABLE and DISABLE |
RouteId | String | No | Route ID |
Type | String | No | Route type. Valid values: VPC , CCN (CCN-propagated route), Static , and BGP . |
CreateTime | Timestamp | No | The creation time. |
UpdateTime | Timestamp | No | The update time. |
Modify route status of the VPN gateway
Used by actions: ModifyVpnGatewayRoutes.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
RouteId | String | Yes | Route ID of the VPN gateway |
Status | String | Yes | Route status of the VPN gateway. Valid values: ENABLE , and DISABLE . |
Information on VPN gateway-based CCN routes.
Used by actions: DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutes, ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutes.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
RouteId | String | Yes | Route ID |
Status | String | No | Enable the route or not ENABLE: enable the route DISABLE: do not enable the route |
DestinationCidrBlock | String | No | Route CIDR block |
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