tencent cloud


Creating Application

Last updated: 2024-05-27 15:23:02


    A Tencent Cloud account can create up to 500 applications. After creating an application, you will get the SDK AppID (unique ID of the application) and the App Key (password used to verify the validity of an SMS delivery request).
    The AppKey for the SDK AppID should be kept confidential.


    You have signed up for a Tencent Cloud account and completed identity verification.


    1. Log in to the SMS Console.
    2. Select a region in the upper-left corner of the overview page.
    3. On the left sidebar, select Application Management > Application List and click Create Application.
    4. In the pop-up window, enter information for Application Name and Application Intro.
    5. Set Tag, Application configuration, and Application Alarm Contact Person.
    6. Click Create.
    Then you can return to the Application List page to view the new application block.
    SMS applications across regions are not interconnected.
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