Signature addition response
Used by actions: AddSmsSign.
Name | Type | Description |
SignId | Integer | Signature ID. |
Template parameter addition response
Used by actions: AddSmsTemplate.
Name | Type | Description |
TemplateId | String | Template ID. |
Receipt statistics response body
Used by actions: CallbackStatusStatistics.
Name | Type | Description |
CallbackCount | Integer | Messages with receipt. |
RequestSuccessCount | Integer | Successfully submitted SMS messages. |
CallbackFailCount | Integer | Failed receipts. |
CallbackSuccessCount | Integer | Successful receipts. |
InternalErrorCount | Integer | Carrier's internal error. |
InvalidNumberCount | Integer | Invalid numbers. |
ShutdownErrorCount | Integer | Errors such as out-of-service or power-off. |
BlackListCount | Integer | Blocked mobile numbers. |
FrequencyLimitCount | Integer | Carrier rate limit hits. |
Signature deletion response
Used by actions: DeleteSmsSign.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
DeleteStatus | String | Yes | Deletion status information. |
DeleteTime | Integer | Yes | Deleted time in seconds in the format of UNIX timestamp. |
Template deletion response
Used by actions: DeleteSmsTemplate.
Name | Type | Description |
DeleteStatus | String | Deletion status information. |
DeleteTime | Integer | Deleted time in seconds in the format of UNIX timestamp. |
Response for getting SMS signature information
Used by actions: DescribeSmsSignList.
Name | Type | Description |
SignId | Integer | Signature ID. |
International | Integer | Whether it is Global SMS. 0: Mainland China SMS; 1: Global SMS. |
StatusCode | Integer | Signature application status. Valid values: 0: approved; 1: under review. -1: application rejected or failed. |
ReviewReply | String | Review reply, i.e., response given by the reviewer, which is usually the reason for rejection. |
SignName | String | Signature name. |
CreateTime | Integer | Application submission time in the format of UNIX timestamp in seconds. |
Response for getting SMS template information
Used by actions: DescribeSmsTemplateList.
Name | Type | Description |
TemplateId | Integer | Template ID. |
International | Integer | Whether it is Global SMS. 0: Mainland China SMS; 1: Global SMS. |
StatusCode | Integer | Template application status. Valid values: 0: approved and effective; 1: under review; 2: approved but to be effective; -1: application rejected or failed. |
ReviewReply | String | Review reply, i.e., response given by the reviewer, which is usually the reason for rejection. |
TemplateName | String | Template name. |
CreateTime | Integer | Application submission time in the format of UNIX timestamp in seconds. |
TemplateContent | String | Template content. |
Signature modification response
Used by actions: ModifySmsSign.
Name | Type | Description |
SignId | Integer | Signature ID. |
Template parameter modification response
Used by actions: ModifySmsTemplate.
Name | Type | Description |
TemplateId | Integer | Template ID. |
Mobile number information.
Used by actions: DescribePhoneNumberInfo.
Name | Type | Description |
Code | String | Error code for mobile number information query. Ok will be returned if the query is successful. |
Message | String | Description of the error code for mobile number information query. |
NationCode | String | Country (or region) code. |
SubscriberNumber | String | Subscriber number in normal format such as 13711112222, without any prefix (country or region code). |
PhoneNumber | String | The standardized mobile number in E.164 format after parsing, which is consistent with the parsed number for SMS message delivery. If the parsing fails, the original number will be returned. |
IsoCode | String | Country or region code such as CN and US. If the country or region code cannot be identified, DEF will be returned by default. |
IsoName | String | Country code or region name such as China. For more information, see Global SMS Price Overview |
SMS reply status
Used by actions: PullSmsReplyStatus, PullSmsReplyStatusByPhoneNumber.
Name | Type | Description |
ExtendCode | String | SMS code number extension, which is not activated by default. If you need to activate it, please contact SMS Helper. |
CountryCode | String | Country (or region) code. |
PhoneNumber | String | Mobile number in the E.164 standard (+[country/region code][mobile number]), such as +8613711112222, which has a + sign followed by 86 (country/region code) and then by 13711112222 (mobile number). |
SignName | String | SMS signature name. |
ReplyContent | String | User reply. |
ReplyTime | Integer | Reply time in seconds in the format of UNIX timestamp. |
SubscriberNumber | String | User's mobile number in a common format such as 13711112222. |
SMS delivery status details
Used by actions: PullSmsSendStatus, PullSmsSendStatusByPhoneNumber.
Name | Type | Description |
UserReceiveTime | Integer | Actual time of SMS receipt by user in seconds in the format of UNIX timestamp. |
CountryCode | String | Country (or region) code. |
SubscriberNumber | String | User's mobile number in a common format such as 13711112222. |
PhoneNumber | String | Mobile number in the E.164 standard (+[country/region code][mobile number]), such as +8613711112222, which has a + sign followed by 86 (country/region code) and then by 13711112222 (mobile number). |
SerialNo | String | ID of the current delivery. |
ReportStatus | String | Whether the SMS message is actually received. Valid values: SUCCESS (success), FAIL (failure). |
Description | String | Description of SMS receipt by user. |
SessionContext | String | User session content, which is the same as the SessionContext in the request and is empty by default. If you need to activate it, contact SMS Helper.Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Response for conversion rate reporting
Used by actions: ReportConversion.
Name | Type | Description |
Code | String | Error code. ok is returned if the conversion rate is successfully reported. |
Message | String | Error code description. |
SMS delivery status
Used by actions: SendSms.
Name | Type | Description |
SerialNo | String | Delivery serial number. |
PhoneNumber | String | Mobile number in the E.164 standard (+[country/region code][mobile number]), such as +8613711112222, which has a + sign followed by 86 (country/region code) and then by 13711112222 (mobile number). |
Fee | Integer | Number of billable SMS messages. For billing rules, see Billing Policy. |
SessionContext | String | User session content. |
Code | String | SMS request error code. For specific meanings, see Error Codes. Ok will be returned for successful delivery. |
Message | String | SMS request error message. |
IsoCode | String | Country/Region code, such as CN and US. For unrecognized country/region codes, DEF is returned by default. For the specific list of supported values, please see Global SMS Price Overview. |
Delivery statistics response body
Used by actions: SendStatusStatistics.
Name | Type | Description |
FeeCount | Integer | Billable SMS message quantity; for example, in 100 successfully submitted SMS messages, if 20 ones are long messages (over 80 characters) and split into two messages each, then the billable quantity will be 80 * 1 + 20 * 2 = 120. |
RequestCount | Integer | Submitted SMS messages. |
RequestSuccessCount | Integer | Successfully submitted SMS messages. |
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