1-minute metric | 5-second metric | Description |
CpuUsMin | CpuUtil | Average CPU utilization |
CpuMaxUs | CpuMaxUtil | The maximum CPU utilization of a node (shard or replica) in an instance |
StorageMin | MemUsed | Actually used memory capacity, including the capacity for data and cache |
StorageUsMin | MemUtil | The ratio of the actually used memory to the requested total memory |
StorageMaxUs | MemMaxUtil | The maximum among all node (shard or replica) memory utilizations in an instance |
KeysMin | Keys | The total number of keys (level-1 keys) in instance storage |
ExpiredKeysMin | Expired | The number of keys expired in a time window, which is equal to the value of expired_keys output by the info command. |
EvictedKeysMin | Evicted | The number of keys evicted in a time window, which is equal to the value of evicted_keys output by the info command. |
ConnectionsMin | Connections | The number of TCP connections to an instance |
ConnectionsUsMin | ConnectionsUtil | The ratio of the number of TCP connections to the maximum number of connections |
InFlowMin | InFlow | Private network inbound traffic |
InFlowUs | InBandwidthUtil | The ratio of the actually used private inbound traffic to the maximum traffic |
- | InFlowLimit | The number of times inbound traffic triggers a traffic limit |
OutFlowMin | OutFlow | Private network outbound traffic |
OutFlowUs | OutBandwidthUtil | The ratio of the actually used private outbound traffic to the maximum traffic |
- | OutFlowLimit | The number of times outbound traffic triggers a traffic limit |
LatencyMin | LatencyAvg | The average execution latency between the proxy and the Redis server |
- | LatencyMax | The maximum execution latency between the proxy and the Redis server |
- | LatencyP99 | The P99 latency between the proxy and the Redis server |
LatencyGetMin | LatencyRead | The average execution latency of read commands between the proxy and the Redis server |
LatencySetMin | LatencyWrite | The average execution latency of write command between the proxy and the Redis server |
LatencyOtherMin | LatencyOther | The average execution latency of commands (excluding write and read commands) between the proxy and the Redis server |
QpsMin | Commands | Queries per second |
StatGetMin | CmdRead | The number of read command executions per second |
StatSetMin | CmdWrite | The number of write command executions per second |
StatOtherMin | CmdOther | The number of command (excluding write and read commands) executions per second |
BigValueMin | CmdBigValue | The number of executions of requests larger than 32 KB per second |
- | CmdKeyCount | The number of keys accessed by a command per second |
- | CmdMget | The number of MGET commands executed per second |
SlowQueryMin | CmdSlow | The number of command executions with a latency greater than the slowlog-log-slower-than configuration |
StatSuccessMin | CmdHits | The number of keys successfully requested by read commands, which is equal to the value of the keyspace_hits metric output by the info command. |
StatMissedMin | CmdMiss | The number of keys unsuccessfully requested by read commands, which is equal to the value of the keyspace_misses metric output by the info command. |
CmdErrMin | CmdErr | The number of command execution errors. For example, the command does not exist, parameters are incorrect, etc. |
CacheHitRatioMin | CmdHitsRatio | Key hits/(key hits + key misses). This metric can reflect the situation of cache miss. |
field returned by the DescribeInstances API. If the value is 5s
, this instance supports the monitoring granularity of five seconds; if the value is 1m
, it supports only the monitoring granularity of one minute.