Instance Naming Rules
Name Redis instance in accordance with the following rules: {Environment}-{Branch}-{Project number}-{Business name}-{Region}-{Zone}-{Number}.
Environment: prd or dev.
Branch: Name of the branch, such as cx
Project number: Assign a number to each project group, such as p001
Business name: Redis business name, such as abc
Region: Abbreviation for the region of an instance, such as gz
Zone: Abbreviation for the zone of an instance, such as gzcx01
Number: The number of the first Redis instance, which starts from 1.
So the instance name is prd-cx-p001-abc-gz-gzcx01-1
Key Naming Rules
Key name must be prefixed with a business or a database name separated by colons to avoid key
conflict. The recommended naming rule is: business name:database name:table name: data ID
Business name: Abbreviation of the business system, such as cx
Database name: Name of the database, such as cxdb
Table name: Name of the database table, such as user
Data ID: ID or the primary key field in the data table, such as "uid"in database table.
So the key name is cx:cxdb:user:000110011