tencent cloud


Quick Deployment

Last updated: 2024-11-29 18:15:41


    This task shows you how to use Serverless Framework to quickly create, configure, and deploy a Serverless application on Tencent Cloud.
    Serverless Framework provides a Visualized Page for you to view and manage the resources of a Serverless application.
    Serverless Framework Component V2 has been released. We advise you to use the latest version.


    Ensure that Serverless Framework 1.67.2 or later has been installed in advance.
    If your Tencent Cloud account is the root account, you can continue implementing deployment. If your account is a sub-account, please go to Account and Permission Configuration to get permission before implementing deployment.


    Creating an Application

    You can run the sls init command to quickly create an SCF, Express.js, or static website hosting application. For example, to create an Express.js application:
    sls init express-demo
    You can run the sls registry command to view the supported demo.
    Go to the express-demo directory and perform deployment:
    cd express-demo && sls deploy
    After the deployment is completed, visit the URL returned from the CLI to access the deployed application.
    To view the detailed information during deployment, you can add the --debug parameter.

    Viewing the Deployment Information

    To view the application deployment statuses and resources again, go to the directory that is successfully deployed and run the following command:
    $ cd express-app #Go to the project directory.
    $ sls info
    sls is short for the serverless command.

    Developing and Debugging

    Run the sls dev command to enable the real-time deployment log. This capability automatically detects the updates of the local code and deploys the updates on cloud. In addition, the invoked log can be output in real time. For a Node.js 10 application, cloud debugging is available. For more information, please see “In-cloud Debugging: Node.js 10+” in Development Mode and In-cloud Debugging.
    $ cd express-app
    $ sls dev

    Removing the Project

    Run the sls remove command to remove all on-cloud resources, as shown below:
    $ cd express-app #Go to the project directory.
    $ sls remove
    serverless ⚡ framework
    Action: "remove" - Stage: "dev" - App: "scfApp" - Instance: "scfdemo"
    6s › scfdemo › Success
    To view the detailed information during removal, you can add the --debug parameter.

    Configuring Account Information (Optional)

    To configure persistent environment variables or key information, please refer to Account and Permission Configuration.


    Question 1: What do I do if instructions are not displayed when I enter serverless? Solution: Add the SERVERLESS_PLATFORM_VENDOR=tencent configuration to the .env file.
    Question 2: What do I do if the deployment with an overseas network is very slow after I enter sls deploy? Solution: Add the GLOBAL_ACCELERATOR_NA=true configuration to the .env file to accelerate the overseas network.
    Question 3: What do I do if network error occurs during deployment after I enter sls deploy? Solution: Add the following proxy configurations to the .env file.
    HTTP_PROXY= #Your proxy
    HTTPS_PROXY= #Your proxy
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